A Leap of Faith 高空弹跳
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年5月03日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月27日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:705
Aries is flying to Zimbabwe to bungee jump at Victoria Falls. She is talking to Paddy, who is sitting next to her on the plane. 艾瑞儿搭机到津巴布韦的维多利亚瀑布参加高空弹跳,在飞机上她和坐在旁边的派第谈话:
P: So what brings you to Zimbabwe? Sight-seeing?
A: Not exactly…if it weren’t for my insane desire to jump off high places with a rope tied to my ankles, a trip to Africa would never even have crossed my mind.
P: Don’t tell me you’re a bungee jumper? That’s wicked! Myself, I’m about to take a leap of faith off the bridge which spans Victoria Falls.
A: That’s where I’m going too! Have you been there before?
P: Not yet. I did a jump from a bridge in Costa Rica, though. The feeling of falling eighty meters down, seeing the canopy of the tropical rainforest rapidly approaching, was unbelievable!
A: I’ll bet! The highest jump I’ve ever made was in a flooded rock quarry in Canada. The crane I jumped from was sixty meters high and when I came down I landed in the water.
P: Wow! I still haven’t tried a water touchdown. The idea of hitting my head on the surface after falling from such a height is too nerve-racking.
A: I wouldn’t worry about it. It’s surprising safe.
P: You’re probably right. And it’s not as though I’m averse to taking risks or anything….
bungee [ˈbʌndʒi] n. 松紧绳; 橡皮筋
sightseeing [ˋsaɪt͵siɪŋ] n. 观光,游览
cross one’s mind (指想法等)出现, 掠过
wicked [ˋwɪkɪd] adj.【俚】很棒的
a leap of faith 大胆一试;选择相信
canopy [ˋkænəpɪ] n.【文】像天篷的东西
quarry [ˋkwɔrɪ] n.(采)石场;露天矿场
nerve-racking [ˋnɝv͵rækɪŋ] adj. 令人心烦的﹐使人紧张的
averse [əˋvɝs] adj. 不愿意的;嫌恶的[F][(+to)][+to-v]
Sentence of the Day
Let's jump to it.
Ariel and Paddy are on the bridge at Victoria Falls inspecting the safety equipment before they jump: 艾瑞儿和派第在维多利亚瀑布的桥上,弹跳之前正在检视安全措施:
A: I’m relieved that they have leg harnesses. I once cancelled a jump when the jumpmaster harnessed my arm.
P: An arm harness? How could that possibly support your body weight?
A: It doesn’t. That’s the problem. People who use them usually wind up dislocating their shoulders, or worse.
P: Thankfully, all this equipment is in really good condition. I may take risks with my life, but not stupid ones.
A: If my mother were here she’d tell you bungee jumping is synonymous with stupid risks.
P: Good thing she’s not here then. Seeing me do a jump from this bridge might freak her out.
A: Might? It would definitely freak her out. The one time she watched me doing a simple swallow dive she nearly had a heart attack!
P: But the swallow dive is so graceful!
A: I know. It feels like you’re actually flying.
P: Personally, I’m partial to the cutaway.
A: Is that when you lean out on a piece of webbing as someone slowly cuts it?
P: Exactly. It’s a huge rush. If you don’t look, you have no idea when it’ll break and send you plunging towards the ground.
A: Enough chitchat. I’m itching for a plunge or two myself. Ready when you are!
-by Francoise Raunet
inspect [ɪnˋspɛkt] v. 检查;审查
relieved [rɪˋlivd] adj. 放心的,宽慰的
harness [ˋhɑrnɪs] n. 挽具状带子;降落伞背带;保险带;安全带
jumpmaster <美> 跳伞指挥员,跳伞长
wind up 使〔活动﹑会议等〕结束 to come or bring to a finish; end
dislocate [ˋdɪslə͵ket] v. 使脱臼
synonymous [sɪˋnɑnəməs] adj. 同义的;同义词性质的
freak out (使)吓得要死 Informal to be or cause to be in a heightened emotional state, such as that of fear, anger, or excitement
graceful [ˋgresfəl] adj. 优美的,雅致的,典雅的
partial [ˋpɑrʃəl] adj.【口】偏爱的[F][(+to)]
cut away 切;去掉;切成;迅速离开
lean out 探出上半身
lean [lin] v. 倾斜; 倾身,屈身
webbing [ˋwɛbɪŋ] n.(做吊带,马腹带等用的)带子
chitchat [ˋtʃɪt͵tʃæt] n. 闲谈;闲话
itch [ɪtʃ] v. 渴望;欲望[S][(+for)][+to-v]
plunge [plʌndʒ] n. 跳入; 跳水
Sentence of the Day
Look before you leap.