A Flat World Is Mostly a Better World 世界是平的
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2006年6月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2011年10月26日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:460
How did people communicate before the Internet? How did they work and live? Although in the past century phones and airplanes had made the world feel smaller, judging by current standards, it was still a big place. Today, computers and the Internet are able to digitize things and transmit them anywhere, instantly, making the world so small that it has become flat. This is Thomas Friedman’s main argument in his bestseller The World Is Flat.
From the 1400s to around 1800, the world flattened as ships carrying trade and communication, connected the planet’s far-off regions. From around 1800 to 2000, the world became flatter as movement of goods and ideas spread deep inland via railroads and by air. The more recent flattening has been propelled by common computer languages and software that allow computers, anywhere in the world, to interact perfectly with one another. With these developments, outsourcing has migrated to virtually every industry.
Here is how outsourcing works. An R&D team in Europe designs a new product and emails the plans to Asia, where it is manufactured. Accounting firms in the United States send routine tasks to companies in India. Hospitals anywhere in the world email x-rays and CAT scans to specialists who read them and email back the results. Countless processes can be broken down into their component parts and electronically transmitted to any part of the world. This offers the best economic advantage.
在此说明外包的运作模式。位于欧洲的研发团队(R&D team)设计了新产品,并把研究计划用电子邮件寄到亚洲进行生产。美国的会计公司把例行公事送到印度尼西亚的公司。世界各地的医院把X光照片与计算机断层扫描图(CAT Scan)用电子邮件寄给相关专家,待其判读完后再寄回分析结果。数不清的工作程序可以分解成各个组成成分,并且运用电子方式送到世界上任一角落。这给了公司最佳的经济优势。
transmit [trænsˋmɪt] v. 传送,传达
via [ˋvaɪə] prep. 透过; 经由
propel [prəˋpɛl] v. 推进
migrate [ˋmaɪ͵gret] v. 迁移;移居
virtually [ˋvɝtʃʊəlɪ] adv. 差不多; 实际上,事实上
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digitize [ˋdɪdʒə͵taɪz] v.(将数据)数字化
far-off [ˋfɑrˋɔf] adj.(时间、地点等)遥远的
outsourcing [ˋaʊt͵sɔrsɪŋ] n. 外包; 向国外采购零配件
accounting firm 会计公司
CAT scan (computerized axial tomography) 计算机化X射线轴向分层造影扫描图
component [kəmˋponənt] n. 构成要素;零件;成分
Though a flat world yield many benefits, it also has a flip side. A flat world may be filled with human and environmental exploitation as well as domestic and international discord. When outsourcing increases, the newly employed will benefit, but what about the newly unemployed? As they suffer economic hardships, their resentment may increase, leading to national instability.
With so much personal information stored on and transferred between computers, there has been an explosion of identity theft and other scams. And there are other kinds of explosions such as those resulting from terrorist attacks. The information available on the Web and the capabilities provided by computers allow anyone or any country to pose a grave threat.
If our flat world can be shattered with the push of a button, what is the future? Friedman is very optimistic, but cautions rich countries to take up global responsibility. We cannot expect people living in poverty and disease to tolerate a world whose opportunities have passed them by. Countries with resources need to assist those in need. Nor can we ignore those who want to turn back the clock by using violence. To counter this threat, we must be watchful, often using the same technology that gave rise to this menace. It seems that a two-sided flat world is not unlike a double-edged sword.
−by Howard Weston
yield [jild] v. 产生(效果,收益等); 出产
discord [ˋdɪskɔrd] n. 不和,争吵
resentment [rɪˋzɛntmənt] n. 忿怒,怨恨
capability [͵kepəˋbɪlətɪ] n. 能力
pose [poz] v. 造成,引起
shatter [ˋʃætɚ] v. 粉碎,砸碎
caution [ˋkɔʃən] v. 警告,告诫,使小心
menace [ˋmɛnɪs] n. 威胁,恐吓
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flip side 对立面;相对立的人(或物)the opposite side
exploitation [͵ɛksplɔɪˋteʃən] n. 剥削
scam [ˋskæm] n.【俚】骗局﹐诡计﹐欺诈
grave [grev] adj. 重大的; 严重的
turn back the clock 倒退; 把钟拨慢 to make things the same as they were at an earlier time
double-edged sword 双刃剑 something that has or can have both favorable and unfavorable consequences
Reading Questions
1. Which is NOT a characteristic of Friedman’s “flat” world?
A. Better transportation of goods.
B. Increased outsourcing to more areas of the world.
C. Internet connections that allow for the transfer of electronic information.
D. Smoother roads for cars to drive on.
2. Why does Friedman believe that the world is “flatter” now than it was before?
A. Because today there are fewer restrictions on the transfer of goods.
B. Because the relationships between countries are always getting stronger.
C. Because our methods of transferring goods and ideas are improving.
D. Because computers are responsible for most aspects of our lives.
3. Which is a negative effect of a “flat” world?
A. Employees make more money than employers do, and wealth is drastically redistributed.
B. Anyone or any country can use the information available on the internet to cause great harm.
C. The price of technology goes up, so people’s living standards around the world go down.
D. Information on the Internet becomes less believable, resulting in chaotic online communication.
4. What can be done to ensure that a flat world is a better world?
A. Providing assistance to poorer countries.
B. Making sure that our computers are constantly updated.
C. Insisting that all companies use outsourcing to produce something.
D. Preventing poor countries from obtaining advanced nuclear weapons.
The World is Flat
1. ( D ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( A ) |