Big Fun with Little Nicholas 与小尼古拉大玩特玩
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年3月29日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年9月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:251
Whether he’s playing tricks on the school photographer, trying to adopt a lost dog, or pestering a substitute teacher, he never fails to create lots of mischief out of simple, everyday situations.
Who is he? His name is Nicholas, and his adventures appear in Le petit Nicholas (French for little Nicholas), a children’s book written by René Goscinny and illustrated by Jean-Jacques Sempé. First published in 1959, Nicholas’s stories won the affections of French children and have continued to appeal to new generations of young readers over the past five decades. In English, the book is known as Nicholas.
他是谁?他的名字是尼古拉,而他的冒险故事都记载在Le petit Nicholas(《小淘气尼古拉》的法文)这本书中。这本童书的作者为赫内.葛西尼,插画家为尚.贾克,桑贝。初版发行于1959年,尼古拉的故事赢得了法国儿童的喜爱,接下来的50年也持续地受到新一代年轻读者的欢迎。此书英文版的书名为Nicholas。
Nicholas is a lovable but mischievous nine-year-old schoolboy, who loves soccer, ice cream, vacations and, most of all, his friends. His cartoon face carries a fixed cheerful, happy-go-lucky expression. In Nicholas and later books, he’s frequently depicted dashing from place to place, his trademark red school tie flapping in the wind, school bag gripped tightly in one hand, and one arm extended for balance. You can somehow sense that wherever he’s going, he’s heading for a fun-filled adventure.
Usually, these escapades also involve his naughty gang of schoolmates. They include Alec, his best friend, who loves to gobble sweets; Rufus, who is always blowing a whistle like his policeman father; Eddie, the formidable class bully; Geoffrey, a spoiled brat with a wealthy dad; and teacher’s pet Cuthbert. Finally, there is the lovely Louise, whom Nicholas wants to marry when he grows up.
play a trick on someone 捉弄... to pull pranks on someone
adopt [əˋdɑpt] v. 收养
substitute [ˋsʌbstə͵tjut] adj. 代替的;代用的;替补的; n. 代替人;代替物;代用品
mischief [ˋmɪstʃɪf] n. 淘气;胡闹,恶作剧
situation [͵sɪtʃʊˋeʃən] n. 情况; 处境,境遇
illustrate [ˋɪləstret] v. 插图于(书籍等)
publish [ˋpʌblɪʃ] v. 出版;发行
affection [əˋfɛkʃən] n. 钟爱
appeal [əˋpil] v. 有吸引力,迎合爱好 [W][(+to)]
decade [ˋdɛked] n. 十年
trademark [ˋtred͵mɑrk] n.〔某人或某物在行为﹑穿着等方面很容易被识别出来的〕标记﹐特征
grip [grɪp] v. 握(或咬,夹)牢
formidable [ˋfɔrmɪdəb!] adj. 可怕的,令人畏惧的
spoiled [spɔɪlt] adj. 被宠坏的(=spoilt)
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pester [ˋpɛstɚ] v. 烦扰,纠缠
substitute teacher 代课老师
lovable [ˋlʌvəb!] adj. 可爱的,讨人喜欢的
mischievous [ˋmɪstʃɪvəs] adj. 恶作剧的;调皮的,淘气的
happy-go-lucky [ˋhæpɪgo͵lʌkɪ] adj. 逍遥自在的;随遇而安的 taking things easily; carefree
dash [dæʃ] v. 猛冲,急奔
flap [flæp] v. 使(上下,前后地)拍动,飘动;(鸟)振(翅)
escapade [͵ɛskəˋped] n. 越轨行为;恶作剧
gobble [ˋgɑb!] v.-【非正式】狼吞虎咽﹐大嚼〔某物〕
brat [bræt] n. 顽童,小捣蛋
At the time Goscinny first published his book, most children’s stories were told from an adult’s perspective of the world. But Nicholas was an early example of children’s literature centered on the experience of the child, as it as narrated in the first person by Nicholas himself. To support this effect, Goscinny incorporated storytelling habits of kids, such as the use of run-on sentences and a self-centered, naïve point of view, into his stories.
Through Nicholas’s innocent eyes, we see an idealized, nostalgic image of 1950s France from the viewpoint of a child. It’s a timeless, carefree world that revolves around home, school, and playground, and where things always turn out fine in the end. For example, although Nicholas’s parents quarrel in one story, there isn’t any danger of them getting divorced. Set fifty years ago, there were no modern-day distractions like TV and the Internet. But this doesn’t date the stories; on the contrary, it adds to their ageless quality.
Perhaps what makes Nicholas so special is the perfect marriage of author Goscinny’s words and illustrator Sempé’s drawings. To complement Goscinny’s endearing, cheerful writing style, Sempé came up with extraordinarily charming illustrations that appeal to both children and adults. Goscinny, who was also responsible for the internationally successful Asterix comics, died in 1977, but the appeal of his books lives on.
perspective [pɚˋspɛktɪv] n. 看法,观点
narrate [næˋret] v. 讲(故事);叙述
incorporate [ɪnˋkɔrpə͵ret] v. 包含;加上;吸收[(+in/into)]
innocent [ˋɪnəsnt] adj. 天真的,单纯的
nostalgic [nɑsˋtældʒɪk] adj. 怀旧的
viewpoint [ˋvju͵pɔɪnt] n. 观点﹐看法
timeless [ˋtaɪmlɪs] adj. 永恒的; 恒久的
carefree [ˋkɛr͵fri] adj. 无忧无虑的;轻松愉快的
revolve [rɪˋvɑlv] around 旋转; 以...为中心
quarrel [ˋkwɔrəl] n. 争吵
distraction [dɪˋstrækʃən] n. 使人分心的事物; 消遣﹐娱乐
on the contrary 恰恰相反
live on 继续存在着 continue to live through hardship or adversity
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center on 以…为中心
run-on sentence 连写句(指两个主句之间不用连接词或错用标点的句子)
idealized [aɪˋdiəl͵aɪz] adj. 理想化的
set [sɛt] v. 为(小说,舞台等)设置背景
date [det] v. 过时; 使…显得过时
ageless [ˋedʒlɪs] adj. 永远的,永恒的
complement [ˋkɑmpləmənt] v. 补充,补足;与……相配
endearing [ɪnˋdɪrɪŋ] adj. 可爱的,惹人喜爱的
extraordinarily [ɪkˋstrɔrdn͵ɛrɪlɪ] adv. 格外地;异常地
responsible [rɪˋspɑnsəb!] adj. 作为...原因的[F][(+for)]
Today, Nicholas’s popularity reaches far beyond the borders of his native France. You can now follow the adventures of the cheeky schoolboy and his gang in 30 languages and, to date, the books have sold over 10 million copies.
The success of the series can be put down to its ability to appeal to kids. For one thing, children can easily relate to the familiar settings and the universal cast of characters, which includes the types of pupils found in any school. For another, the book’s childlike narrative style lets young readers believe that the stories really are told by a fellow child. Fans of the Nicholas books also love the way they mock the world of adults, making them a subtle target of innocent humor. This isn’t surprising, as children always enjoy getting one up on annoying grownups.
Last year saw the 50th anniversary of Nicholas’s first appearance in print. To celebrate his longevity, several recently unearthed stories were published and a live-action movie adaptation was released in France in September. In the film, Nicholas mistakenly believes that he is soon to have a little brother, which he fears will wreck his privileged position in the family. With the help of his friend, Nicholas embarks on a plan to avert this fate, with lots of humorous results. Why not catch Little Nicholas when it is released on the big screen in Taiwan this month?
−by James Laughton-Smith
popularity [͵pɑpjəˋlærətɪ] n. 名声, 受大众欢迎
to date 至今; 到目前为止
relate to 与...有关
universal [͵junəˋvɝs!] adj. 普遍的;一般的
childlike [ˋtʃaɪld͵laɪk] adj. 孩子般的; 像孩子似的; 天真无邪的
subtle [ˋsʌt!] adj. 微妙的; 细微的
target [ˋtɑrgɪt] n.(批评,嘲笑的)对象
get one up on someone 略胜…一筹,比…占优势 to have an advantage, to be one step ahead
annoying [əˋnɔɪɪŋ] adj. 令人略感心烦的
wreck [rɛk] v. 破坏;损害
privileged [ˋprɪvɪlɪdʒd] adj. 享有特权的;特许的;幸运的
embark on 着手, 开始
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cheeky [ˋtʃikɪ] adj.〔尤指对师长〕厚脸皮的; 不敬的; 放肆的
put down to 把...归因于 to explain something as being caused by something else
pupil [ˋpjup!] n. 小学生
narrative [ˋnærətɪv] adj. 叙事的;故事形式的
fellow [ˋfɛlo] n. 伙伴
mock [mɑk] v. 嘲弄,嘲笑
grownup [ˋgron͵ʌp] n. 成年人
longevity [lɑnˋdʒɛvətɪ] n. 长命,长寿
unearth [ʌnˋɝθ] v. 发现;揭露; 发掘; 掘出〔尤指埋藏于地下的东西〕
live-action 真人拍摄的
avert [əˋvɝt] v. 避开,移开[(+from)]
petit nicolas 007
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Little Nicholas Trailer