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Your Time Isn’t Up Yet! 别高兴得太早!








One day, a 35-year-old woman was walking down the street when she suddenly had a heart attack and fell to the sidewalk. An ambulance was called, and she was rushed to the hospital. On the way, she had a near-death experience and found herself standing in front of God. Upon seeing Him, she timidly asked, “Am I really dead?”




God replied, “No. Your time on earth isn’t up yet. You still have a long life ahead of you. You will live for another 67 years, so now, you must return to the world of mortals.”




The woman then came to in the hospital, relieved not to be dead. She decided then and there to make the most of the long life she had left. As soon as she left the hospital, she went out and got liposuction and a face-lift. She also bought new, stylish and trendy clothes and dyed and permed her hair. However, a week later, when the woman was crossing the road, a bus ran a red light and hit the woman, killing her.




Finding herself in front of God again, she boldly asked Him, “Why am I dead? You said that I would live for another 67 years! Why didn’t you save me from that bus?” God replied, “I would have, but I didn’t recognized you.”







ambulance [ˋæmbjələns] n. 救护车

timidly [ˋtɪmɪdlɪ] adv. 胆小地

mortal [ˋmɔrt!] n. 凡人

boldly [ˋboldlɪ] adv. 大胆地


More Information

time is up 时间到了

near-death experience 濒临死亡经验

ahead of 在前面

come to 苏醒

then and there: 当时当地; 立即 at that precise time and place; on the spot

make the most of: 充分利用

liposuction [ˋlɪpo͵sʌkʃən] n. 脂肪吸除手术

face-lift [ˋfeslɪft]  n. 整容

perm [pɝm] v. 烫发




当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Basic English (中英文講解) Joke (笑话) Your Time Isn’t Up Yet! 别高兴得太早!