Ray Kurzweil: Passionate Dreamer of the Future 未来梦想家
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年11月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年9月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:546
Ray Kurzweil has always been a dreamer. At five years old, he already knew he wanted to be an inventor. At school, Kurzweil was further inspired by the fictional hero Tom Swift – a boy genius whose inventions solved problems and saved lives. Reading Tom Swift, Kurzweil says, taught him to believe in “the power of ideas to change the world.”
That belief has carried Kurzweil far in life. At the age of twelve, he programmed his first computer. At 18, he sold a company that helped high school graduates find the college best suited to their individual needs. When he was 26, Kurzweil founded Kurzweil Computer Products. Through this company, he developed the world’s first scanning and speech recognition products.
Kurzweil later used the technology in these products to develop one of his most important devices: a computer system that reads printed text aloud for people with seeing disabilities. Steve Wonder, the blind musician, bought one of these reading machines and then challenged Kurzweil to work with him on another idea. Together, the musician and the inventor created a computerized system that could accurately simulate the sound of a grand piano and other instruments. Impressive, don’t you think? But inventions like these are only the beginning of the long list of Kurzweil’s achievements.
Now 57, Ray Kurzweil is still a dreamer. He also encourages others to dream and develop their own ideas. “Find a challenge that you can be passionate about,” he says, “and you can find the ideas to overcome that challenge.”
inspire [ɪnˋspaɪr] v. 鼓舞,激励
scan [skæn] v. 扫描
recognition [͵rɛkəgˋnɪʃən] n. 识别
impressive [ɪmˋprɛsɪv] adj. 予人深刻印象的
overcome [͵ovɚˋkʌm] v. 战胜;克服
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program [ˋprogræm] v. 为(计算机)设计程序
be suited to 适合
aloud [əˋlaʊd] adv. 大声地
disability [dɪsəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 残疾,残障
computerized [kəmˋpjutə͵raɪzd] adj. 使用计算机的,计算机化了的
simulate [ˋsɪmjə͵let] v. 模仿,模拟
passionate [ˋpæʃənɪt] adj. 热情的
Reading Questions
1. In what way did Tom Swift influence Ray Kurzweil?
A. He made Kurzweil become more interested in reading fiction.
B. He taught Kurzweil a lot about computer programming.
C. His great fiction provided the best sources for Kurzweil’s ideas.
D. His story encouraged Kurzweil to make good use of ideas to change the world.
2. What can we infer from the article?
A. Kurzweil was quite old when he made up his mind to be an inventor.
B. None of Kurzweil’s companies had anything to do with high school students.
C. Kurzweil Computer Products primarily focused on speech recognition products.
D. As Kurzweil is old now, he is no longer interested in developing new ideas.
3. What did Stevie Wonder want Kurzweil to help him with?
A. Establishing a computer company that hires people with seeing disabilities.
B. Using computers to produce sounds similar to those produced by musical instruments.
C. Helping graduates select their ideal colleges.
D. Designing reading machines for Tom Swift fans.
make good use of: 善用 to use something well.
Ray Kurzweil is not only a dreamer, but something of a prophet, too. He is known for making predictions about the future, and getting them right. Back in the early 1990s, for example, he predicted that there would soon be a world-wide computer network!
Kurzweil was correct about the Internet, but could he possibly be right about his latest prediction? He believes that in the next few decades, advances in biotechnology will enable us to live forever. Nanobots will enter our bloodstream to repair damaged tissues, and gene therapy will allow us to grow new organs, and even redesign our bodies. Advances in artificial intelligence and virtual reality will ensure that we have enough challenging entertainments so we don’t bore ourselves to death. The trick now, at least for people of Kurzweil’s age (he’s 57), is to live long enough to benefit from these advances. Kurzweil, not surprisingly, is taking no chances. He’s on a very strict diet, exercises daily, and takes up to 150 supplements a day.
Immortality, is truly impossible? Critics have called Kurzweil’s ideas crazy since he was young, but this has never stopped him from believing in the power of technology to create positive change for people. Even now, Kurzweil dismissed those who call his ideas about life extension unrealistic. “That’s nonsense,” he says. “What makes the human species unique is that we insist upon going beyond our limitations.”
Ray Kurzweil is one of the most passionate dreamers of our times. If his predictions about the future are correct, he may just get a chance to keep on dreaming for a long time – maybe even forever.
-by David Pendery & Amy Lovestrand
prophet [ˋprɑfɪt] n. 预言家; 先知
prediction [prɪˋdɪkʃən] n. 预言,预示,猜测
decade [ˋdɛked] n. 十年
ensure [ɪnˋʃʊr] v. 保证;担保
dismiss [dɪsˋmɪs] v. 拒绝考虑〔某人的观点﹑意见等〕
unrealistic [͵ʌnrɪəˋlɪstɪk] adj. 不切实际的
unique [juˋnik] adj. 独一无二的;独特的
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something of 有几分; 多少有点
biotechnology [baɪotɛkˋnɑlədʒɪ] n. 生物技术
to death 极度, 极为
trick [trɪk] n. 窍门,妙计
take no chances 谨慎行事,争取万无一失
immortality [͵ɪmɔrˋtælətɪ] n. 不死,不朽
go beyond one's limitations 突破极限
1. ( D) |
2. ( C) |
3. ( B) |