Atop the Cliffs of Moher 晴空,碧海──爱尔兰莫赫悬崖
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年2月14日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月16日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:342
There are few places on Earth where the land so gloriously meets the sea and the sky. You stand on the emerald green grass on the edge of the Cliffs of Moher and look down. ___1___ The ocean crashes on the rugged stones on the shore, and above you, the sky looks like it’s reaching into eternity.
Every year, a million tourists come to Ireland’s County Clare to experience the exquisite vistas of the Cliffs of Moher. ___2___ More than 30,000 birds, including puffins, hawks, and gulls, live here. ___3___ O’Brien’s Tower was erected by Comelius O’Brien – he thought it would be a good way to impress visitors!
Such outstanding natural beauty rarely escapes a folktale or two, especially in a nation of legends. ___4___ One day, the sunlight streamed into the cave and maddened the horses. They bolted, ran to the coast, and jumped from the Cliffs of Moher into the sea.
Some say those horses were never seen again. Surfers, however, know the horses return once in a while, as the 12-meter waves Aill Na Serracht. ___5___ But, thankfully, you don’t need a surfboard to enjoy the picture-perfect Cliffs of Moher.
有些人说再也没有人看过那些马匹。然而,冲浪者们却知道这些马匹每隔一阵子就会随着12公尺高的Aill Na Serracht海浪回来。只有最勇敢及最经验老到的冲浪者敢骑上这「白色马匹」。不过,幸好你不需要冲浪板也能享受莫赫悬崖如画般优美的景色。
-by Alice Davis
(A) Spanning eight kilometers of coastline and hitting heights of up to 230 meters, the formation of these sandstone and shale cliffs began some 300 million years ago.
(B) The cliffs drop away steeply into the ever-changing, swirling, blue-green Atlantic far below you.
(C) Only the bravest and most experienced surfers dare to ride these “white horses.”
(D) As the story goes, some of Ireland’s ancient rulers transformed themselves into horses and spent hundreds of years hidden in a nearby cave.
(E) Walking along the cliffs, with the wind in your hair, you’ll find a manmade wonder, too.
gloriously [ˋglorɪəslɪ] adv. 壮观地;壮丽地
emerald [ˋɛmərəld] adj. 翠绿色的
swirl [swɝl] v. 打旋,旋转
rugged [ˋrʌgɪd] adj. 粗硬的;崎岖的; 高低不平的
eternity [ɪˋtɝnətɪ] n. 永恒;不朽
exquisite [ˋɛkskwɪzɪt] adj. 精美的;精致的
vista [ˋvɪstə] n. 狭长的景色;远景
sandstone [ˋsænd͵ston] n. 沙岩
shale [ʃel] n. 页岩
puffin [ˋpʌfɪn] n. 海鹦
erect [ɪˋrɛkt] v. 树立;建立
stream [strim] v. 涌入,涌进
bolt [bolt] v. 脱缰 to cause (a wild animal) to leave its lair; start
once in a while 偶而 sometimes
Aill Na Serracht a rare, world-class wave
Cliffs of Moher, Ireland: 7 Wonders of Nature
1. ( B ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( E ) |
4. ( D ) |
5. ( C ) |