So Much to Do, So Little Time 怎么办?加班加不完
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2013年6月27日
- 最后更新于 2023年12月18日
- 发布于 2013年6月27日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:453
Henry: Hey Julie, how are you? 嗨,茱莉,妳好吗?
Julie: Henry, you look tired. What happened? Did you sleep well last night? 亨利,你看起来很累。发生什么事?你昨晚有睡好吗?
Henry: Not really. I worked a lot of overtime here this week. 不太好。我这周加了一大堆班。
Julie: No way! Are they giving you too many assignments? 不会吧!他们给你太多工作了吗?
Henry: Sort of. I assumed I could finish all the jobs on time. But it seemed I had to work late, otherwise I would miss deadlines. Everything started to pile up and I had to keep staying late to get things done. It’s just overwhelming. 有一点。我以为我可以准时完成所有工作,但看来我必须工作到很晚,否则我会延误截止期限。所有事情开始堆积如山,我必须经常加班把事情做完。这让人压力很大。
Julie: That’s crazy. Did you do all your assignments in the order of their importance? 这太疯狂了。你有照事情的重要性依序来完成它们吗?
Henry: I tried, but work just kept coming. Now I have to dig my way out of this mess. 我试着这么做,但事情一直堆过来,现在我必须从混乱中找到出路。
Julie: Do you know how long it takes you to do different kinds of assignments? 你知道你完成每件工作要花多少时间吗?
Henry: No, I’ve never analyzed it like that. 不知道,我没分析过。
Julie: That’s what I started doing when the same thing happened to me at work. I paid attention to how long I spent on things like meetings, answering emails or phone calls. It was a lot more than I thought. 我上次事情做不完的时候就是开始这么记录时间。我留意我开会、回复电子邮件或电话这些事情要花多久。它们远比我所想的还要耗时。
Henry: But how does this help me? 但是这要怎么帮助我?
Julie: Once you know the time you spend on each task, you can plan your schedule better and focus on things that are really important. 一旦你知道你做每件事要花多少时间,你就可以将行程规划的更好,并专注在真正重要的事情上。
Henry: That makes sense. Thanks for the advice, Julie. I’ll try right now. 有道理。茱莉,谢谢你的建议。我会从现在就开始试着这么做。
Julie: No problem, I hope this tip can help you go home earlier! 不客气,我希望这个诀窍可以帮你早点回家。
overtime [͵ovɚˋtaɪm] n. 加班;加班时间
Brendan worked some overtime to finish all of his projects before the weekend.
assume [əˋsjum] v. 以为;(想当然地)认为
George assumed it would rain today, so he took an umbrella with him.
deadline [ˋdɛd͵laɪn] n. 截止期限
The boss gave her employees a deadline by which all work had to be completed.
overwhelming [͵ovɚˋhwɛlmɪŋ] adj. 令人迷惘而不知所措的
overwhelm v. 压倒; 使受不了
The overwhelming strength of the earthquake made several buildings crack.
analyze [ˋæn!͵aɪz] v. 分析
The scientists analyzed the data to find more information about the disease.
schedule [ˋskɛdʒʊl] n. 计划表;日程安排表
Jane checked her schedule and realized that she would be busy all week.
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assignment [əˋsaɪnmənt] n.(分派的)任务;工作
pile up 增多; 积累
Keeping Priorities in Line at Work 效率工作小撇步
Some people struggle with heavy workloads every day, but it’s possible to handle everything well. Performing effectively at work or school can be done in a number of ways, from managing your time better, improving your communication skills, to keeping your desk clean.
Time management is the key to being efficient. Start by writing down how much time you spend on each task and take a step back. You might be surprised at how much time you waste on unnecessary things. Then, list your tasks and finish them according to priority. Next, listen carefully to what people say, and keep work discussions short and to the point. These can avoid misunderstanding and save lots of time. Organizing your work area is also important. Clean the clutter that will distract you and arrange document files properly. By following these tips, you will make the most of your time and be on the way to better work performance.
-by Bryan Shettig
priority [praɪˋɔrətɪ] n. 优先
A babysitter’s first priority is keeping children safe from danger.
communication [kə͵mjunəˋkeʃən]交流; 思想感情表达
Communication between old and young people is not as difficult as we think.
efficient [ɪˋfɪʃənt] adj. 效率高的
Energy efficient cars help their owners save money on gas.
to the point 说到点子上,切题
The message was short and to the point, not wasting any words.
distract [dɪˋstrækt] v. 使分心
The noisy air conditioner distracted some of the students sitting near it.
properly [ˋprɑpɚlɪ] adv. 恰当地;正确地
To cook vegetable properly, you need a very hot stove.
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workload [ˋwɝk͵lod] n. 工作量
unnecessary [ʌnˋnɛsə͵sɛrɪ] adj. 不必要的
clutter [ˋklʌtɚ] n. 杂乱;散乱的东西
make the most of 做最有效的利用; 尽量利用