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Randy Pausch: Finding Hope in Misfortune 在绝境中寻找希望──鲍许教授的最后一堂课








If you were told that you only had six months left to live, how would you react? A natural response may be to give in to despair, or feel bitter about the unfairness of life. College professor Randy Pausch received just such shocking news, but his subsequent positive reaction has helped to inspire millions of people over the Internet.



Pausch’s extraordinary character and spirit came to light through a lecture that he gave at Carnegie Mellon University in the U.S., where he taught computer science. He already knew that he had fatal cancer when he stepped up to give what has since come to be known as “The Last Lecture.” However, instead of dwelling on death, Pausch chose to speak of hope.



In the speech, titled “Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams,” Pausch reflected on his own life, explaining how, through hard work and determination, he had managed to realize his own childhood dreams. Among these were meeting his hero Captain Kirk, from the TV show “Star Trek,” authoring an article in The World Book Encyclopedia and creating a ride at Disney World. One message stood out above all: that if you believe in yourself enough, you can overcome any obstacle. In Pausch’s words, “The brick walls are not there to keep us out. (They) are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.”






extraordinary [ɪkˋstrɔrdn͵ɛrɪ] adj. 特别的;非凡的

lecture [ˋlɛktʃɚ] n. 授课;演讲

fatal [ˋfet!] adj. 致命的

dwell on 老是想着;停留在 pause or hold back in uncertainty or unwillingness

reflect [rɪˋflɛkt] v. 深思;反省[(+on/upon/over)]


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give in 屈服 to cease opposition

despair [dɪˋspɛr] n. 绝望

unfairness [ʌnˋfɛrnɪs] n. 不公平;不公正

come to light  显露,为大家所周知 be revealed or disclosed

author [ˋɔθɚ] v. 著作,编写

stand out 突出, 显着 to be conspicuous, distinctive, or prominent.

badly [ˋbædlɪ] adv. 非常,极其; 严重地;厉害地








When he gave his lecture, Pausch could surely not have imagined how widely it would eventually be received. He had it recorded to be shown to his three young children when they grew up. Thanks to YouTube, though, more than six million people have viewed it online so far.



It is not just the uplifting nature of his speech that has managed to grab the public’s attention so firmly. Pausch delivers his lecture with such great energy and such a sparkling sense of humor that it is just as funny as it is touching. At one point, to demonstrate how he is still in good shape, Pausch does some push-ups, challenging the audience: “Anyone who wants to pity me can get down and do a few of those, and then you can pity me.”



Even before his “Last Lecture,” Pausch had gained much recognition as a pioneer in the field of virtual reality. As well as designing the virtual reality Aladdin ride at Disney World, he developed a computer application named Alice, which teaches children to program computers through the format of an animated story. Such endeavors represent Pausch’s belief that we should “never lose the childlike wonder.”



Randy Pausch died earlier this year, aged 47, but he lives on in his achievements, not to mention in the hearts of the millions moved by his final message.



by David Vickers





firmly [ˋfɝmlɪ] adv. 坚定地;坚决地

sparkling [ˋspɑrklɪŋ] adj. 才气焕发的

audience [ˋɔdɪəns] n. 听众,观众

recognition [͵rɛkəgˋnɪʃən] n. 赏识; 表彰

pioneer [͵paɪəˋnɪr] n. 先驱者,开拓者


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uplifting [ʌpˋlɪftɪŋ] adj. 令人振奋的;使人开心的

push-up 伏地挺身

application [͵æpləˋkeʃən] n. 应用程序

program [ˋprogræm] v. 为(计算机)设计程序

format [ˋfɔrmæt] n.(电视,广播节目等的)形式;编排;安排

animated [ˋænə͵metɪd] adj. 卡通(片)的

endeavor [ɪnˋdɛvɚ] n. 努力

childlike [ˋtʃaɪld͵laɪk] adj. 天真的;单纯的




Reading Questions


1.  What does the article tell us about Randy Pausch?

A. He gave a lecture that was broadcast on radio.

B. He taught a college course that inspired millions of people.

C. His enthusiasm and humor attract people.

D. He refused to accept the news that he had cancer.


2.  Which of the following did his lecture NOT refer to?

A. A look back on his ambitions as a child.

B. His determination to overcome any obstacle.

C. Successfully designing a theme park attraction.

D. Appearing on TV with his childhood hero.


3.  What is true about Pausch’s achievements?

A. He was among the first programmers to develop computer games.

B. He helped to design a computer program aimed at children.

C. He was best known for his lectures on virtual reality.

D. His achievements were only recognized following his death.


4.  What is the main focus of the article?

A. The successful career of a college professor.

B. Randy Pausch’s influence in the field of computer science.

C. One man’s inspiring response to learning he had cancer.

D. How Randy Pausch’s lecture came to be seen by millions.



Randy Pausch:如何实现儿时梦想1/11



Randy Pausch:如何实现儿时梦想2/11



Aladdin:The Ride (RCT3)







1. ( C )

2. ( D )

3. ( B )

4. ( C )



当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) People (人物) Randy Pausch: Finding Hope in Misfortune 在绝境中寻找希望──鲍许教授的最后一堂课