The Ups and Downs of Roller Coasters 极限快感──云霄飞车
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年8月10日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年10月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:401
If you have been on a roller coaster, you’ll remember the adrenaline rushing through your veins as you dashed down the track at lightning speed. ___1___ But, these fairground favorites actually have a long, colorful history that can be traced back to 15th century Russia.
In some languages, the word “roller coaster” translates as “Russian mountain.” That’s because the first roller coasters were mountains. ___2___ Guides would take riders up as high as 24 meters, and then slide down with them on small sleds. By the 18th century, St. Petersburg had caught on to the trend. Around the city, the ice slides were lined with colorful lanterns, enabling rides to be taken at night. Next, the pastime arrived in France, where the roller coaster was adapted to consist of wheeled carriages that traveled over metal tracks laid on steep wood slopes.
___3___ In 1895, the first vertical loop was incorporated into “The Flip Flap” in Brooklyn. One prominent omission, though, was seatbelts. The first Golden Age of roller coasters, having spread to many countries, came to an end with the Great Depression. ___4___ Built to the hair-raising dimensions we are familiar with today, it gave rise to a second generation of gravity-defying amusement rides.
Today, New Jersey’s “Kingda Ka” is the tallest, fastest roller coaster on the planet; it accelerates to 128 mph in just 3.5 seconds! ___5___ So, don’t go off the tracks: buckle up, and get ready to scream!
(A) Roller coasters continued to develop as their popularity grew.
(B) Many people think roller coasters are a recent invention, designed to satisfy modern thrillseekers.
(C) They finally made their comeback in the 1970s, when “The Racer” was erected in Ohio.
(D) Japan is home to the world’s longest “hypercoaster,” with “Steel Dragon 2000” offering you almost 2.5 kilometers of pure madness.
(E) In the winter, wooden hills were constructed, fashioned like half-tube slides and packed with ice.
−by Alice Davis
vein [ven] n. 静脉,血管
translate [trænsˋlet] v. 翻译
sled [slɛd] n. 雪橇
catch on to the trend 赶上潮流(流行)
pastime [ˋpæs͵taɪm] n. 消遣;娱乐
adapt [əˋdæpt] v. 改建,改造
vertical [ˋvɝtɪk!] adj. 垂直的;竖的
prominent [ˋprɑmənənt] adj. 显著的;显眼的
hair-raising [ˋhɛr͵rezɪŋ] adj. 令人毛骨悚然的, 令人恐惧的 inspiring horror; terrifying
dimension [dɪˋmɛnʃən] n. 大小,规模
give rise to 引起 to cause something to exist
defy [dɪˋfaɪ] v. 向……挑战
accelerate [ækˋsɛlə͵ret] v. 使加速
thrillseeker [͵θrɪlˋsikɚ] n. 寻求刺激的人 person who seeks thrills, commonly associated with extreme sports
More Information
adrenaline [əˈdrɛnəlɪn] n. 肾上腺素
dash [dæʃ] v. 猛冲; 急奔
fairground [ˋfɛr͵graʊnd] n. 露天游乐场
slide [slaɪd] n. 滑道;滑坡;滑梯
carriage [ˋkærɪdʒ] n. 客车车厢
loop [lup] n. 环状物;环路; 环线
omission [oˋmɪʃən] n. 省略;删除
buckle up 系上安全带 to buckle one's seat belt, as in a car or plane
comeback [ˋkʌm͵bæk] n. 东山再起; 重整旗鼓
erect [ɪˋrɛkt] v. 建立;建造
fashion [ˋfæʃən] v. 把……塑造成
Kingda Ka (Jackson, New Jersey 08527 USA)
Steel Dragon 2000 Worlds Longest Steel Roller Coaster
1. ( B ) |
2. ( E ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( C ) |
5.( D ) |