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Working Their Way Up 从洗衣工到工程师








Chinese-Americans have come a long way since the first waves of immigration in the mid-1800s. These early immigrants went to the New World to work as laborers on the railroads or as laundrymen for gold miners. Up until the middle of the last century, Chinese immigrants faced legal, cultural, and language barriers which kept white-collar jobs out of reach. As a result, they tended to live in segregated Chinatowns.



The fortunes of Chinese-Americans began to change in the 1960s following the relaxation of U.S. immigration laws. Thousands of Taiwanese students moved to the U.S. to study. This university-educated group broke free from stereotypical Chinese jobs by working in new sectors, such as science and technology. Mastery of the English language, however, often remained elusive; many returned to their homelands after reaching a “glass ceiling” in the American workforce.



Unlike their ancestors, ABC’s (American-born Chinese) face few linguistic or cultural barriers. They are striving for equal footing with fellow Americans and competing in the workplace as engineers, doctors, and business owners. However, there are still few Chinese in the upper echelons of American corporations and fewer still in politics. ABCs certainly have more career options than their ancestors had, but they still have a way to go to reach complete equality.






work one's way up 获提升,晋级

have come a long way 大有进步

laundryman [ˋlɔndrɪmən] n. 洗衣男工

segregate [ˋsɛgrɪ͵get] v.〔尤指因种族﹑性别﹑宗教不同而〕使分开﹐分离﹐隔离

fortune [ˋfɔrtʃən] n. 命运

stereotypical [͵stɛrɪəˋtɪpɪk!] adj. 陈规的,老一套的

mastery [ˋmæstərɪ] n. 熟练;精通

elusive [ɪˋlusɪv] adj. 难以实现的; 难以得到的

glass ceiling  玻璃天花板(通常专指女性所遭遇的在工作中升级时遇到的一种无形的障碍,使人不能到达较高阶层)

footing [ˋfʊtɪŋ] n. 立足处,立脚点

echelon [ˋɛʃə͵lɑn] n. 阶层



Sentence of the Day

Early Chinese-Americans got a raw deal.



raw deal【口】不公平的待遇








Vincent is showing Sally around Chinatown in Los Angeles:  在洛杉矶,文森带着莎莉逛中国城:


S: Thanks for the tour, Vincent.



V: So? What do you think of the new Chinatown?



S: It’s cool, but I think old Chinatown has much more character with all those funky shops and noisy restaurants clustered together. Although it’s modern here, it’s just strip malls and parking lots.



V: I agree. But it’s interesting to contrast the old Chinatown that was established by the original immigrants, and the new one that was established later by wealthier immigrants.



S: You can see the progression of the Chinese in America over the last 150 years.



V: Definitely. Early Chinese immigrants didn’t speak English well, so they worked mainly in menial labor jobs.



S: I guess that’s where the stereotype of the stuttering Chinese waiter or launderer comes from. Those stereotypes never made much sense to me because every Chinese person I know speaks English fluently and has a decent job.



V: Times have changed. ABCs like myself can work in fields that were off limits just a generation ago.



S: So, do you think we’ll see a Chinese-American president in our lifetime?



V: Considering that there still hasn’t been a woman or African-American president, I’d say things haven’t changed that much!



by Howie Phung





funky [ˋfʌŋkɪ] adj.【俚】稀奇古怪的

cluster [ˋklʌstɚ] v. 使成簇(或群)[(+together)]

strip mall【美】单排商业区;沿公路商业区

contrast [ˋkɑn͵træst] v. 形成对照

menial [ˋmɪnɪəl] adj. 仆人的;适于仆人的

stutter [ˋstʌtɚ] v. 结结巴巴地说话

launderer 洗衣工

decent [ˋdisnt] adj. 象样的;还不错的

off limit  禁止入内



Sentence of the Day

Chinese-Americans are breaking new ground.



break new ground  开辟新天地




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