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Music to Your Ears: The Story of Debussy 德布西:谱出非凡色彩的音符








Oftentimes, the greatest artists – be they painters, writers, or musicians – become great because they are not constrained by the past, and they are not bound to the legacies of their forefathers. Achille-Clause Debussy, who is widely regarded as one of the most important French composers in history, was such an artist. Born in the aftermath of the French Revolution, with a father who was jailed for his part in workers’ uprisings, Debussy lived through exciting, changing times. The art and literature of the period reflected this and, thanks to Debussy, so did the music.



Debussy was born on the outskirts of Paris on August 22, 1862. As a consequence of his father’s political actions, he was not permitted a formal education, so he went to live with relatives who schooled him and paid for his piano lessons. Discovering his intellect and musical talent, they sent him to the prestigious Conservatorie de Paris where he studies theory and composition. His progressive nature was already evident, much to the dismay of his straight-laced and traditional professors. In 1884, he won a scholarship to study at the French Academy in Rome, but Debussy did not find his time there interesting. He thought the art scene old-fashioned and its ideas stuffy. Instead of conforming, he left these ideas behind forever.



It was around this time that Debussy became involved with the Parisian symbolist movement. Returning to the French capital, spending time with these symbolist poets and painters and dedicatedly studying their work, Debussy found kindred spirits and finally felt free to become the composer he was destined to be.






constrain [kənˋstren] v. 限制;束缚

bind [baɪnd] v. 捆,绑

outskirts [ˋaʊt͵skɝts] n.(复数)郊外;郊区

as a consequence of 由于…,因为…

permit [pɚˋmɪt] v. 允许,许可

intellect [ˋɪnt!͵ɛkt] n. 智力;理解力;思维能力

prestigious [prɛsˋtɪdʒɪəs] adj. 有名望的

scholarship [ˋskɑlɚ͵ʃɪp] n. 奖学金

stuffy [ˋstʌfɪ] adj.【口】古板的,保守的

conform [kənˋfɔrm] v. 遵照,遵守

dedicatedly [ˋdɛdə͵ketɪdlɪ] adv. 专心致志地

destined [ˋdɛstɪnd] adj. 命中注定的


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music to one’s ears 佳音; 好消息 something pleasing to hear about

forefather [ˋfor͵fɑðɚ] n. 前辈; 先人

uprising [ˋʌp͵raɪzɪŋ] n. 起义;暴动

school [skul] v. 教育,训练

composition [͵kɑmpəˋzɪʃən] n. 作曲

progressive [prəˋgrɛsɪv] adj. 上进的,向上的

dismay [dɪsˋme] n. 惊慌,沮丧

straight-laced (strait-laced) [ˋstretˋlest] adj. 古板拘谨的;固守道德观念的 excessively strict in behavior, morality, or opinions

symbolist [ˋsɪmb!ɪst] n. 象征主义者

kindred [ˋkɪndrɪd] adj. 同类的;同性质的








Unreservedly inspired by the likes of symbolist poets Charles Baudelaire, Stéphane Mallarmé, and Paul Verlaine, Debussy rejected old Romanticism and brought music into the modernist era of the 20th century. As a young man, he had written that he could not follow the traditions of classical music: “I am too enamored of my own freedom, too fond of my own ideas.” Now, he would break the boundaries that constrained him for so long.



Stylistically, Debussy achieved his freedom of expression by breaking away from the rules of Western harmony and form.Time and again, he would not compose pieces around a single key. He sought richness in parallel chords and bent the rules of harmony to create new, unusual sounds. He embraced long, expressive passages and shunned the traditional, restrictive phrases and refrains. The resulting works are like stories, or even paintings. They are journeys of imagination: poetry without words.



Debussy was also excited by music from Russia and Asia, particularly Indonesia gamelan music which he discovered at the Paris Exhibition of 1889. His interest in non-Western music helped free him, somewhat, from the confines of the traditions he desperately wanted to escape.



Debussy died of cancer in 1918 during World War I. It was months later, after the French had declared victory, that his beloved country could give him the public funeral he deserved. A revolutionary at heart, he revolutionized music, and his own legacy would influence music thereafter.



by Alice Davis





inspire [ɪnˋspaɪr] v. 鼓舞,激励

fond [fɑnd] adj. 喜欢的;爱好的[F][(+of)]

break away 摆脱, 脱离 to separate or detach oneself, as from a group[(+from)]

time and again 反复地, 再三地, 屡次, 一再 again and again; repeatedly

parallel [ˋpærə͵lɛl] adj. 平行的

embrace [ɪmˋbres] v. 欣然接受; 拥抱

restrictive [rɪˋstrɪktɪv] adj. 限制的;约束的

confines [kənˋfaɪnz] n. 限度;范围

desperately [ˋdɛspərɪtlɪ] adv.【口】极度地

declare [dɪˋklɛr] v. 宣布,宣告;声明

revolutionary [͵rɛvəˋluʃən͵ɛrɪ] adj. 革命的; 大变革的;完全创新的


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unreservedly [͵ʌnrɪˋzɝvɪdlɪ] adv. 无条件地;充分地

enamor [ɪnˋæmɚ] v. 使倾心;使迷恋 [H][(+of/with)]

stylistically [staɪˋlɪstɪklɪ] adv. 在文体上; 在风格上

bend the rules of something  变通....  to allow something to be done that is not usually allowed

passage [ˋpæsɪdʒ] n.(文章,乐曲等的)一段,一节 Music a section or division of a piece, movement, etc

shun [ʃʌn] v. 躲开,避开,回避

phrase [frez] n.【音】乐句 Music a short passage or segment, often consisting of four measures or forming part of a larger unit

refrain [rɪˋfren] n.(诗歌或乐曲的)迭句;副歌 (Music, other) a regularly recurring melody, such as the chorus of a song

poetry [ˋpoɪtrɪ] n.(总称)诗

gamelan [ˋgæmə͵læn] n. 木琴(印度尼西亚的一种竹制打击乐器)

funeral [ˋfjunərəl] n. 丧葬;葬礼

at heart 本质上, 实际上; 心里, 内心是  in one's deepest feelings; fundamentally



Reading Questions


1. Which of the following best describes Debussy as a student?

A. Gifted and forward thinking.

B. Conventional and hard working.

C. Intelligent and narrow-minded.

D. Innovative and bad-tempered.


2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an influence on Debussy?

A. The symbolist artists and writers that he met.

B. The Asian musical styles that he heard.

C. The role he played in the French Revolution.

D. The changing times that he lived through.


3. Which of the following is true of Debussy’s compositions?

A. They always stayed in the same key.

B. They usually featured short, sharp sections.

C. They only used Western musical conventions of the time.

D. They contained harmonies that had not been heard before.


4. Who would most likely be reading this article?

A. A tourist taking a vacation in France.

B. A student writing an essay on symbolist artists.

C. A journalist researching European music history.

D. A revolutionary planning to overthrow a government.


Debussy: Arabesque I (1888)



Claude Debussy "Claire de lune" by Angela Hewitt



Claude Debussy - Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun







1. ( A )

2. ( C )

3. ( D )

4. ( C )



当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) People (人物) Music to Your Ears: The Story of Debussy 德布西:谱出非凡色彩的音符