Majestic Mount Rushmore 鬼斧神工的巨岩雕像:总统山
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年3月16日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月17日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:325
Egypt may have the Sphinx, but when it comes to colossal monuments, America has its own answer: Mount Rushmore National Memorial. Located in the Midwestern state of South Dakota, these four presidential sculptures carved into the face of a mountain loom large over the surrounding landscape. Here’s the story behind the sculptures.
Back in 1923, elderly South Dakota historian, Doane Robinson, had a dream of a huge mountain memorial that would have tourists flocking to his home state. Some thought his idea was pure genius, and others believed it to be nothing more than the ramblings of an old fool. But once Robinson had the backing of a South Dakota Senator and sculptor Gutzon Borglum on board, all doubts were cast aside.
Originally, Robinson wanted to memorialize heroes of the American West, but Borglum convinced him that they should honor men who helped shape America’s identity. Thus, four great presidents were selected to be immortalized.
Selecting the first president of the United States, George Washington, was a no-brainer. He is considered the father of the nation, and led the colonists in their victorious battle against the British forces in the American Revolution. Then there’s Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration of Independence – a document that has inspired the growth of democracy around the world. Theodore Roosevelt was selected for helping America become a global economic superpower as it entered the 20th century. And last but not least, Abraham Lincoln was chosen for holding America together during the Civil War and abolishing slavery.
Sphinx [sfɪŋks](古埃及)n. 狮身人面像
colossal [kəˋlɑs!] adj. 巨大的;庞大的
memorial [məˋmorɪəl] n. 纪念物;纪念碑
flock [flɑk] v. 聚集;成群地去
genius [ˋdʒinjəs] n. 天资,天赋,才华
rambling [ˋræmblɪŋ] n. 漫无边际的聊天
backing [ˋbækɪŋ] n. 支持
sculptor [ˋskʌlptɚ] n. 雕刻家
convince [kənˋvɪns] v. 使信服;说服
immortalize [ɪˋmɔrt!͵aɪz] v. 使不朽; 使名垂千古
no-brainer 无需用脑的事;容易的事
colonist [ˋkɑlənɪst] n. 殖民地开拓者
victorious [vɪkˋtorɪəs] adj. 战胜的;凯旋的
declaration [͵dɛkləˋreʃən] n. 宣言
slavery [ˋslevərɪ] n. 奴隶制;蓄奴
More Information
loom large 显得突出 if a subject looms large, it causes people to think or worry a lot; to be important
nothing more than 只是, 仅仅是...而已 only
on board 愿意参加 if someone is on board, they are working with an organization or group of people
cast aside 抛弃; 排除 to throw away
Of course, planning and carving a monument on such a grand scale was no easy task. The actual carving of Mount Rushmore didn’t begin until 1927, and took 14 painstaking years to complete. Dynamite was used to remove granite from the face of Mount Rushmore, and more than 800 million pounds of stone would be carted away from the mountain by the time the project was completed. Once the blasting was done, drillers moved in, with the final finesse work being done with a hammer and chisel. Everyone who worked on the project had to climb almost 700 stairs to the top and be lowered down the 500 foot rock face in what was called a “bosun” chair every day.
The initial plan was to carve the presidents from head to waist, but funding only allowed for the heads to be completed. Each of the heads is 60 feet, making them as tall as the Great Sphinx. The noses alone are 20 feet long, the mouths are 18 feet wide, and the eyes are 11 feet across.
These colossal heads require a lot of upkeep, as America’s founding fathers should always look their best. Today, maintenance staff must dangle in harnesses in front of these imposing figures just as the people who carved the monument did 60 years ago. But it’s a small price to pay to preserve America’s shrine of democracy and freedom.
-by Joe Henley
painstaking [penz͵tekɪŋ] adj. 刻苦的,不辞辛劳的
dynamite [ˋdaɪnə͵maɪt] n. 炸药
granite [ˋgrænɪt] n. 花岗岩
cart [kɑrt] v. 用运货车装运
blasting [ˋblæstɪŋ] n. 爆炸
driller [ˋdrɪlɚ] n. 钻孔者
finesse [fəˋnɛs] n. 技巧;手段
chisel [ˋtʃɪz!] n. 凿子
bosun [ˈbosən] n. 吊椅
waist [west] n. 腰,腰部
funding [ˋfʌndɪŋ] n. 资金;基金
upkeep [ˋʌp͵kip] n.(房屋,设备等的)保养,维修
dangle [ˋdæŋg!] v. 悬摆
harness [ˋhɑrnɪs] n. 挽具状带子;安全带
imposing [ɪmˋpozɪŋ] adj. 壮观的;气势宏伟的
shrine [ʃraɪn] n. 圣地;神圣场所
Reading Questions
1. What do we know from the article about Doane Robinson?
(A) He was a historian who specialized in studying American presidents.
(B) He came up with the idea for a large memorial in South Dakota.
(C) He spent 14 years sculpting rocks to create Mount Rushmore.
(D) Along with Gutzon Borglum, he was a hero in the America West.
2. When did the construction on Mount Rushmore start?
(A) 1914.
(B) 1923.
(C) 1927.
(D) 1941.
3. What similarity do Mount Rushmore and the Great Sphinx of Egypt share?
(A) The Great Sphinx is as tall as each of the president’s heads.
(B) Both the Great Sphinx and Mount Rushmore took 14 years to complete.
(C) Both sculptures were designed to represent democracy and freedom.
(D) Neither of them are as large as they were first expected to be.
4. Which of the following is NOT true about Mount Rushmore?
(A) One president featured on it wrote a very famous American document.
(B) It takes a great deal of work to keep the memorial in good condition.
(C) The building of this South Dakotan monument took more than ten years.
(D) Originally, four different presidents were supposed to be pictured on it.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial - U.S. National Park Service
Construction of Mount Rushmore National Memorial
making Mt. Rushmore documentary, Gutzon Borglum designer/sculptor
1. ( B ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( D ) |