Yale University’s Wisdom of the Aged 耶鲁大学善用经年智慧
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2004年7月16日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年7月07日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:472
Professor Jackson, a retired professor at Yale, is introducing post-graduate student Stephen Sadori to the campus: 杰克森是耶鲁大学的退休教授,他正在为研究生史蒂芬沙多利做校园导览:
S: Yale University is incredibly historical. Take the Koerner Center here: It’s the oldest standing house in New Haven and was built by a grandson of one of Yale’s founders.
J: Since mandatory retirement was eliminated ten years ago, my interest in the Koerner Center is more than historical – it provided a forum for emeriti professors like myself to stay connected with campus life.
S: Don’t you think a university should rotate its faculty regularly to introduce fresh academic perspectives?
J: Of course. But what a waste to ignore the collective experience and wisdom of retired academics who wish to continue their work! At the Koerner Center, we can contribute without skulking around our former departments.
S: How do emeriti professors conduct their work from the Koerner Center?
J: The center has twelve offices which are assigned to emeriti who wish to continue research, hold meetings, and even teach classes if enough students enroll.
S: What an insightful idea! It’s a very forward-thinking setup.
J: Yale is the first university with such an arrangement so far.
S: I must visit sometime.
J: Then join us one afternoon in the living room for a libation of sherry.
-by Jerry Lin
post-graduate [postˋgrædʒʊɪt] n. 研究生
historical [hɪsˋtɔrɪk!] adj. 历史背景的; 有历史的
mandatory [ˋmændə͵torɪ] adj. 强制的
forum [ˋforəm] n. 公开讨论的场所
emeritus [ɪˋmɛrɪtəs] adj.〔大学教师〕退休后仍保留头衔的﹐荣誉退休的, emeriti n. & adj. 荣誉退休者(尤指男人)
faculty [ˋfæk!tɪ] n.【主美】(大学或院,系的)全体教职员
perspective [pɚˋspɛktɪv] n. 远景;展望,前途
academic [͵ækəˋdɛmɪk] n. 大学教师,教授
skulk [skʌlk] v.〔为了不良企图而〕躲藏; 鬼鬼祟祟地走动
enroll [ɪnˋrol] n. 注册
insightful [ˋɪn͵saɪtfəl] adj. 具洞察力的;有深刻见解的
forward-thinking 前瞻思维的;前瞻性的思考的
setup [ˋsɛt͵ʌp] n. 计划,方案; 机构
libation [laɪˋbeʃən] n.(古希腊和罗马供奉神的)祭酒
sherry [ˋʃɛrɪ] n. 雪利酒(西班牙产的一种烈性白葡萄酒)
Sentence of the Day
When it comes to retires, Yale has managed not to throw out the baby with the bathwater.
throw out the baby with the bathwater 不分精华糟粕全盘否定