Hollywood Dreams: Singin’ In The Rain and the American Film Musical 好莱坞之梦:「万花嬉春」及美国歌舞片
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年7月05日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月07日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:687
With the recent success of film musical like Chicago and Moulin Rouge, it’s worthwhile to look back at this most nostalgic of film genres and its apotheosis, Singin’ In The Rain (1952).
The golden era of Hollywood musicals ran from the very inception of talkies in 1927 to their gradual decline in popularity in the late fifties. Singin’ In The Rain was the culmination of this tradition and remains one of the most beloved Hollywood movies of all time.
What MGM Studios introduced as a budget-restraining project by recycling elements of earlier productions – sets, songs, even the plot – developed into a witty satire. When these elements fell into place, the result was nothing short of the “glorious feeling” advertised in the original film posters.
Set in 1927, the film stars legendary performers Gene Kelly and Donald O’Connor and tells the story of Hollywood’s frantic scrambling to meet the new demands of sound films. Among the film’s many masterpieces of invention, O’Connor’s solo routine for “Make ‘em Laugh” stands out as he flops like a ragdoll wrestles with a dummy, and crashes through a film set.
Like all great musicals, Singin’ in The Rain continues to charm because its musical numbers perfectly reflect the character’s feelings.
moulin [muˋlæn] n. 碾磨机;磨坊
rouge [ruʒ] n. 胭脂;口红
nostalgic [nɑsˋtældʒɪk] adj. 留恋过去的﹐怀旧的
apotheosis [ə͵pɑθɪˋosɪs] n. 典范﹐最完美的榜样
inception [ɪnˋsɛpʃən] n. 开始,开端
talkie [ˋtɔkɪ] n.【口】有声电影
culmination [͵kʌlməˋneʃən] n. 顶点;高潮的到达
all time 有史以来
studio [ˋstjudɪ͵o] n. 电影制片厂
restrain [rɪˋstren] v. 限制; 控制
plot [plɑt] n.(小说,戏剧等的)情节
witty [ˋwɪtɪ] adj. 机智的;说话风趣的
satire [ˋsætaɪr] n. 讽刺作品; 讽刺,嘲笑
fall into place 变得有条不紊,开始有头绪 to be correctly arranged
nothing short of 简直可以说是,几乎是 strongly showing this quality
frantic [ˋfræntɪk] adj.(因喜悦,愤怒等)发狂似的
scramble [ˋskræmb!] v. 勉强拼凑; 仓促行动
masterpiece [ˋmæstɚ͵pis] n. 杰作,名作
routine [ruˋtin] n.(经常表演的)固定剧目;一套固定舞步(或动作)
stand out 突出, 显着
flop [flɑp] v. 猛然坐下﹐猛然躺下
ragdoll 布娃娃
dummy [ˋdʌmɪ] n.(橱窗中的)模型人;假人
number [ˋnʌmbɚ] n. 演奏乐曲;上演节目
Sentence of the Day
Compared to modern films, Singin’ In The Rain was made for a song.
for a song 极便宜地
Fred and his girlfriend, Ulrica, are browsing through their DVD collection one rainy weeknight: 佛瑞德和他的女朋友欧莉嘉在一个下雨的平日晚间翻选他们收藏的DVD:
F: Hmmm … what to watch?
U: It’s so drab outside, I need a pick-me-up. How ‘bout a musical?
F: Ugh, no way. I can’t stand the way musicals break into song and dance for no apparent reason, like some incomprehensible Bollywood flick.
U: Tell you what: I know your tastes in film are a bit more austere than mine, but Singin’ in The Rain’s got music enough for me and satire enough for you.
F: All right, that’s a musical I can deal with. The script is so sharp. I love how Gene Kelly’s character keeps rebuffing the advances of his dumb blonde co-star.
U: Remember the scene when Donald O’Connor turns to Kelly and says, “Well, haven’t you heard? She’s irresistible. She told me so herself.”
F: And the studio boss in the film was based on Arthur Freed – Singin’ In the Rain’s own producer! Clearly, a labor of love. So, what changed with later musicals?
U: Well, Hollywood gave up writing original musicals and turned mostly to rehashed Broadway productions directed at older audiences.
F: There you go: My tastes are youthful, not austere. That’s why you’ll never catch me watching Chicago.
U: Ah, yes – your loss.
-by Iain Ferguson
browse through 随意浏览各类
drab [dræb] adj. 单调的;无趣的
pick-me-up【口】提神的饮食;兴奋剂 a drink, often an alcoholic beverage, taken as a stimulant or a cure for a hangover
break into 突然……起来
incomprehensible [ɪn͵kɑmprɪˋhɛnsəb!] adj. 难懂的﹐不可理解的
flick [flɪk] n.【俚】电影
austere [ɔˋstɪr] adj. 严格的
deal with 与…打交道
rebuff [rɪˋbʌf] v. 断然拒绝,回绝
advance [ədˋvæns] n. 友好表示;殷勤
dumb [dʌm] adj.【主美】【口】愚笨的
irresistible [͵ɪrɪˋzɪstəb!] adj. 不可抵抗的;不能压制的
a labor of love 爱做的事, 出自喜爱而做的事 a task that is either unpaid or badly paid and that one does simply for one's own satisfaction or pleasure or to please someone whom one likes or loves
rehash [riˋhæʃ] v.〔略加变动的〕改写﹐改编; 重拍
direct [dəˋrɛkt] v. 将(注意力或谈话等)指向
Sentence of the Day
The film’s dialogue is a barrel of laughs.
a barrel of laughs(非正式)快乐之源
Singin’ In The Rain by Gene Kelly
Make ‘em Laugh by Donald O’Connor