Trekking Through Morocco 体验摩洛哥的多元文化
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年1月05日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月10日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:309
Although there are many outdoor markets around the world, nothing quite compares to the vibrant atmosphere of a bazaar. Before you reach the market, the smells of saffron and roasted lamb waft through the air and lead you to your destination. When you arrive, your senses are flooded with an orchestra of unusual sights and sounds. In the corner of the market, a young boy is busy hammering away at a bicycle tire. Across the way, a smooth-talking vendor is hawking his wares. And at an outdoor café, you hear people conversing in English, French, and Arabic, in between puffs of flavored tobacco from hookahs. Welcome to the Kingdom of Morocco.
Morocco is a country in Northern Africa with a population of approximately32 million. In the course of its history, Morocco has assimilated bits and pieces of foreign cultures into its own traditions. Romans, Moors, Jews, and Arabs, all passed through Morocco and left their mark on the nation. This is why Morocco boasts such a unique and ethnically diverse culture today.
Perhaps this is best demonstrated by Moroccan cuisine. It’s a combination of Spanish, Middle Eastern, Mediterranean, African, and native Berber recipes all rolled into one. Spices are used prominently, as they have been imported to Morocco for thousands of years. You can feast on chicken flavored with fresh lemons and salty olives. Or you may enjoy a plate of couscous – a famed Moroccan dish of steamed semolina that’s often served with chickpeas and vegetable. When you’re full, you can wash it down with a refreshing cup of Moroccan mint tea.
compare [kəmˋpɛr] v. 相比,匹敌
vibrant [ˋvaɪbrənt] adj. 充满生气的;活跃的
bazaar [bəˋzɑr] n.(中东国家等的)市场
saffron [ˋsæfrən] n. 番红花
waft [wæft] v. 吹送;飘送
flood [flʌd] v. 充斥 to cover or submerge with or as if with a flood; inundate
orchestra [ˋɔrkɪstrə] n. 管弦乐队
hammer away at something 努力做某事 to do something with great energy and with all your attention
smooth-talking adj. 油嘴滑舌的; 花言巧语的 good at persuading people
hawk [hɔk] v. 叫卖;兜售
ware [wɛr] n. 商品,货物
puff [pʌf] n. 一阵,一股
hookah [ˋhʊkə] n. 水烟筒
Morocco [məˋrɑko] n. 摩洛哥(非洲西北岸的回教王国)
assimilate [əˋsɪm!͵et] v. 吸收(知识等);同化
ethnically [ˋɛθnɪklɪ] adv. 种族上
Mediterranean [͵mɛdətəˋrenɪən] adj. 地中海的;地中海沿岸地区的
recipe [ˋrɛsəpɪ] n. 烹饪法;食谱
prominently [ˋprɑmənəntlɪ] adv. 显着地;重要地
feast [fist] on 尽情欣赏(或享受)
couscous [ˋkus͵kus] n. 蒸丸子(北非菜名)
semolina [͵sɛməˋlinə] n. 粗粒面粉
chickpea [ˋtʃɪk͵pi] n. 鸡豆
wash (it) down〔借助饮料〕将〔食物或药物〕吞下 to follow the ingestion of (food, for example) with the ingestion of a liquid
refreshing [rɪˋfrɛʃɪŋ] adj. 提神的;清凉的
Music also plays a vital role in Moroccan life. Live music is frequently performed at weddings, funerals, and religious ceremonies. Like Moroccan food, it blends several diverse elements together. In traditional Moroccan music, flutes, lutes, and zithers weave beautiful melodies together as thunderous drumming supplies the backbeat. Many younger Moroccans prefer raï, a contemporary style that blends popular Middle Eastern music with rock and reggae.
In the city of Fez, the medieval capital of Morocco, there are plenty of ancient buildings to see. But the main attractions are colorful leather-dying pits called tanneries. Visitors can tour these facilities and observe craftsmen using leather-making techniques that have gone unchanged since the Middle Ages. The process involves soaking reams of cow hide in pigeon droppings, which produces a foul odor. But if you can tolerate the smell, it’s a fascinating procedure to observe. Plus, you’ll have the chance to purchase finished leather goods when your tour is finished.
If you’re looking for the best shopping and entertainment that Morocco has to offer, pay a visit to the Marrakech Bazaar. Here, you’ll find a labyrinth of souks selling every product you could possibly imagine, including rugs, spices, and even love potions! If you’re planning to purchase something, be prepared to haggle, as skillful negotiators can often work out a deal. So, to experience an exotic adventure that you’ll never forget, be sure to visit Morocco. In the end, you’ll get more than you bargained for.
-by Jamie Blackler
flute [flut] n. 长笛,横笛
lute [lut] n. 诗琴,鲁特琴
zither [ˋzɪθɚ] n. 齐特琴
thunderous [ˋθʌndərəs] adj. 像打雷的;轰隆轰隆响的
backbeat [ˋbæk͵bit] n. 反拍; 弱拍
reggae [ˋrɛge] n. 雷鬼摇摆乐
pit [pɪt] n. 洼坑,凹处
tannery [ˋtænərɪ] n. 制革厂;鞣皮厂
craftsman [ˋkræftsmən] n. 工匠;技工
ream [rim] n. 令;二十刀(纸张计数单位)
dropping [ˋdrɑpɪŋ] n.(常复数)鸟兽的粪便
foul [faʊl] adj. 恶臭的
labyrinth [ˋlæbə͵rɪnθ] n. 迷宫
souk [suk] n.(北非、中东阿拉伯国家的)露天市场
love potion [ˋpoʃən] n. 爱情魔药 aphrodisiac, a substance made with or containing ingredients that increase sexual desire
exotic [ɛgˋzɑtɪk] adj. 异国情调的;奇特的
haggle [ˋhæg!] v. 论价,讨价还价
negotiator [nɪˋgoʃɪ͵etɚ] n. 磋商者;交涉者
work out 能够解决 to find a solution for; solve
bargain [ˋbɑrgən] v. 预料,指望[(+for/on)]
Reading Questions
1. What option best describes Moroccan bazaars?
(A) They are modern shopping centers packed with electronics.
(B) They are large night markets that only sell foreign goods.
(C) They are outdoor markets that offer a variety of services.
(D) They are indoor shops filled with foods, games, and sounds.
2. Which of the following statements about Morocco is NOT true?
(A) The country has bought spices from other countries for a long time.
(B) Although Morocco is larger than Taiwan, its population is smaller.
(C) Its culture has been influenced by several different cultures.
(D) The nation is located near the top part of Africa.
3. According to the passage, what can we say about Moroccan music?
(A) It doesn’t play a vital role in most Moroccan’s lives.
(B) Only older styles of music are popular there.
(C) Moroccan music hasn’t changed much over the years.
(D) Moroccans like different types of music, depending on their age.
4. How does the author seem to feel about Morocco?
(A) People should visit it if they are interested in business.
(B) It is probably not a good idea for most people to go there.
(C) Only very experienced travelers should buy things there.
(D) It’s an unforgettable place that will pleasantly surprise visitors.
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1. ( C ) |
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