The Pulitzer Prize: The Golden Stamp of Journalism 普立兹奖:新闻界的至高荣耀

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Every April, in newsrooms across America, journalists huddle around television sets, awaiting the announcement of the Pulitzer Prize. For the fortunate few who hear their names, it is not the cash reward that sparks celebration, but the respect and prestige that come with winning this illustrious decoration. In truth, the small monetary prize has little bearing on the Pulitzers. The prizewinners in 21 categories, however, benefit immensely from the publicity and see their reputations soar.



The annual awards, which mainly honor journalistic expertise but also recognize poets, photographers, and authors, are the legacy of Joseph Pulitzer. Born in Hungary in 1847, he took a ship to America at the age of 17. He got his break quite by accident when two editors he met found him interesting and gave him a writing assignment, which led to a job. Dedicated to journalism from the beginning, he soon became owner-publisher of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Pulitzer worked tirelessly throughout his career with a commitment to journalism as a public service. He pioneered investigative reporting, exposed scandals, and dug up stories of corruption. Pulitzer never settled for anything less than excellence, and, in his will, he left instructions for the establishment of the Pulitzer Prize.



The 2009 prize for International Reporting went to The New York Times for its fearless coverage of the wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Back in 1994, freelancer Kevin Carter won the Feature Photography category for his shot of a tiny, starving Sudanese child, with a vulture waiting ominously in the background. These examples remind us why there ought to be excellence in journalism. Pulitzer believed wholeheartedly in the power of the media, saying, a nation and its media “will rise or fall together.”



by Alice Davis





journalism [ˋdʒɝn!͵ɪzm] n. 新闻工作;新闻业

huddle [ˋhʌd!] v. 挤作一团;聚在一起

huddle around 围聚;挤在周围 to gather or bunch around someone or something

illustrious [ɪˋlʌstrɪəs] adj. 著名的,杰出的,卓越的

publicity [pʌbˋlɪsətɪ] n.〔报纸﹑电视等对某人或某物的〕关注

commitment [kəˋmɪtmənt] n. 承诺

pioneer [͵paɪəˋnɪr] v. 开创; 开发; 倡导

expose [ɪkˋspoz] v. 揭露,揭发

corruption [kəˋrʌpʃən] n. 腐化;贪污

settle for 勉强接受, 勉强同意

fearless [ˋfɪrlɪs] adj. 无畏的;大胆的

coverage [ˋkʌvərɪdʒ] n. 新闻报导

ominously [ˋɑmənəslɪ] adv. 恶兆地;不吉利地

wholeheartedly [͵holˋhɑrtɪdlɪ] adv. 全心全意地;全神贯注地



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newsroom [ˋnjuzˋrum] n. 新闻编辑部

spark [spɑrk] v. 引发; 引起; 导致

prestige [prɛsˋtiʒ] n. 名望,声望,威望

decoration [͵dɛkəˋreʃən] n. 勋章;奖章

monetary [ˋmʌnə͵tɛrɪ] adj. 金钱的

have a bearing on 对…有影响; 与…有关

journalistic [͵dʒɝn!ˋɪstɪk] adj. 新闻业的;新闻工作(者)的

photographer [fəˋtɑgrəfɚ] n. 摄影师

legacy [ˋlɛgəsɪ] n. 留给后人的东西; 遗产;遗赠

break [brek] n.【口】机会;好运

publisher [ˋpʌblɪʃɚ] n. 出版(或发行)者

investigative [ɪnˋvɛstə͵getɪv] adj. 调查的

dig up〔通过仔细搜索﹑查询〕找出﹐揭露 find by digging in the ground; find, uncover

instruction [ɪnˋstrʌkʃən] n. 命令,指示

freelancer [ˋfri͵lænsɚ] n.(不受雇于人的)自由作家(或演员等)

feature [fitʃɚ] n.(报纸等的)特写

Sudanese [͵sudəˋniz] adj. 苏丹的;苏丹人的

vulture [ˋvʌltʃɚ] n. 秃鹰

say [se] v. 表明,宣称



Reading Questions


1. What do you think is the best thing about winning a Pulitzer Prize?

A. Owning an expensive trophy.

B. Becoming incredibly wealthy.

C. Attending the award ceremony.

D. Being recognized as an excellent journalist.


2. Which of the following best describes Joseph Pulitzer?

A. A lazy hypocrite.

B. A corrupt reporter.

C. An ambitious perfectionist.

D. A businessman who wanted to earn lots of money.


3. What do you think Pulitzer meant when he said a nation and its media “will rise or fall together”?

A. The media will always drag a country down.

B. Journalism is the true ruler of a nation’s people.

C. A civilized nation protects its people from the media.

D. Good journalism and a good country go hand in hand.






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1. ( D )

2. ( C )

3. ( D )