The World Map of Happiness 世界快乐地图
In order to live “Happily Ever After,” apparently you have to live in Denmark, while Switzerland and Austria are close runners-up. This is according to the first ever World Map of Happiness, recently created by researchers at the University of Leicester. It is based on the survey results of 80,000 people from 178 countries around the world.
The map is divided into different colors of relative cheer. Maroon equals the height of happiness, while yellow symbolizes misery. Taiwan, along with most of Asia, is a lovely orange, which lies between the two extremes. The U.S.A. wears maroon, although it’s twenty-two spots behind Denmark on the happiness scoreboard. Russia, Albania, and many African countries are swathed in yellow.
So, why are the Danes so happy? According to Alexander Kjerulf, author of Happy Hour is 9-5, Danes may pay high taxes, but they get a very high level of public services, including free health care, schools, and universities for everybody. Danish employers can dismiss people easily, but it’s fairly easy for workers to find jobs. This results in people getting jobs they genuinely enjoy. In addition, Danes don’t need to work long hours due to Denmark’s great social system.
The question remains: what is happiness? University of Leicester researchers settle on defining happiness as a general feeling of comfort and satisfaction rather than absolute ecstasy. They conclude that happiness generally goes hand in hand with health, wealth (available jobs and fair wages), and access to education. Perhaps it’s time for us to replace GDP with happiness as the new measure of a nation’s worth. So don’t worry, be happy!
−by Amy Gittelson
is based on 以…为基础,以…为根据
relative [ˋrɛlətɪv] adj. 相对的; 比较的
symbolize [ˋsɪmb!͵aɪz] v. 象征
swathe [sweð] v. 包围
dismiss [dɪsˋmɪs] v. 解雇;开除
genuinely [ˋdʒɛnjʊɪnlɪ] adv. 真正地
settle on 选择, 决定 to make a decision or come to an agreement about something
ecstasy [ˋɛkstəsɪ] n. 狂喜﹐欣喜若狂
wage [wedʒ] n.〔按小时﹑日﹑周所计的〕工资﹐薪金
replace [rɪˋples] v. 以……代替..[(+with/by)]
worth [wɝθ] n. 价值
More Information
ever after 从此以后一直
apparently [əˋpærəntlɪ] adv. 显然地
runner-up [ˋrʌnɚˋrʌp] n.(竞赛中的)第二名,亚军
maroon [məˋrun] adj. 褐紫红色的
misery [ˋmɪzərɪ] n. 痛苦;不幸
scoreboard [ˋskor͵bord] n. 记分板
Albania [ælˋbenɪə] n. 阿尔巴尼亚
Dane [den] n. 丹麦人
fair [fɛr] adj. 公正的;公平的
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following is true about the World Map of Happiness?
A. Yellow indicates contentment, maroon anxiety, and orange sorrow.
B. Orange symbolizes happiness, yellow satisfaction, and maroon somewhere in between.
C. Maroon countries are content, orange cheerless, and yellow countries are indifferent.
D. Maroon means happiness, yellow sadness, and orange somewhere in between.
2. Which of the following is NOT a reason given for the Danes’ happiness?
A. They have a high rate of taxation.
B. They enjoy a high level of public services.
C. Jobs are plentiful in Denmark.
D. Danes are not required to work long hours.
3. What in the main purpose of the World Map of Happiness?
A. To show how different countries define happiness.
B. To show that happiness is absolute ecstasy.
C. To show the relative happiness of countries around the world.
D. To show that countries need to tie happiness to wealth.
1. ( D ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( C ) |