Feed Your Belly – and Your Mind 全家用餐,有益身心
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年11月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年11月24日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:233
The specimen is known as a teenager. Come mealtime, it grabs a plate and a glass of juice, and goes into hiding in its room. Soon, the sound of loud music mixing with videogame gunshots emanate from the room, Stay Out! reads the sign on the door.
If meals were only about eating food, there would be nothing wrong with the scene described above. But according to experts in adolescent development, the value of family meals goes well beyond nutrition. Studies have demonstrated that the more time a family spends eating together, the less likely its teenage children are to engage in self-destructive activities such as smoking and drinking. Other benefits range from picking up new vocabulary through conversation to performing well in school. Moreover, lending a hand in preparing meals can boost a teenager’s self-esteem.
One specialist even contends that family meals can “civilize children” and “teach them to be a member of their culture.” Spending time with members of your family is an excellent occasion to exchange ideas, talk about problems and share feelings. It is one of the rare moments when everybody is together. So turn off the TV, enjoy the food, and feed your mind by sharing with your loved ones!
−by J. Michael Cole
come mealtime 当午餐时间来临
emanate [ˋɛmə͵net] v. 来自; 散发自
adolescent [͵æd!ˋɛsnt] n. 青少年
go beyond 超过, 超越
demonstrate [ˋdɛmən͵stret] v. 证明; 显示
engage in 从事于;忙于
lend a hand 帮忙, 协助 to help someone do something, especially something that involves physical effort
boost [bust] v. 提高;增加
self-esteem [͵sɛlfəsˋtim] n. 自尊
contend [kənˋtɛnd] v. 坚决主张,声称
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specimen [ˋspɛsəmən] n. 实例,典型
go into 从事; 忙于 start, set up
self-destructive [sɛlf dɪˈstrʌktɪv] adj. 自毁的;自灭的
pick up 学会 to acquire (knowledge) by learning or experience
civilize [ˋsɪvə͵laɪz] v. 教化,熏陶