The Last Great Race 冰原的终极奔驰
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年3月13日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2011年10月08日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:610
It has been called the last great race on Earth, and for good reason: It stretches over 1,100 miles, and takes two weeks for the fastest competitors to complete. Unlike a marathon, it can’t be done alone. Racers, known as mushers, must rely on a team of well-trained dogs.
The race is called the Iditarod, and it takes place in late winter in the northern US state of Alaska. If you picture a tough man, or woman, riding a yelping dogsled team across a vast landscape filled with towering snowy mountains, frozen rivers, and wild animals, you are pretty close to the reality. The Iditarod covers some of the harshest, but most beautiful, terrain on earth.
The race starts each year in March. By this time, mushers and dogs have been training for almost a year. Each musher has his own strategy for completing the race, but all have to carry such things as parkas and sleeping bags to contend with the extreme conditions. For safety, a series of checkpoints are set up along the route for mushers to rest, eat, restock their supplies, and even change dog teams.
Years ago, the race was all about the joy of completing a great challenge and keeping a part of Alaskan heritage alive. Now, it’s the social, culture, and sporting event of the year. The top mushers and dogs are treated like celebrities. In 2005 the prize money was US$72,000. It’s not that much, but it’s certainly enough to keep a team in dog food for a while.
competitor [kəmˋpɛtətɚ] n. 竞争者;对手
yelp [jɛlp] v.(狗)吠
dogsled [ˋdɔgslɛd] n. 狗拖的雪橇
restock [riˋstɑk] v. 补充货物; 备办新货
heritage [ˋhɛrətɪdʒ] n. 传统; 遗产
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musher: 狗拉雪橇大赛的参赛者 a traveler who drives (or travels with) a dog team
terrain [ˋtɛren] n. 地形;地势
parka [ˋpɑrkə] n. 有头套的毛皮外套
contend [kənˋtɛnd] v. 全力对付;搏斗;奋斗
checkpoint [ˋtʃɛk͵pɔɪnt] n. 检查站;关卡
To win the longest race in the world, your dogs need to be in top shape. You also need a certain kind of dog. These days, most mushers go with the Siberian husky. These dogs have strength, speed, stamina, and a good temperament. But most of all, they love to run!
This love is key to their success as a sled animal. Part of their love of running is genetic, but much of it is learned from an early age. Mushers first harness pups to a sled when they are only five months old. They team the pups up with older experienced dogs who have been running for years. Don’t worry, the pups don’t pull any real weight. They just learn to pull in the right direction, and also to get excited about being part of a team.
The love which the mushers have for their animals is also paramount. Most say that they get great joy out of working with dogs. They’d better, since they need to spend a great deal of time feeding, grooming, walking, and even camping out with their animals.
Do the dogs enjoy pulling a sled? It seems so. They may howl and yelp when they are running, but they cry even louder to get back on the road when resting. These animals are superb athletes. And just like people, they like to show what they are made of.
−By Robert Kelly
temperament [ˋtɛmprəmənt] n. 性情,性格
genetic [dʒəˋnɛtɪk] adj. 基因的;遗传(学)的
groom [grum] v. 照料; 使整洁;打扮
howl [haʊl] v. 嗥叫;怒吼
superb [sʊˋpɝb] adj. 极好的,上乘的,一流的
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in.... shape: 处于.....状况 in good health; strong and healthy; fit.
Siberian [saɪˋbɪrɪən] adj. 西伯利亚的
husky [ˋhʌskɪ] n. 爱斯基摩犬
stamina [ˋstæmənə] n. 精力;耐力
harness... to:给……上挽具;套 to attach someone, something, or an animal to something with a harness.
pup [pʌp] n. 小狗,幼犬
paramount [ˋpærə͵maʊnt] adj. 最重要的;主要的
Iditarod: Alaskan Husky