Bye-Bye, Biased Wages 拜拜!偏心的薪水袋
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年3月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年10月08日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:421
Nowadays in the developed world, women are as highly educated as their male counterparts and comprise nearly half the workforce. Oddly enough, though, the wages of men and women tend to differ. In fact, on average, a woman’s salary is 25 percent lower than that of a man.
By any standards of fair play, this is wrong. It’s a little like having a race where half the participants have a weight attached to one leg. If this were the Olympics, we’d all be standing on our chairs demanding the resignation of the Olympic Committee. How is it possible, then, that such a blaring injustice in the workforce still exists in modern times?
Social scientists posit that historically women’s career choices were limited to lower-paying professions, such as secretaries, school teachers, or nurses. Household obligations, including giving birth and raising large families, only compounded the problem: if a woman didn’t quit working altogether, she had to put her career on hold during her 30s and 40s, the years of peak earning and advancement.
But while this may have been true in the past, contemporary women have fewer children (if any) and their career options are as wide as men’s. Why, then, is there still a salary gap? Only one thing explains why a female doctor with the same qualifications as a male doctor, for example, gets paid less: gender discrimination.
comprise [kəmˋpraɪz] v. 由……组成
participant [pɑrˋtɪsəpənt] n. 参与者
resignation [͵rɛzɪgˋneʃən] n. 辞职
obligation [͵ɑbləˋgeʃən] n. 义务
compound [kəmˋpaʊnd] v. 增加,加重,使恶化
contemporary [kənˋtɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] adj. 当代的
option [ˋɑpʃən] n. 选择
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biased [ˋbaɪəst] adj. 存有偏见的;偏见的
workforce [`wɝkˏfɔrs] n. 全体从业人员﹐劳动力
blaring [blɛrɪŋ] adj. 震天响的
posit [ˋpɑzɪt] v.【正式】假定﹐假设
put something on hold 暂缓某事; 推迟做某事 to postpone something; to stop the progress of something
advancement [ədˋvænsmənt] n. 晋升
qualification [͵kwɑləfəˋkeʃən] n. 资格
gender [ˋdʒɛndɚ] n. 性别
discrimination [dɪ͵skrɪməˋneʃən] n. 不公平待遇,歧视
In recent years, an unprecedented number of women have become company directors. Despite the upsurge, however, the percentage of women in management remains unjustifiable low: only 4 percent overall. Furthermore, the top positions in major corporations remain almost exclusively the domain of men.
It seem that women can only climb so far up the corporate ladder before they hit the “glass ceiling,” the imaginary barrier that makes the pinnacles of power just out of touch. Women do fare somewhat better at the lower and middle supervisory level, but even there they comprise only about 20 percent of overall positions.
But change is in the air. Modern economic growth is almost exclusively driven by service and information industries where women, both as workers and managers, seem to thrive. In addition, the “softer” management style practiced by many women (a style that emphasizes teamwork and motivation) is proving more valuable in the new economy than the “harder” male styles. Workers, it seems, are often much more productive when encourages, rather than bossed around.
One welcome result of all this is that the wage gap between the sexes is starting to drop. Perhaps it may some day even tip in women’s favor. Maybe the race to the top of the economic mountain is about to become a fair one.
−by Amy Lovestrand and Michael Cole
percentage [pɚˋsɛntɪdʒ] n. 百分比
exclusively [ɪkˋsklusɪvlɪ] adv. 独占地
domain [doˋmen] n. 领域,范围
supervisory [͵supɚˋvaɪzərɪ] adj. 管理(员)的
thrive [θraɪv] v. 繁荣;成功
motivation [͵motəˋveʃən] n. 动机﹐诱因
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upsurge [ʌpˋsɝdʒ] n. 猛增﹐急剧上升
unjustifiable [ʌnˋdʒʌstə͵faɪəb!] adj. 不合理的,无理的
overall [ˋovɚ͵ɔl] adv. & adj. 总的,全部的,全面的
pinnacle [ˋpɪnək!] n. 顶峰,极点
fare [fɛr] v. 进展
in the air
1, everywhere; all about, 流传
2, able to be felt or noticed 未确定
boss around 使唤; 颐指气使 to give orders to someone; to keep telling someone what to do
tip [tɪp] v. 使倾斜
Reading Questions
1. In the past, which factor partly explained the wage gap between men and women?
A. Women were as educated and ambitious as men.
B. Women had heavy weight tied to them.
C. Women didn’t start to work until their 50s.
D. Women were restricted to jobs that paid less than men’s.
2. Why does a female doctor earn less than a male doctor?
A. Because she is not as educated.
B. Because she is a woman.
C. Because she needs to raise children.
D. Because her options are not as good.
3. What is the “glass ceiling”?
A. It is a metaphor for what women cover themselves with for protection.
B. It is something women need to avoid when they work.
C. It is a metaphor for what stops women from getting to the top.
D. It is what women have been working toward in modern times.
4. Why are women managers more appreciated in the new economy?
A. Women prefer to work in service and information industries.
B. Women managers often lead workers to be more productive.
C. Most workers prefer to work for women and not men.
D. Women demand to make more money for the work they do.
1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( B ) |