Cash for Plastic 整容手术赚大钱
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年5月16日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年5月28日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:281
Lisa and her American friend Alex are watching the premiere of a Hollywood movie on TV: 莉萨和美籍友人艾力克斯正在观赏电视上的好莱坞电影首映:
A: Whatever else you may say about American celebrities, they sure are good-looking!
L: Yeah, but it’s all artificial – we’re talking about Hollywood, after all.
A: I won’t deny that people from California are more obsessed with their appearance than most, but it might surprise you to hear that only about three percent of the American population has had plastic surgery.
L: You’re right; that’s quite a bit less than I had imagined. I know that the rate is about thirteen percent in Korea.
A: There you go: perhaps Asians are even more narcissistic and self-absorbed than Americans are!
L: Hey, hold on! It’s not just about vanity: there’s a clear relationship between good looks and employability – not to mention marriage prospects and general social acceptance.
A: That’s strange. If anything, I would have thought that having plastic surgery would be more likely to socially ostracize someone.
L: Not in Korea. According to a poll conducted by a Korean newspaper, sixty percent of Koreans approve of plastic surgery.
A: Outrageous! Why can’t people just accept what nature gave them?
L: Well, unfortunately, Alex, nature didn’t smile quite as sweetly on some people as it did on you!
-by Michael Costello
premiere [prɪˋmjɛr] n. 初次上演
obsessed [əbˋsɛst] adj. 着迷的, 被缠住的, 烦扰的
narcissistic [͵nɑrsɪˋsɪstɪk] adj. 自我陶醉的;自恋的;自我崇拜的
self-absorbed [͵sɛlfəbˋsɔrbd] adj. 只顾自己的﹐自我专注的
vanity [ˋvænətɪ] n. 自负;虚荣(心)
employability [͵ɪmplɔɪəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 可雇性;可用性;适于雇用;受雇就业能力
prospect [ˋprɑspɛkt] n.(成功的)可能性;前景,前途
if anything 更可能的是,总之; 如果有区别的话 if at all, if in any degree.
ostracize [ˋɑstrə͵saɪz] v.〔一伙人〕把…排除在外﹐排斥
poll [pol] n. 民意测验;民意测验记录
outrageous [aʊtˋredʒəs] adj. 极不寻常的; 有点可笑[吓人]的
Sentence of the Day
They went under the knife.
go under the knife 接受手术