Learning Disabilities: Challenges and Benefits 学习障碍带来的挑战与收获
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年11月12日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月07日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:502
Conventional wisdom once held that people with learning disabilities were simply losers, unintelligent, or lazy. Research and understanding in recent decades has led to a 180-degree shift in attitude. With proper diagnosis and support, learning disabilities are no longer insurmountable.
Learning disabilities are neurological disorders that often pass from parent to child. If a significant gap exists between someone’s potential and actual achievement, a learning disability may be present. The term “learning disability” is actually an umbrella term encompassing a set of distinct conditions. For example, dyslexia, a common disability, involves language and reading difficulties. Similarly, dysgraphia and dyscalculia refer to disorders concerning writing and math respectively.
Initially, learning disabilities might seem wholly negatively. But this is misleading. Many adults with learning disabilities have spent years honing compensatory strategies. Consequently, they often develop a heightened ability to think creatively and often have increased empathy for others with difficulties. Historic examples of remarkable people with learning disabilities include Alexander Graham Bell, Winston Churchill, and Walt Disney.
With the development of new educational strategies and assistive technologies, learning disabilities are no longer the curse they once were. Children with learning disabilities can now look forward to success in school and in life beyond.
conventional wisdom 传统观点(观念)
insurmountable [͵ɪnsɚˋmaʊntəb!] adj.〔困难或问题〕不可逾越的; 难以克服的; 难以处理的
neurological [͵njʊrəˋlɑdʒɪkəl] adj. 神经学的;神经病学的
umbrella [ʌmˋbrɛlə] n. 总称;统称
encompass [ɪnˋkʌmpəs] v. 包含
dyslexia [dɪsˋlɛksɪə] n. 识字困难;诵读困难
dysgraphia 书写困难
dyscalculia [ˌdɪskæl'kjuliə] n.(脑伤或疾病所致的)计算困难,计算障碍
refer to 意指
hone [hon] v. 把〔刀﹑剑等〕磨光[锋利]
compensatory [kəmˋpɛnsə͵torɪ] adj. 补偿的
consequently [ˋkɑnsə͵kwɛntlɪ] adv. 因此
empathy [ˋɛmpəθɪ] n. 移情作用;同感
curse [kɝs] n. 祸害,祸因
beyond [bɪˋjɑnd] adv. 在更远处;再往后
Sentence of the Day
People with learning disabilities literally have their wires crossed when it comes to specific tasks.
Sean, a university freshman, is meeting with Mrs. Tracy, a university counselor: 大学新生尚恩正与学校的学生辅导员崔西太太谈话:
T: Hi, Sean. Come on in. What can I help you with today?
S: Thanks for taking the time to see me, Mrs. Tracy. You see, in high school, I was diagnosed with dysgraphia. So, I want to find out what services the university offers students with learning disabilities.
T: As I understand it, that means you have difficulties with writing and fine motor skills. Is that correct?
S: Yes. In addition to legibility problems, I also find listening and writing at the same time quite challenging.
T: That may pose a challenge during lectures. University policy encourages the use of voice recorders in class. That way you won’t need to take notes, and you can concentrate on what the lecturer is saying.
S: Great. What about assignments? In high school, I was granted an exemption from homework that involved writing. Perhaps I can submit audio or video recordings instead.
T: Well, let’s decide that on a course-by-course basis. As for exams, we can arrange for them to be computerized. With the right support, I’m sure there won’t be too many difficulties.
S: What a load off my mind! Thanks so much for your help.
-by Darshan Tyler
freshman [ˋfrɛʃmən] n.(大学等的)一年级生,新生
counselor [ˋkaʊns!ɚ] n.(协助学生解决问题的)指导老师
legibility [͵lɛdʒəˋbɪlətɪ] n.(字迹等的)易读(性);易识别
pose [poz] v. 造成,引起
grant [grænt] v. 同意,准予
exemption [ɪgˋzɛmpʃən] v.(义务等的)免除
a load off one’s mind 解除思想负担, 使宽心
Sentence of the Day
Sean’s writing tends to look like chicken scratch.
chicken scratch: incredibly messy handwriting that is nearly impossible to read