Dyslexia: From Challenge to Success 克服读写障碍:从挑战到成功
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2005年2月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年8月23日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:522
Dyslexia is the world’s most prevalent learning disability, affecting an estimated 4-5 percent of people. Once undiagnosed and misunderstood, dyslexics often struggled through their studies, only to face grim employment prospects. These days, awareness among educators and parents has changed this picture significantly.
Dyslexia involves problems in processing language-based information. It generally manifests itself as difficulties with word recognition and decoding. Dyslexics may also experience problems with spelling, handwriting, and reading comprehension. Like other learning disability, the causes of dyslexia are neurological and genetic. If an individual is diagnosed with dyslexia, chances are a relative is also dyslexic.
Dyslexia is not a disease, so there’s technically no cure. But many strategies exist to help children and adults with dyslexia maximize their potential. Often these strategies focus on multisensory instruction. For example, a child who has difficulty recognizing printed words may have an easier time when those words are read out simultaneously.
With early diagnosis and intervention, the effects of dyslexia can be minimized. In fact, what dyslexics lack in written language skills is often compensated by better-than-average memory and oral abilities. Processing information differently may actually help dyslexics develop more flexible and creative thinking, providing them with an edge for future success.
dyslexia [dɪsˋlɛksɪə] n. 识字困难;诵读困难
prevalent [ˋprɛvələnt] adj. 流行的,盛行的;普遍的
dyslexics [dɪsˋlɛksɪks] n. 读写障碍患者
grim [grɪm] adj. 无情的;严厉的;残忍的 cruel, severe, or ghastly
prospect [ˋprɑspɛkt] n.(成功的)可能性;前景,前途 something expected; a possibility
manifest [ˋmænə͵fɛst] v. 显示,表露 to show or demonstrate plainly; reveal
decode [ˋdiˋkod] v. 【术语】解读﹐ 解释 to analyze and understand the construction of words and phrases, esp in a foreign language
comprehension [͵kɑmprɪˋhɛnʃən] n. 理解;理解力
neurological [͵njʊrəˋlɑdʒɪkəl] adj. 神经性的;神经病学的 of or relating to the nervous system or neurology
multisensory [ˌmʌltɪˈsɛnsərɪ] adj. 多种感觉(并用)的
simultaneously [saɪməlˋtenɪəslɪ] adv. 同时地
intervention [͵ɪntɚˋvɛnʃən] n. 干涉﹐干预; 介入
Sentence of the Day
Teaching students with dyslexia is far from a lost cause; they can learn to read and write effectively.
a lost cause 大势已去; 已失败的事业
Jerry and Sandy, colleagues at a software company, are going to lunch: 杰利和珊蒂是一家软件公司的同事,正要去吃午餐:
S: Congratulations on your technical writer position. That’s a step up from tech support!
J: Yeah, I guess so. Actually, the truth is this promotion is something of a personal victory. Reading and writing were pretty challenging for me in school.
S: Really? But you really excelled in the support job, and you’re not lacking anything upstairs.
J: Right. I’ve always had an excellent memory, great people skills, and oral communication’s probably my strongest suit. But in school, reading and writing were a real challenge.
S: That sounds exactly like my cousin, the engineer. He often feels like he’s working below his intellectual capacity.
J: He should go to a qualified diagnostician. When I was young, I discovered I was dyslexics. For example, letter reversal were a serious issue for me, which made – say – “pig,” “big,” and “dig” hard to distinguish.
S: Obviously, you got the help you needed. But are there programs for dyslexic adults?
J: Absolutely. It sounds like your cousin’s worked out some compensatory strategies, but more help’s available.
S: I read that dyslexics, despite a learning disability, are often spatially talented, intuitive, and entrepreneurial.
J: Also, true. Hey, I’m feeling pretty good about myself! Lunch is on me today.
-by Darshan Tyler
upstairs 往更高的地位 to or at a higher level
strong suit 擅长的事物 a quality, activity, or skill in which a person excels
diagnostician [͵daɪəgnɑsˋtɪʃən] n. 诊断医生,诊断专家 a person who diagnoses, especially a physician specializing in medical diagnostics
work out 想出;制订出;产生出 to result in a good conclusion; to finish positively
compensatory [kəmˋpɛnsə͵torɪ] adj. 弥补性质的﹐补偿性质的 making up for a loss
spatially [ˋspeʃəlɪ] adv. 空间地;存在于空间地
intuitive [ɪnˋtjʊɪtɪv] adj. 有直觉力的 perceiving by intuition
entrepreneurial [͵ɑntrəprəˋnjʊrɪəl] adj. 具有企业精神的
Sentence of the Day
The saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” doesn’t not apply to adult dyslexics.