Walt Disney: Turning Fantasy into Reality 永不放弃的梦想家:华特.迪斯尼
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年12月14日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年7月24日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:843
If you want to put a smile on any child’s face, simply mention the names Mickey, Minnie, Donald, and Goofy, and they’ll likely be grinning from ear to ear. With their bubbly personalities and zany adventures, these Disney characters have been entertaining people for nearly a century. But were it not for the optimism and never-say-die attitude of Walt Disney, these lovable characters would never have existed.
Walt was born in Chicago, Illinois, in 1901, but shortly after, his family moved to Marceline, Missouri. He took a keen interest in drawing and art, and as a boy, he would often sell his original sketches to neighbors. In high school, Walt continued to draw, but he also took up photography and writing for the school newspaper. In his free time, Walt would frequently tell his classmates compelling stories while illustrating them on the chalkboard.
When World War I broke out, Walt felt patriotic and wanted to help his country. But the army rejected him because he was underage. Not to be deterred, he enlisted in the Red Cross and drove an ambulance in France. Unlike the other ambulances, which were draped in camouflage, Walt’s was covered with original cartoons.
After returning from the battlefield, Walt accepted a job in a commercial art studio. But he soon felt that working for others stifled his creativity. He opened his own company, called Laugh-O-Grams, which made short, animated films to promote local businesses. After one year, it went bankrupt. He wouldn’t allow this failure to discourage him, however, and he soon hatched a new plan.
personality [͵pɝsnˋælətɪ] n.(显明的)个性
optimism [ˋɑptəmɪzəm] n. 乐观;乐观主义
keen [kin] adj. 热心的; 强烈的
compelling [kəmˋpɛlɪŋ] adj. 令人信服的; 令人感叹的 having a powerful and irresistible effect
creativity [͵krieˋtɪvətɪ] n. 创造力
promote [prəˋmot] v. 宣传,推销
bankrupt [ˋbæŋkrʌpt] adj. 破产的
discourage [dɪsˋkɝɪdʒ] v. 使泄气,使沮丧
hatch [hætʃ] v. 策划
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grin [grɪn] from ear to ear 咧着嘴笑 to smile a very wide, beaming smile
bubbly [ˋbʌblɪ] adj. 活泼的; 生龙活虎的; 生气勃勃的 lively; animated; excited
zany [ˋzenɪ] adj. 滑稽的; 可笑的 comical because of incongruity or strangeness; bizarre
were it not for someone or something 若不是有...的话 (or if it were not for someone or something) the situation would have been different without someone or something
never-say-die adj. 不轻易放弃的, 不气馁的 do not give up
lovable [ˋlʌvəb!] adj. 可爱的,讨人喜欢的
sketch [skɛtʃ] n. 速写,素描
take up 开始学, 做; 喜欢上; 接受 to develop an interest in or devotion to
illustrate [ˋɪləstret] v. 插图于(书籍等); 图解
break out 爆发;突然发生 to develop suddenly and forcefully
patriotic [͵petrɪˋɑtɪk] adj. 爱国的
underage [ˋʌndɚˋedʒ] adj. 未达成年的
deter [dɪˋtɝ] v. 阻碍;制止
enlist in 从军,入伍;(热心)参加 to join something; to join the armed services
ambulance [ˋæmbjələns] n. 救护车
drape [drep] v.(用打褶的布等)覆盖
camouflage [ˋkæmə͵flɑʒ] n. 伪装;掩饰
stifle [ˋstaɪf!] v. 扼杀; 使窒息
Walt decided to head west to California and join forces with his brother Roy. They pooled their meager savings and borrowed money from their relatives to launch the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio – from their uncle’s garage! Few people thought they would succeed. But Walt’s enthusiasm and faith in his ideas carried them through some tough years.
In 1928, the company made history with the release of a short animated film called Steamboat Willie. It was the first synchronized sound cartoon and it also marked the big screen debut of Mickey Mouse. But this was just the start for Walt. In 1937, he spent $1,499,000, an astronomical sum in those days, to produce the first full-length animated film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The film was a mega success that paved the way for other Disney classics such as Bambi, Pinocchio, and Dumbo.
Walt’s biggest dream was to build an amusement park where his characters could truly come to life and interact with people. And he did this in 1955, when Disney Park opened in California. Filled with exciting rides and fun attractions, it became a hit with not only kids but people from all walks of life. Walt passed away in 1966, but during his 43-year Hollywood career, he changed the entertainment industry forever. He’s remembered for his incredible talents as a storyteller, entertainer, and producer. He also serves as a powerful example that with hard work, a positive outlook, and a bright imagination, fairy tales really can come true.
-by Jamie Blackler
join forces with someone 和...联合以达到共同的目的 to combine one's efforts with someone else's efforts
enthusiasm [ɪnˋθjuzɪ͵æzəm] n. 热情,热忱
debut [dɪˋbju] n. 首次露面;初次登台
astronomical [͵æstrəˋnɑmɪk!] adj.(指数量)庞大的; 极巨大的; 天文数字的
pave the way for..: 为...铺平道路 to make progress or development easier
come to life 表现生动 to become vigorous or lively
interact [͵ɪntəˋrækt] v. 互动
entertainment [͵ɛntɚˋtenmənt] n. 娱乐,消遣
incredible [ɪnˋkrɛdəb!] adj.【口】难以置信的;惊人的
outlook [ˋaʊt͵lʊk] n. 观点,看法 a point of view; an attitude
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pool [pul] v.(为共同目的)合出(资金,物资,想法等);to put into a fund for use by all
meager [ˋmigɚ] adj. 不足的;贫乏的
synchronize [ˋsɪŋkrənaɪz] v. 画面和声音一致 to cause (soundtrack and action) to match exactly in a film
full-length [ˋfʊlˋlɛŋθ] adj. 标淮长度的 of a normal or standard length
mega [ˋmɛgə] adj. 【俚】非常大的
ride [raɪd] n. 乘坐设施 a device or structure, such as a roller coaster at a fairground, in which people ride for pleasure or entertainment
hit [hɪt] n. 成功而风行一时的事物 a successful or popular venture
walks of life 生活阶层 different types of jobs and different levels of society
Reading Questions
1. Why did Disney want to get involved with World War I?
(A) He loved his country and wanted to support it.
(B) He wanted to spend some time in Europe.
(C) He had always wanted to drive an ambulance.
(D) He wanted to get some new ideas for cartoons.
2. Which of the following statements about Disney is NOT true?
(A) He became interested in drawing as a boy.
(B) He felt that working for others made him less creative.
(C) He lost all of his money after opening his first business.
(D) He used to make movies for his high-school classmates.
3. How can we describe the business Disney started with his brother Roy?
(A) The two brothers fought a lot and the business did poorly.
(B) Walt provided the finances and Roy supplied the idea.
(C) They beat the odds and created an amazing company.
(D) The company immediately became a big success.
4. What is a lesson that we can learn from Walt Disney’s life?
(A) It’s better to play it safe and not to take too many chances.
(B) If you have big dreams you will always become rich.
(C) Cartoons are only interesting if you add sound to them.
(D) It’s important to believe in yourself and never give up.
beat the odds 获得出乎意料的成功 overcoming improbability
1922-12-01 Laugh O Gram Cinderella
Topolino - Steamboat Willie (1928)
Snow White-Meeting the dwarfs (Snow White off)
1. ( A ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( D ) |