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Clothes In A Can 跟上流行,「喷」上新衣






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“I have got nothing to wear!” could soon be a complaint of the past, and you might not have to worry about ___1___ out of closet space much longer either. Fabrican is an instant, sprayable fabric that dries on ___2___ with the skin. That’s correct, it’s clothes in a can!


(A) liquid

(B) completely

(C) after

(D) applications

(E) tailors

(F) added

(G) running

(H) perfect

(I) from

(J) contact


Fabrican was developed by Imperial College London and the Royal College of Art and patented in 2000. The ___3___ is a suspension of tiny cotton fibers and plastic in a solvent. When sprayed from the aerosol can, the solvent evaporates and the substance quickly transforms into a cotton-like material. More layers can be ___4___ for a thicker, warmer piece of clothing. And, because the fabric is non-woven, it basically ___5___ itself to fit any shape. These instant fashion items can be T-shorts, dresses, pants, hats, or sweaters, and the spray comes in a wide variety of colors. You can wash your item ___6___ you’ve worn it, and sport the creation again. Otherwise, the fabric can be dissolved in the solvent, and resprayed into a ___7___ new outfit.


(A) liquid

(B) completely

(C) after

(D) applications

(E) tailors

(F) added

(G) running

(H) perfect

(I) from

(J) contact


Spray-on technology may also be used in other fields. Spray-on fabrics are versatile and hygienic, and thus ___8___ for medical bandages. Furthermore, Fabrican can also be used to create household wipes, tea towels, and diapers. It’s expected that the technology will also have ___9___ in the automotive and interior design industries.


(A) liquid

(B) completely

(C) after

(D) applications

(E) tailors

(F) added

(G) running

(H) perfect

(I) from

(J) contact


Whatever the future possibilities of Fabrican, haute couture went directly ___10__ can to catwalk at London Fashion Week last year. Soon, you might be spraying on your pants as well as your hairspray in the morning!



by Alice Davis





complaint [kəmˋplent] n. 抱怨;怨言

fabric [ˋfæbrɪk] n. 织品;布料

patent [ˋpætnt] v. 取得……的专利权

suspension [səˋspɛnʃən] n. 悬浮体;悬浮液

solvent [ˋsɑlvənt] n. 溶媒,溶剂

spray [spre] v. 喷洒,喷涂

aerosol [ˋɛrə͵sɑl] n. 小型喷雾器

evaporate [ɪˋvæpə͵ret] v. 蒸发;挥发

transform [trænsˋfɔrm] v. 改变;变形

variety [vəˋraɪətɪ] n. 种种

sport [sport] v.【口】炫耀;夸示

otherwise [ˋʌðɚ͵waɪz] adv. 除此以外 under other circumstances

dissolve [dɪˋzɑlv] v. 溶解

outfit [ˋaʊt͵fɪt] n.〔尤指在特殊场合穿着的〕全套服装

versatile [ˋvɝsət!] adj. 多功能的

hygienic [͵haɪdʒɪˋɛnɪk] adj. 卫生的; 清洁的

bandage [ˋbændɪdʒ] n. 绷带

household [ˋhaʊs͵hold] adj. 家庭的;家用的

wipe [waɪp] n.〔用完即弃〕湿抹布

diaper [ˋdaɪəpɚ] n. 尿布

automotive [͵ɔtəˋmotɪv] adj. 汽车的

haute couture [otkuˋtUr]  高级女子时装业

catwalk [ˋkæt͵wɔk] n. 伸展台(模特儿走秀时使用的舞台)

hairspray [ˋhɛrspre] n. 喷发定形剂



Spray-on clothing







1. ( G )

2. ( J )

3. ( A )

4. ( F )

5. ( E )

6. ( C )

7. ( B )

8. ( H )

9. ( D )

10. ( I )


当前位置:首頁 英语教材 Intermediate English-2 (附英,中文講解) Technology (科技) Clothes In A Can 跟上流行,「喷」上新衣