Elia Kazan’s A Streetcar Named Desire 伊力卡山的「欲望街车」
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年1月19日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:569
Beneath his tight white undershirt, Marlon Brando’s muscles ripple with barely controlled anger. Vivian Leigh cowers fearfully before him as he throws a radio through the window in a fit of rage. This act of passion, from the 1951 movie adaptation of Tennessee Williams’s play A streetcar Named Desire, heralded a new era in Hollywood acting. Brando’s portrayal of Stanley Kowalski, a first-generation Polish-American living in a derelict apartment in New Orleans, became an instant benchmark for actors wishing to explore their emotional range.
Prior to Streetcar, Hollywood performances were characterized by a glamour and elegance which set actors apart from the average Joe. But Elia Kazan, who directed Streetcar, wanted his characters to be as true-to-life as possible. He wanted to show the underclass of society as it was. To wring authentic performances out of his actors, he employed a technique known as method acting.
Method acting requires actors to exploit their own life experiences to elicit performances that are as natural as possible. Human emotions are complex; to convey that complexity, the feelings audiences see running across a character’s face must be based on the actor’s own natural reactions. By introducing America to method acting, A Streetcar Named Desire earned Kazen a seminal position in cinema history.
undershirt [ˋʌndɚ͵ʃɝt] n.【主美】(尤指男子、孩子的)汗衫,贴身内衣
ripple [ˋrɪp!] v.(使)呈波状起伏
cower [ˋkaʊɚ] v. 抖缩;蜷缩;畏缩
herald [ˋhɛrəld] v. 预示……的来临
portrayal [porˋtreəl] v. 扮演; 表现
derelict [ˋdɛrə͵lɪkt] adj.〔建筑物﹑土地〕破旧的﹐弃置的
benchmark [ˋbɛntʃ͵mɑrk] n. 水平点;基准
glamour [ˋglæmɚ] n.〔由财富与成功产生的〕魅力﹐诱惑力
Average Joe 平常人;平庸之人 the terms Average Joe, Ordinary Joe, John Doe, Joe Sixpack (for males) and Ordinary or Average Jane (for females), are used primarily in the United States to refer to the average American
true-to-life 逼真的
underclass [ˋʌndɚ͵klæs] n. 下层阶级;下层社会
wring [rɪŋ] v.〔经过很大努力从某人处〕逼取〔钱财﹑信息﹑协议等〕
exploit [ɪkˋsplɔɪt] v. 利用; 开发
elicit [ɪˋlɪsɪt] v.〔从某人处〕套出〔信息〕; 引起〔某人的反应〕; 引出;诱出
convey [kənˋve] v. 传达,传递,表达
seminal [ˋsɛmən!] adj.【正式】〔书﹑乐曲等〕开创性的﹐ 有重大影响的
Sentence of the Day
He taught actors to pour their hearts out.
Kim and Arthur run the film society at their university. They are discussing which movies to put on their spring schedule: 琴和阿瑟在他们的大学里办电影社。他们正讨论着该在春季的放映表中放哪些电影:
K: Since we’ve already chosen A Streetcar Named Desire and On the Waterfront, maybe we should have an Elia Kazen film festival this spring.
A: That’s a fitting choice, given that he passed away last September. I know students who might object, though. He was a controversial figure.
K: You can say that again. Some in Hollywood have never forgiven him for betraying people to Senator McCarthy’s Un-American Activities Committee in the fifties.
A: Right. And when he won a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Oscars in 1999, almost half the audience refused to applaud him.
K: I wish more people were able to separate the art from the man, though. That award was for his movies, not his politics.
A: I’m not sure those whose careers he destroyed would agree. But you certainly can’t deny the importance of his oeuvre in Hollywood.
K: No way. He had a way of coaxing brilliant performances out of everyone from James Dean to Warren Beatty.
A: He was remarkable for adapting the techniques he himself used with New York’s Actor’s Studio.
K: Basically, he raised the bar for Hollywood performances.
A: And cineastes can only thank him for that.
-by Francoise Raunet
society [səˋsaɪətɪ] n. 社团
fitting [ˋfɪtɪŋ] adj. 适当的,合适的;相称的
you can say that again 我同意你的意见
betray [bɪˋtre] v. 背叛;出卖
applaud [əˋplɔd] v. 向……鼓掌;向……喝采
oeuvre [ˋjuvɚ] n. 作品;毕生之作;全部作品
coax [koks] v. 劝诱; 哄; 诱导
adapt [əˋdæpt] v. 使适应(新用途或新情况)
raise the bar 提高标准; 更上一层楼 to set a higher standard
cineaste [ˋsɪnɪ͵æst] n. 热爱电影者
Sentence of the Day
We must be careful not to throw out the baby with the bath water.
throw out the baby with the bath water 把婴儿和洗澡水一齐倒掉(在把不想要或不需要的东西扔掉的同时, 也愚蠢地抛弃了有价值的意见、计划等); 在去其糟粕的同时, 也丢掉了精华
Marlon Brando~'You Must Be Stanley' ~Streetcar Named Desire