How Do They Do It? 生活科技大解密
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年5月03日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2011年10月19日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:604
At her office in Taipei 101, Mae is watching a promotion clip on a plasma TV. Meanwhile, a brightly-colored copy of the company’s advertisement comes out of her inkjet printer. She then casts a glance at her watch. Thanks to all this technology, she will be on time for the fireworks. Welcome to our world of high-tech devices. All of this would not be possible were it not for the sophisticated engineering that lies behind these items. This month, The Discovery’s How Do They Do It? takes you to the labs where 21st century is being created.
The plasma TV that Mae uses is filled with two gases, neon and xenon. In a chain of events similar to the creation of the Northern Lights, the gases are transformed by an electrical current into plasma. Each little pixel on the screen is coated with red, green, and blue chemicals. The chemical reaction that follows creates the colors that you see. Without those gases, plasma TVs would never be so thin.
Inkjet printer cartridges are amazing products of precision. Each cartridge has a stamp-sized plate with about 400 tiny ink nozzles. Inside the cartridge, the ink is vaporized by a burst of energy whose temperature is seven times that of the sun. Every second, 36,000 droplets of ink are ejected through the nozzles. To prevent clogging, the ink itself is manufactured in one of the cleanest environments on earth.
sophisticated [səˋfɪstɪ͵ketɪd] adj. 复杂的,精密的
precision [prɪˋsɪʒən] n. 精确(性)
eject [ɪˋdʒɛkt] v. 喷射,吐出
manufacture [͵mænjəˋfæktʃɚ] v.(大量)制造
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cast a glance at: 看一眼,扫一眼,瞥一眼 look atsomeone or something quickly
neon [ˋni͵ɑn] n.氖
xenon [ˋzinɑn] n. 氙
pixel [ˋpɪksəl] n.【术语】像素﹐像点〔计算机屏幕上图像最小的单元〕
cartridge [ˋkɑrtrɪdʒ] n. 墨水筒
nozzle [ˋnɑz!] n. 喷嘴
droplet [ˋdrɑplɪt] n. 小滴
clog [klɑg] v. 堵塞
Mae’s watch is an incredible piece of engineering, but it would not exist without a material that is found almost everywhere: quartz. This material has a secret. Under pressure, it vibrates exactly 32,000 times a second. A tiny piece of quartz is therefore placed in an ant-sized metal vacuum inside each watch. A small computer counts the 32,000 beats and translated them into electronic pulses, each precisely one second in length.
Before she leaves her office, Mae puts running shoes on. Modern running shoes are the result of years of study on how the body moves. Each step we take consists of five pressure phases. By hooking up the shoes to a computer, designers are able to analyze the stresses that occur when we walk or run. Various materials, including rubber and gels, are used to absorb, disperse, and reduce the stresses.
Mae is looking up at the night sky. All of a sudden, the night explodes into bright colors. Fireworks are made with a blend of chemicals. When ignited, these chemicals create an explosive force. Special effects are achieved by adding small pellets known as “pearls.” Add mineral salts and aluminum flakes, and you get colors and sparkles.
From plasma TV to fireworks, our modern world feeds on the ingenuity of the human mind. What is amazing is that even highly complex things are made to look so ……… simple.
−By J. Michael Cole
vibrate [ˋvaɪbret] v. 振动;震动
phase [fez] n. 阶段,时期
hook up ... to: 连接﹐ 接通上... to connect a mechanism and a source of power
disperse [dɪˋspɝs] v. 驱散; 使散布
ingenuity [͵ɪndʒəˋnuətɪ] n. 心灵手巧;独创性
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quartz [kwɔrts] n. 石英
vacuum [ˋvækjʊəm] n. 真空
pellet [ˋpɛlɪt] n. 颗粒状物;小球
flake [flek] n. 小薄片
sparkle [ˋspɑrk!] n. 火花;闪耀,闪光
feed on: 从…得到满足或供养 be sustained by
Reading Questions
1. What is NOT true about modern technology?
A. It has made life much easier and more convenient.
B. It has allowed certain things, like televisions, to become thinner and smaller.
C. It has been depending on elementary engineering.
D. It has come from the ingenuity of the human mind.
2. What can we infer from the article?
A. Many complex things do not look simple at all.
B. Modern technology has affected many different aspects of our lives.
C. Modern technology makes many things we have more expensive.
D. People who live without modern technology are much more satisfied.
3. According to the article, which of the following statement is true?
A. Quartz vibrates inside plasma televisions to produce a picture.
B. Neon and xenon are two gases that inkjet printers need to work.
C. Various materials like mineral salts and aluminum flakes are in running shoes.
D. Inside an inkjet printer cartridge, ink is used into vapor at an incredibly high temperature.
1. ( C ) |
2. ( B) |
3. ( D ) |