Natural Born Consumers 百年大「计」?──企业赞助学校,自小培养消费者
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年10月29日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月29日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:492
Coca-Cola Elementary School? Sound incongruous? The concept isn’t so far-fetched, as U.S. schools are finding themselves increasingly reliant on the corporate dollar for funding.
One school in Colorado Springs, Colorado, signed an exclusive contract with a soft drink company to sell the company’s products in school’s vending machines. The contract stipulated a specific volume of sales, leading school administrators to allow students to consume the products throughout the day, including in-class, to meet the sales requirements.
The corporatization of schools extends beyond exclusive sales agreements. Advertising is popping up in cafeterias, textbooks, and on gymnasium scoreboards. Channel One, a popular news program for grade 6-12, remains “free” because each twelve-minute show includes two minutes of commercials.
To many, the corporatization of schools seems like an underhanded way for companies to capture an easily impressionable market. Others argue that kids are bombarded by advertising in their daily lives anyway, so the six- and seven- figure sums these schemes bring to needy schools are worth it. Either way, cash-strapped American schools are sometimes left with little choice but to accept the strings of attached when offered much-needed corporate “gifts.”
Will this trend continue? Nobody knows. What’s certain is that such decisions must be made by communities, not corporations.
-by Joel Finnesta
incongruous [ɪnˋkɑŋgrʊəs] adj. 不协调的﹐不相称的
far-fetched [ˋfɑrˋfɛtʃt] adj. 牵强的; 不可信的; 靠不住的
be reliant [rɪˋlaɪənt] on 依靠
exclusive [ɪkˋsklusɪv] adj. 独占的,专用的
stipulate [ˋstɪpjə͵let] v. 规定;约定
corporatization [kɔrpərətaɪ'zeʃən] n. 公司化,企业化
gymnasium [dʒɪmˋnezɪəm] n. 体育馆;健身房
commercial [kəˋmɝʃəl] n.(电视、广播中的)商业广告
underhanded [ˋʌndɚˋhændɪd] adj. 秘密的;可耻的;狡诈的
impressionable [ɪmˋprɛʃənəb!] adj.〔尤因年轻而〕易受影响的
either way 两者都, 反正都, 总之 whatever happens?
cash-strapped [ˋkæʃstræpt] adj. 缺乏现金的 lacking sufficient money
Sentence of the Day
There are different schools of thought concerning corporate involvement in schools.