Zorbing: Getting the Ball Rolling 翻滚吧,滚球!
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年6月30日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2011年10月26日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:730
As you roll down a hill, strapped in a harness inside a transparent sphere, the view is constantly changing. Green grass, blue sky, green grass, blue sky. Did you just roll over a gopher? The speed increases, reaching as high as 50 kilometers per hour, and the scenery all starts to blend together. As you tumble end over end, a feeling of weightlessness takes hold. Welcome to the new adventure sport of zorbing!
Zorbing owes its origins to two innovative New Zealanders. About six years ago, Dwane van der Sluis and Andrew Akers came up with an utterly simplistic design: a circle within another circle. The idea of the zorb was born. From there they created their unique PVC sphere, harnessed people within the inner circle to keep them shielded from the ground, and began rolling them down hills in the New Zealand countryside.
Today, those who are on the ball are eager to get the ball rolling. About 100,000 people have already become “zorbonauts,” the oldest being 89 years old! So far, not a single person has been sick inside the zorb, thanks goodness! Zorbs have appeared in Coke commercials, and even rock stars have used them in their stage performances. So don’t drop the ball. If you ever have a change to go zorbing, let the good times roll!
−by Joe Henley
strap [stræp] v. 用带捆绑(或束住)
transparent [trænsˋpɛrənt] adj. 透明的
sphere [sfɪr] n. 球;球体
utterly [ˋʌtɚlɪ] adv. 完全地;彻底地
shield from 防护
More Information
harness [ˋhɑrnɪs] n. 安全带
roll over: 滚过去 make a rolling motion or turn
gopher [ˋgofɚ] n.(北美产的)一种地鼠
tumble [ˋtʌmb!] v. 滚下
take hold: 控制, 主管, 占主导地位 to become established
owe ... to 把...归功于
come up with (针对问题等)想出; 提供 to bring forth, discover, or produce
PVC polyvinyl chloride 聚氯乙烯
on the ball: 机警的; 效率高的 active and aware of things
get the ball rolling 开个头, 使开始, 使展开
thank goodness (用以表示松心或宽慰) 谢天谢地!
drop the ball 掉了球;犯错误
let the good times roll 活在当下, 享受生命中的美好事物
Reading Questions
1. What would you see as you tumble down a hill in a zorb?
A. Rapidly changing images outside.
B. Your entire life flashing before your eyes.
C. Shining blue and green lights.
D. The glistening PVC surface of the ball.
2. How would you best describe how a zorb ball works?
A. The person stands in the ball and holds onto the handles.
B. The person lies flat against the inside of the PVC ball.
C. The person is suspended at the center of the PVC ball.
D. The person rides atop the PVC ball.
3. What could be said about the people who have become zorbonauts?
A. Only thrill seekers have so far picked up the activity.
B. A great variety of people have begun zorbing.
C. The majority of people who zorb have appeared in TV commercials.
D. Thus far zorbing is mainly a man thing.
Zorbing - UK
Sphereing - rolling down a hill at 30MPH!
1. ( A ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( B ) |