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The Crown Prince’s Sandbox Projects 杜拜棕榈岛:奢华之梦






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Kilometers above the Middle East, a satellite gazes down at the sea off the coast of Dubai, one of the richest places in the Arab world. ___1___




This is The Palm, Dubai’s new paradiseresort. ___2___ Aware that the kingdom’s oil wealth is finite, the Crown Prince of Dubai knew that he would need a future source of revenue. ___3___ Instead of future riches gushing out of the ground, the kingdom will tap into the pockets of the world’s wealthiest, hoping that they will flock to its luxurious houses and hotels.




___4___ To erect the 11.5 kilometer breakwater (the wall that protects the islands from the ocean), 5.5 million cubic meters of rock were required, enough, in fact, to build two Egyptian pyramids.




In 2006, after five years of construction, The Palm finally opened to the public. ___5___ Encouraged by this success, the little kingdom that thinks big is now embarking upon a project to build a series of artificial islands that, seen from above, resemble ….. the world’s continents.




by J. Michael Cole


A.          More than 94 million cubic meters of sand were used to build the artificial islands.

B.          All the houses in the islands were sold within three days.

C.          Suddenly, its powerful lens captures an incredible image: that of a gigantic palm tree, more than four kilometers out at sea.

D.         As its name suggests, it consists of a series of islands arranged in the shape of a palm tree.

E.          With this project, and others, he hopes to transform Dubai into one of the world’s premier tourist destinations.



resort [rɪˋzɔrt] n. 度假胜地

revenue [ˋrɛvə͵nju] n. 收入,收益

tap into:  挖掘;接入

erect [ɪˋrɛkt] v. 树立;建立,设立

embark upon: 从事;开始做 to start something new or important

premier [ˋprimɪɚ] adj. 首位的;首要的


More Information

gaze [gez] v. 凝视,注视,盯

finite [ˋfaɪnaɪt] adj. 有限的

crown prince 王储

gush [gʌʃ] v. 喷,涌

breakwater [ˋbrek͵wɔtɚ] n. 防波堤

think big 雄心勃勃



Dubai - The Palm Jumeirah




1. ( C )

2. ( D )

3. ( E )

4. ( A )

5. ( B )


当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Basic English (中英文講解) Technology (科技) The Crown Prince’s Sandbox Projects 杜拜棕榈岛:奢华之梦