Music in a Box 聆听八音盒的悦耳乐章

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Nowadays, it’s easy to hear music wherever you go. All you have to do is turn on your MP3 player or the nearest radio. But what did people who lived hundreds of years ago do if they wanted to listen to music? Was the world back then full of ___1___? Thanks to an ingenious invention ___2___ as the music box, people have been able to listen to music whenever they wanted for nearly two hundred years.


(A) other

(B) until

(C) declined

(D) silence

(E) first

(F) with

(G) containing

(H) popping

(I) way

(J) known


A music box can be defined as a case ___3___ an apparatus for producing music mechanically. In ___4___ words, it’s a box that can play music without needing electricity. Music boxes, however, did not gain mass appeal ___5___ the 19th century, when Switzerland became the dominant manufacturer. During this period, music boxes started ___6___ up everywhere. They were even placed in public areas. Thanks to interchangeable discs, some of the more advanced models could play a plethora of different songs. These discs could be considered the world’s ___7___ CDs. Today, most music boxes are made by Japanese and Chinese companies, ___8___ one Swiss company, Reuge, still maintaining a strong presence in the industry.


(A) other

(B) until

(C) declined

(D) silence

(E) first

(F) with

(G) containing

(H) popping

(I) way

(J) known


The popularity of music boxes has ___9___ rapidly in the modern era, but that doesn’t mean they should be forgotten. Because they have been made for such a long time, music boxes represent hundreds of years of human civilization and history. So wind one up and listen to music the ___10__ people used to enjoy it in days gone by.


(A) other

(B) until

(C) declined

(D) silence

(E) first

(F) with

(G) containing

(H) popping

(I) way

(J) known


by Baxley Aldworth






ingenious [ɪnˋdʒinjəs] adj. 心灵手巧的; 制作精巧的

define [dɪˋfaɪn] v.下定义

mechanically [mɪˋkænɪkəlɪ] adv. 机械方面地

electricity [͵ilɛkˋtrɪsətɪ] n. 电力

appeal [əˋpil] n. 吸引力

dominant [ˋdɑmənənt] adj. 占优势的,支配的

interchangeable [͵ɪntɚˋtʃendʒəb!] adj. 可交换的

advanced [ədˋvænst] adj. 先进的; 高级的

plethora [ˋplɛθərə] n. 过多






turn on 打开 to cause to begin the operation

pop up 出现, 发生(尤指出乎意料) appear suddenly or unexpectedly

wind up 上紧发条 to tighten the spring of (a clockwork mechanism)

go by (指时间) 过去, 消逝 to elapse; pass



Reuge 50 notes - Turkish March 2 parts



Reuge grand cartel 144 music box



REUGE video







1. ( D )

2. ( J )

3. ( G )

4. ( A )

5. ( B )

6. ( H )

7. ( E )

8. ( F )

9. ( C )

10. ( I )