Tattoos Make a Lasting Impression 刺青史话
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年3月28日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月24日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:320
The tattoo was first introduced to Western society by eighteenth century sailors returning from exploratory journeys to Polynesia. Little could these seafarers have known that by bring back unique souvenirs of their travels, they were beginning a practice that would flourish to the point where tattoos would be seen on the bodies of some of the world’s most beautiful women.
From sailors, tattoos spread to the services, lower-class males and, during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, to members of royalty and the aristocracy. Both Britain’s King George V and Russia’s Tsar Nicholas II were heavily tattooed. And Winston Churchill’s mother, Jennie was but one of a number of society ladies with tattoos. In fact, disrobing after a country-estate dinner to show off one’s body art and detail its history was frequently part of an aristocratic evening’s entertainment.
Today, it has become recognized that getting a permanent symbol tattooed on one’s body carries a deeper meaning than the design itself actually suggests. The tattoo’s meaning is often intensely personal, rather than social. As such, with its social stigma diminishing after an almost century-long absence from the mainstream, the tattoo is now more popular than at any time in its long and colorful history.
tattoo [tæˋtu] n. 刺青
exploratory [ɪkˋsplorə͵torɪ] adj. 探索的﹐探险的
Polynesia [͵pɑləˋniʒə] n. 玻里尼西亚(中太平洋的岛群)
seafarer [ˋsi͵fɛrɚ] n. 船员;航海家
souvenir [ˋsuvə͵nɪr] n. 纪念品﹐纪念物
the services 海陆空三军; 军队; 部队
aristocracy [͵ærəsˋtɑkrəsɪ] n.(总称)贵族
tsar [tsɑr] n.〔1917年以前统治俄国的〕沙皇
but [bʌt] adv. 不过; 只是
disrobe [dɪsˋrob] v.【正式或幽默】宽衣; 脱衣服
estate [ɪsˋtet] n. 身分,地位
recognize [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪzd] v. 正式承认;认可,认定
stigma [ˋstɪgmə] n. 耻辱,污名
Sentence of the Day
More than just skin-deep.
skin-deep 肤浅的﹐ 表面的
Mark is at his friend Karen’s apartment watching TV: 马克在他朋友凯伦的公寓里看电视:
M: Check out Angelina Jolie. I didn’t know she had tattoos.
K: Yeah. Tattoos have really come into vogue recently.
M: Maybe it’s not all that surprising when you consider that tattoos have been entrenched in various cultures for thousands of years.
K: You’re right; the Maoris of New Zealand, the Polynesians, the Japanese, Chinese ethnic minorities like the Drung and the Dai– even the Atayal people here in Taiwan.
M: And often, the reasons behind tattoos extend beyond aestheticism.
K: True. There are Buddhist monks in Thailand who tattoo people. Their tattoos are like amulets supposed to bring good luck and provide protection against sickness and misfortune.
M: The Drung women in China used to tattoo their faces to make themselves less attractive.
K: I read they did that so that if they were captured by people from other ethnic groups they would be less likely to be raped.
M: That’s right. But Maori women got their chins and lips tattooed mainly to enhance their beauty. For Maori men, in addition to emphasizing masculinity, tattoos were an indicator of rank or status.
K: Well, with people from all walks of life getting tattoos, they certainly don’t indicate a person’s social position anymore.
-by Colin Gread
vogue [vog] n. 流邢;风行;时髦
entrench [ɪnˋtrɛntʃ] v. 使(权力、习俗、观念等)根深蒂固
Maori [ˋmaʊrɪ] n. 毛利人
minority [maɪˋnɔrətɪ] n. 少数派;少数群;少数民族
aestheticism [ɛsˋθɛtəsɪzm] n. 审美感;爱美性
amulet [ˋæmjəlɪt] n. 护身符;避邪物
chin [tʃɪn] n. 颏,下巴
masculinity [͵mæskjəˋlɪnətɪ] n. 男子气;刚毅
all walks of life [法] 各行各业; 各界
Sentence of the Day
She made her mark.
make one’s mark 出名; 成功