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A Few Ideas for New Year’s Resolutions 新年新希望








The beginning of a new year is the ideal time for a fresh start. So, get off the sofa and resolve to make positive changes in your life. Here are some suggestions to get you going.



1, Spend more time with family and friends  多花点时间和家人朋友相处


Make it a goal and a habit to spend time with your loved ones. You will all be happier. It would also be a good time to meet some new friends by joining a gym or a class.



2, Get fit  塑身


Do you stare your arms and legs wondering where your muscles went? You might ride a bike to work, or place an exercise machine in your living room. Refrain from using it as a clothing rack, though.



3, Learn something new  学习新事物


Are you trudging through each day in a daze? Sink your teeth into classic literature. Pick up roller-blading. Master the secrets of chess. Or even read a book about quantum mechanics!



4, Help others  帮助他人


People always need a hand. Sometimes they need two. Dedicate a short period of time each month to volunteering, whether you usher at an event like a concert or a movie festival, set up displays at a museum, or help out at an animal shelter.



5, Get organized  让生活井然有序


Do you misplace your keys every other day only to eventually find them under a heap of laundry or in the freezer? Try to always hang them in the same place. Make realistic lists of things to do, including laundry. Put similar things in storage bins. Getting organized can save you a lot of time and trouble.



by Amy Gittelson





resolution [͵rɛzəˋluʃən] n. 决心;决定

get.. going 开始, 着手

refrain [rɪˋfren] from 自己戒除...; 避免... to hold back from doing something; to choose not to do something as planned

in a daze [ˋdez] 处于茫然状态

need a hand 需要帮忙

dedicate [ˋdɛdə͵ket] v. 献(身);把(时间,精力等)用于[(+to)]

usher [ˋʌʃɚ] v. 引,领;招待

help out 帮助...摆脱困难 to help someone or an animal get out of trouble

heap [hip] n.(一)堆,堆积[C][(+of)]

realistic [rɪəˋlɪstɪk] adj. 实际可行的


More Information



resolve [rɪˋzɑlv] v. 决心

rack [ræk] n. 架子;挂物架

though [ðo] adv.(一般放在句尾)然而,还是

trudge [trʌdʒ] v. 跋涉,步履艰难地走

sink one’s teeth into 潜心  to start to do something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm

pick up  通过实践学会(外语、技术等)  to learn something

roller-blading 直排轮

quantum mechanics【物】量子力学(解释次原子粒子运动和质量)

quantum [ˋkwɑntəm] n.【物】量子

set up  摆放或竖起某物  put something together; to erect something

only to find  结果发现, 不料发现

laundry [ˋlɔndrɪ] n. 送洗的衣服;洗好的衣服

bin [bɪn] n.(贮藏谷物等的)箱子,容器



Reading Questions


1.   According to the article, which of the following would NOT be on the New Year’s resolutions list?

A.  Ride your bike to work so that you can get some exercise.

B.  Find a new novel to read and enjoy.

C.  Volunteer some of your time at an animal shelter.

D.  Spend all your watching TV on the couch.


2.  Why do people come up withresolutions during the New Year?

A.  It is the best time to start anew.

B.  It they don’t do it now, they never will.

C.  Things are the cheapest during this time?

D.  It is best to start in winter because of the holiday.


3.  Which of these resolutions is the most realistic?

A.  Kevin wants to travel to 370 different countries this year.

B.  Kelvin plans on swimming around the world in a week.

C.  Kelvin wants to learn how to become more organized.

D.  Kelvin wants to become the wealthiest man in the world.



1. ( D )

2. ( A )

3. ( C )


当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English Life (生活) A Few Ideas for New Year’s Resolutions 新年新希望