Street Surfing 街头冲浪-蛇板
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2013年3月01日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2013年3月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:569
When you see someone rocking their body and gliding down the street, you are probably witnessing a person riding a caster board. Although the rider seems awkward, almost as if they are going to fall at any second, that’s simply the way to ride the caster board.
While the caster board may appear at first glance to be just like a skateboard, there are actually some major differences. First of all, a caster board only has two wheels, unlike a skateboard which has four. This forces riders to wiggle the board back and forth to maintain balance and propel themselves forward. Secondly, the caster board is really two boards connected by a strong spring, which allows the board to twist. This twisting is necessary, as someone must cock the two boards in opposite directions to make turns.
Despite its strange appearance, riding a caster board is a fun challenge. However, as beginners are sure to hit the deck often as they are learning how to balance, be sure to strap on safety gear and practice in a safe place. Once you and your friends do get street surfing, you won’t want to stop.
-by Geoffrey Trager
glide [glaɪd] v. 滑动,滑行
An ice skater can glide over the ice and jump beautifully.
awkward [ˋɔkwɚd] adj. 笨拙的;不熟练的,不灵巧的
A baby horse can walk soon after it's born, but it looks awkward.
back and forth 来来回回地
Mary rocked her baby back and forth until it stopped crying.
spring [sprɪŋ] n. 弹簧
The basketball player jumps so high; it's as if he had springs in his shoes.
twist [twɪst] v. 扭转;旋转
You can open the bottle by twisting the cap off.
strap [stræp] v. 用带捆绑
Jane strapped on her high-heel shoes to go dancing.
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as if 好像, 似乎, 彷佛
wiggle [ˋwɪg!] v. 摆动;扭动
propel [prəˋpɛl] v. 推动
cock [kɑk] v. 竖起;翘起
hit the deck 被击倒在地; 跌倒;趴下
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