The Changing Beauty of Yosemite 优胜美地的幻化之美
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年8月30日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年10月01日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:356
For over a hundred years, artists, poets, and naturalists have tried with all their might to capture the beauty and grandeur of California’s Yosemite National Park. But, with its ever-changing scenery, Yosemite is perhaps the most elusive place to depict.
As spring arrives, brilliant colors from the earth and plants tantalize your senses. Redbuds that bloom during the middle of March are one of the first spring flowers to welcome the new season. Teacup-shaped golden California poppies greet you as you stroll up mountain roads. The constant tapping of an Acorn Woodpecker echoes through Crane Flat, where purple, yellow, and pink lilacs fill the field.
The summer heat and various landscapes attract visitors from around the world, who seek a rest from their hurried lives. As you step out of your tent one summer morning, you hear a low grunting noise and see a large brown ball of fur move between the redwood trees. You follow cautiously, curious about where the bear has wandered off. Then all of your senses tingle when you hear the ripples of water and feel the cool breeze that blows across the surface of the Tuolumne River. Above you, white splotches of clouds sweep rapidly across the deep blue sky, and a sense of peace settles on you as you trek down an unpaved dirt path. A walk through this wonderful dreamland is surely a restorative experience.
naturalist [ˋnætʃərəlɪst] n. 博物学家〔尤指在野外研究动植物者〕
scenery [ˋsinərɪ] n. 风景,景色
depict [dɪˋpɪkt] v. 描述;描写
stroll [strol] v. 散步
tapping [tæpɪŋ] n. 轻叩,轻敲
echo [ˋɛko] v. 发出回声,产生回响
landscape [ˋlænd͵skep] n.(陆上的)风景,景色
cautiously [ˋkɔʃəslɪ] adv. 小心地,谨慎地
ripple [ˋrɪp!] n. 涟漪
trek [trɛk] v. 艰苦跋涉
restorative [rɪˋstorətɪv] adj. 恢复健康的
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might [maɪt] n. 力量,威力;能力
grandeur [ˋgrændʒɚ] n. 宏伟,壮观
elusive [ɪˋlusɪv] adj. 难捉摸的
tantalize [ˋtænt!͵aɪz] v. 逗惹
redbud [ˋrɛd͵bʌd] n. 紫荆属植物
poppy [ˋpɑpɪ] n. 罂粟花
acorn [ˋekɔrn] n. 橡子,橡实
woodpecker [ˋwʊd͵pɛkɚ] n. 啄木鸟
lilac [ˋlaɪlək] n. 紫丁香花
grunt [grʌnt] v. 作呼噜声
redwood [ˋrɛd͵wud] n.(美国加州等地的)红杉
wander off 徘徊;走散 to roam away from someone or something
tingle [ˋtɪŋg!] v. 震颤;激动
splotch [splɑtʃ] n. 斑点; 一团
settle on 使(自己)安下心来 choose, pick, select
With each passing day the weather grows cooler, and soon the air is filled with a crisp breeze. Autumn has arrived and with it comes a new look for nature. Those who take pleasure in watching leaves turn colors can admire the countless California dogwood trees and bigleaf maples change in autumn. This is the best time to admire the beauty of Yosemite’s treasure, the Giant Sequoia. These redwoods are among the world’s largest trees and are known to live for over a thousand years.
A passing snowstorm in the evening transforms Yosemite into a winter wonderland. Winter brings fresh snow to cover Sentinel Dome, the Three Brothers, and other neighboring mountains and grasslands. The forest of tall pine trees resembles giants wearing thick coats. Even the mountains look as though they have been dusted off with a powder of white. When the waterfalls freeze over, they look forever trapped in crystal clear perfection. The frozen waterfall, Firefall, gets its name from the flaming image it takes on when the afternoon sun reflects off the ice.
Each season at Yosemite brings with it a newfound beauty. A writer once wrote that there are certain places that you visit once and it’s enough, but that Yosemite is the place you’ll want to return to again and again. With activities and sights for everyone to enjoy, perhaps it’s time you took a trip to this earthly heaven.
fill [fɪl] v. 使充满[(+with)]
take pleasure in 以(做)某事为乐; 喜欢(做)某事 to have enjoyment in
countless [ˋkaʊntlɪs] adj. 数不尽的,无数的
maple [ˋmep!] n. 槭树; 枫树
wonderland [ˋwʌndɚ͵lænd] n.〔故事中的〕仙境; 奇境
resemble [rɪˋzɛmb!] v. 像,类似
dust off 除去...的灰尘 to remove dust from by something
crystal clear 透明如水晶的
perfection [pɚˋfɛkʃən] n. 完美; 完善
frozen [ˋfrozn] adj. 冰冻的;结冰的
newfound [ˌnuˈfaʊnd] adj. 新发现的,新得到的
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crisp [krɪsp] adj. 清新的,凉爽的
admire [ədˋmaɪr] v. 欣赏
dogwood [ˋdɔg͵wʊd] n. 山茱萸
sequoia [sɪˋkwɔɪə] n.(产于美国加州的)红杉
sentinel [ˋsɛntən!] n. 步哨;哨兵
freeze over (使)冰封 become covered with ice
take on 具有; 呈现 to acquire (an appearance, for example) as or as if one's own
Reading Questions
1. Which is NOT a possible reason why tourists go to Yosemite in summer?
A. Because it is the best season for camping.
B. Because it is a way to escape their busy lives.
C. Because the temperature is coolest this time of year.
D. Because it is the best time to spot wild animals.
2. Why is the waterfall mentioned in the article named Firefall?
A. Because it is the best place to escape the heat.
B. Because it is located in the hottest part of the park.
C. Because it is frozen all year round.
D. Because when it freezes, sunshine is mirrored in it.
3. Which is NOT mentioned as an activity at Yosemite?
A. Hiking.
B. Camping.
C. Skiing.
D. Enjoying the colors of the leaves.
4. How does the author view Yosemite National Park?
A. As a dull, unchanging landscape.
B. As a destination unsuitable for children.
C. As an awesome place, any time of year.
D. As a place worth visiting once.
Yosemite National Park - Spring 2009
Yosemite National Park Documentary - Part 1
Yosemite National Park Documentary - Part 2
Yosemite National Park Documentary - Part 3
Yosemite National Park Documentary - Part 4
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1. ( C ) |
2. ( D ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( C ) |