Message in a Bottle 瓶中信








Clouds were gathering as the girl stood alone on the sandy beach. She looked up to the sky, quietly listening to the crashing of the waves. Then she put her message into a glass bottle. The sea was rough, so she threw it out as far as she could. It disappeared, and her heart sank. But when she saw it bobbing up and down on the surface!



The idea of a message in a bottle tossed about at sea persists in our consciousness. Traveling out to sea, the bottle symbolizes a desire to connect with others who are unknown and faraway. Feeling isolated and helpless, we are eager to seek out like-minded people.



The bottle is an extension of our hopes, crossing immense oceans. The treacherous distance we imagine it to have traveled parallels the changes and challenges of our own lives. It may be lost forever, among sea creatures and tangles of seaweed. But perhaps, just perhaps, someone somewhere will read our message. Even though chance plays its role, we still hope that one day, in this crowded but lonesome world, our message will be found.



by Nathan Godolphin





rough [rʌf] adj. 汹涌的

persist [pɚˋsɪst] v. 持续;存留

symbolize [ˋsɪmb!͵aɪz] v. 象征,标志

isolated [ˋaɪs!͵etɪd] adj.〔人〕孤单的

extension [ɪkˋstɛnʃən] n. 延长,延伸


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crash [kræʃ] n. 撞击声

bob [ˋbɑb] v. 上下(或来回)快速摆动;跃起

consciousness [ˋkɑnʃəsnɪs] n.(个人或群体的)意念;意识

seek out 找到, 找来 to search hard for a specific person or thing and find

like-minded [ˋlaɪkˋmaɪndɪd] adj. 志趣相投的;看法相同的

immense [ɪˋmɛns] adj. 巨大的;广大的

treacherous [ˋtrɛtʃərəs] adj. 危险的;暗藏危险的; 变化莫测的

parallel [ˋpærə͵lɛl] v. 与……相似,比得上

tangle [ˋtæŋg!] n. 乱糟糟的一团

chance plays its role 其中有运气的成份 it means that chance or lucky is part of the reason that makes thing successful or come true.

lonesome  [ˋlonsəm] adj. 寂寞的;孤单的



Reading Questions


1. The word “persists” in the second paragraph is closest in meaning to _____.

A. insists

B. resists

C. exists

D. assists


2. According to the article, which of the following is NOT true?

A. We hope our message will be found because we seem to live in a lonely world.

B. We can relate the obstacles a bottle encounters to the challenges in our lives.

C. A message in a bottle may stand for the wish to connect with others.

D. The girl’s bottle sank to the bottom of the sea, and was lost forever.


3. What is the writer’s main purpose for writing this article?

A. To talk about how to solve feelings of helplessness.

B. To explore the idea of a message in a bottle.

C. To explain how to make your own message in a bottle.

D. To show readers how to make friends with foreigners.


Message in a Bottle - Trailer




1. ( C )

2. ( D )

3. ( B )