Ganbei! Drinking to Success – or Excess? 干杯!为成功一饮而尽──是否喝得太多?
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2003年9月08日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年6月06日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:309
Lee, a Taiwanese businessman, and Suzi, his American colleague, are on their lunch break: 台湾商人老李和美国同事苏丝一起,正逢午餐时刻:
L: I’m so hungover! I drank way too much with our clients last night.
S: You and me both! You know, Taiwanese business culture involves a lot of drinking. Last night, when I initially declined a drink, your clients seemed offended.
L: Hey, drinking etiquette is an ancient Chinese tradition. Refusing to drink may be seen as a sign of weakness or insincerity. Holding your liquor well reflects your personal strength and sincerity.
S: I’ve also noticed some “conspicuous consumption” of expensive imported alcohol.
L: It’s an old habit: in the nineteenth century, it was mainland liquor; under the Japanese, it was sake; now, it’s cognac. Moreover, after generations of poverty, some Taiwanese like to show off their newfound wealth.
S: Still, it’s funny to see cognac chugalugged!
L: Well, in ancient times, drinking was either an excuse for the literati to spout poetry, or a way for the average person to bond with cronies. Taiwan’s drinking culture has reshaped these earlier traditions.
S: So, if you have a high tolerance, and can afford to drink expensive alcohol, people might respect you?
L: Hmm. Drinking and alcohol have come to represent what is important to many Taiwanese businesspeople: power and wealth.
hangover [ˋhæŋ͵ovɚ] n.【口】宿醉
way [we] adv. 大大地
decline [dɪˋklaɪn] v. 婉拒;谢绝
offend [əˋfɛnd] v. 冒犯;触怒
etiquette [ˋɛtɪkɛt] n. 礼节;礼仪
insincerity [͵ɪnsɪnˋsɛrətɪ] n. 无诚意
liquor [ˋlɪkɚ] n.【美】烈酒〈如威士忌〉
conspicuous [kənˋspɪkjʊəs] adj. 引人注目的; 明显的,易看见的
sake [ˋsɑke] n. 日本清酒
cognac [ˋkonjæk] n.〔法国〕干邑白兰地(酒)
chugalug [ˋtʃʌgəlʌg] v.【美】【俚】一饮而尽;牛饮;狼吞虎咽
literati [ˏlɪtə`rɑtɪ] n.【正式】文学家﹐ 文人学士
spout [spaʊt] v.【口】滔滔不绝地讲;喋喋不休地说
crony [ˋkronɪ] n. 密友;好朋友
Sentence of the Day
In vino veritas.
vino [ˋvino] n.【美】【俚】廉价葡萄酒;喝廉价酒的酒鬼; informal -wine 【非正式】(葡萄)酒
veritas [ˋvɛrɪ͵tæs] n.【拉】真理
Lee and Suzi continue their lunchtime discussion: 老李和苏丝继续他们午餐时的讨论:
S: With all the drinking that goes on, I’m surprised that more Taiwanese people don’t have drinking problems.
L: Funny you should mention that. I saw an interesting documentary on TV a few weeks ago about alcohol and genes.
S: As I understand it, alcoholism is usually a genetic predisposition rather than an environmental outcome.
L: True enough, but this show was mostly about how race affects alcoholism rates. Half of all people of Asian ancestry lack a gene that is necessary for breaking down alcohol properly.
S: My roommate doesn’t drink much, but when she does, her face always turns bright red. Does that gene have anything to do with it?
L: Definitely! And there are other uncomfortable side effects, like excessive nausea, sweating, and dizziness.
S: I guess that explains why the rate of alcoholism is lower in Asian than in North America.
L: Partly, but it’s still a problem in Taiwan. A college buddy of mine has been in Alcoholic Anonymous for years.
S: I read somewhere that AA has been in Taiwan for about twenty years. I wonder how long the original AA has been around.
L: Almost sixty years – and after that night, I feel about that old myself!
【注】:「AA」是「戒酒无名会Alcoholics Anonymous」这个团体的缩写。
-by Alex Adair
documentary [͵dɑkjəˋmɛntərɪ] n. 记录像片;(电视等的)记录节目
alcoholism [ˋælkəhɔl͵ɪzəm] n. 酗酒
predisposition [͵pridɪspəˋzɪʃən] n. 倾向;素质
ancestry [ˋænsɛstrɪ] n.(总称)祖先
break down 分解
dizziness [ˋdɪzənɪs] n. 头昏眼花
buddy [ˋbʌdɪ] n.【美】【俚】(用作称呼)老兄,老弟
alcoholic [͵ælkəˋhɔlɪk] n. 酒精中毒病人;嗜酒者
anonymous [əˋnɑnəməs] adj. 匿名的;姓氏不明的
Sentence of the Day
Drinking like a fish has consequences.
drink like a fish 大喝; 喝很多酒