Time capsules: Preserving the Past 时间胶囊的故事
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2008年9月10日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年3月05日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:339
Imagine that you wanted to send a message to the people of the future. What would you want them to know about you and the time in which you lived? What common items would best represent the culture you grew up in? The answers are being preserved in time capsules.
The modern idea of the time capsules was made popular during the preparations for the 1939 World’s Fair in New York. Created by Westinghouse as part of their exhibit, the capsule was made of an ultra-durable metal alloy so that it could withstand the tests of time and nature. Its contents included crop seeds, pieces of industrial machinery, and even the Holly Bible, as well as everyday items such as a watch, a fountain pen and a lady’s hat. This was a serious attempt to provide a clear description of civilization in 1939.
The time capsule was buried 50 feet below Flushing Meadows Park. One can only imagine the awe and wonderment the people of the future will experience when the capsule is opened approximately 5,000 years from now, in the year 6939.
preserve [prɪˋzɝv] v. 保存
withstand [wɪðˋstænd] v. 抵挡;禁得起
civilization [͵sɪv!əˋzeʃən] n. 文明
awe [ɔ] n. 敬畏;畏怯
approximately [əˋprɑksəmɪtlɪ] adv. 大概;近乎
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alloy [əˋlɔɪ] n. 合金
content [ˋkɑntənt] n. 内容
meadow [ˋmɛdo] n. 草地; 牧草地
wonderment [ˋwʌndɚmənt] n. 惊奇
One future project will literally rise above all the time capsules that are currently on Earth. The KEO satellite space time capsule is due to be launched in either 2009 or 2010. The satellite, a hollow sphere 80 centimeters in diameter, will carry messages from the people of today to the people of the future. It has the capacity to carry a four-page letter from every person on Earth to their distant descendants. Once it is launched, the satellite will orbit the Earth for 50,000 years before returning with its messages from the past.
In addition to the messages, the satellite will also carry a diamond that encases a drop of human blood. Photos of people from all cultures and encyclopedias of all human knowledge will be included on DVDs. It’s amazing to think that tens of thousands of years from now people might be reading our words and learning about our lives.
Who knows who will unearth the time capsules we leave behind? One thing is for sure, whatever happens in the future, we will be remembered.
−by Joe Henley
literally [ˋlɪtərəlɪ] adv. 照字面地
launch [lɔntʃ] v. 发射
capacity [kəˋpæsətɪ] n. 容量
descendant [dɪˋsɛndənt] n. 子孙,后裔
orbit [ˋɔrbɪt] v. 环绕(天体等)的轨道运行
encyclopedia [ɪn͵saɪkləˋpidɪə] n. 百科全书
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satellite [ˋsæt!͵aɪt] n. 人造卫星
due [dju] adj. 预定﹐预期
hollow [ˋhɑlo] adj. 中空的
sphere [sfɪr] n. 球;球体
diameter [daɪˋæmətɚ] n. 直径
encase [ɪnˋkes] v. 将……装进容器
unearth [ʌnˋɝθ] v.(从地下)发掘; 发现;揭露
Reading Questions
1. What is the purpose of time capsules?
A. To keep objects typical of a period for future generations to observe.
B. To allow the people of the present to view objects of historical significance.
C. To bury treasures in the ground for the people of the future to find.
D. To shoot expensive items into space to preserve them.
2. The Westinghouse time capsule was made of a special metal so that _____.
A. it would look like a work of art
B. it could hold lots of heavy objects
C. it would not be damaged easily
D. it could never be opened
3. Which of the following is NOT true of the KEO space time capsule?
A. It will contain a drop of human blood and may be sent into space in 2009.
B. It will stay in space for 50,000 years.
C. It will carry messages from the people of the future to the people of today.
D. It will be less than a meter in diameter.
4. What can we infer based on the article?
A. Few people are interested in the contents of time capsules.
B. Time capsules will become a bridge between people from different countries.
C. Time capsules are of no benefit to historical studies.
D. There is almost no limit as to what can be placed inside a time capsule.
Leave a message for people 50,000 years in the future
1. ( A ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( D ) |