Half Hoss, Half Boss 半人半兽,忘性一流
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2002年12月04日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月18日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:267
Alan approaches Tammy, the receptionist at Chen and Associates: 艾伦走向陈记公司的接待人员谭美。
A: Good afternoon. My name is Alan Watts.
T: Let me guess — you’re here for your one thirty interview with Mr. Chen, right?
A: Yes. Should I wait?
T: You could, but you’d be here for ages: he’s in Tokyo …. Oh, sorry! ... That was yesterday; today it’s Seoul.
A: Is he always on the go like that?
T: Yes—and missing appointments—all the time! He’s Sagittarius: smart as a whip but can’t for the life of him stick to a schedule.
A: No problem. This is probably a blessing in disguise; it’ll give me some time to brush up on my interview skills.
T: Let me give you some advice, then: the best way to break the ice with a Sagittarius is to get him to talk about himself.
A: Such as asking him about his travels, or how he got started in his business?
T: Exactly! He’ll talk your ear off.
A: Anything else? I’ve heard that Sagittarians can be brutally frank; should I be prepared for a barrage of criticisms?
T: Definitely, and if he says something that doesn’t sit well with you, just bite your tongue.
A: Ouch! That sounds painful.
T: Not as painful as when he forgets your paycheck, let me tell you!
-by Howie Phung==
hoss [hɔs] n. (Southern US, slang, often capitalized) Term of address for a man.
receptionist [rɪˋsɛpʃənɪst] n. 接待员
associate [əˋsoʃɪɪt] n. 伙伴;同事;朋友;合伙人
on the go 活跃, 忙碌 hardworking
Sagittarius [͵sædʒɪˋtɛrɪəs] n.【天】射手座;人马座; 出生于人马宫时段〔即11月22日至12月21日〕的人
smart as a whip 聪明绝顶 having or marked by unusual and impressive intelligence
whip [hwɪp] n. 鞭子
for the life of one【口】无论怎样努力
stick [stɪk] v. 坚持;固守
can’t for the life of him stick to a schedule if you say he can't for the life of him stick to a schedule, you mean that he cannot stick to a schedule at all
blessing in disguise 塞翁失马; 因祸得福 a misfortune that unexpectedly turns into good fortune
brush up on something 重温, 重新练习(已荒疏的技巧) to improve one's knowledge of something or one's ability to do something
break the ice 打破冷场, 带头说话或行事(往往是在社交情况, 以增进友善的气忿); 打开僵局
talk someone’s ear off 对某人喋喋不休地唠叨 to talk to someone endlessly; to bore someone with too much talk
Sagittarian [͵sædʒɪˋtɛrɪən] n. & adj. 属人马宫星座的(人)
brutally [ˋbrut!ɪ] adv. 直截了当地;直言不讳地;直率地
barrage [bəˋrɑʒ] n. 齐射式攻击;猛烈的攻击
sit with 对…合适
sit well with someone to be acceptable to someone.
bite one’s tongue 强忍着不说出自己的想法或感觉 to struggle not to say something that you really want tosay
paycheck [ˋpe͵tʃɛk] n. 付薪水的支票;薪津
Sentence of the Day
He’s a straight arrow.
straight arrow【美﹐非正式】循规蹈矩的人﹐安分守己的人