New Zealand: Kiwi Culture 纽西兰:独一无二的奇异岛
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年4月13日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月17日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:344
With a population of just 4.5 million people, New Zealand is overshadowed by its larger neighbor Australia. But in reality, it has several cultural and natural attractions which continually attract travelers from all over the globe.
New Zealand holds the honor of being the youngest place on Earth, as its two main islands were the last major landmasses to be discovered. The Maori were the first people to settle there, roughly 1,000 years ago, when they paddled to New Zealand from East Polynesia in their canoes. Upon their arrival, they named it “Aotearoa,” which means “the land of the long white cloud” in their language. New Zealand became a British colony in 1840, and Europeans began to arrive in large numbers during the late 1800s. Today, regardless of their descent, citizens are affectionately called Kiwis, a reference to the flightless bird as the country’s national symbol.
For a taste of culture, spend an evening at Mitai Maori Village. There, visitors can learn about ta moko, a unique form of tattoo art. In a grand ceremony, Maori warriors will display their mastery of ancient weaponry and women will perform the poi dance, gracefully twirling patterns in the air with glowing balls attached to handheld sticks.
想体验当地文化吗?到Mitai毛利村度过一晚吧!游客们可以在此见识到一种名为ta moko的独特刺青艺术。在大型庆典中,毛利战士们会展现他们使用古代武器的精湛技术,女性族人会表演「小球舞」。她们幽雅地转动一颗连到握柄的发光彩球,在空中划出各种花样。
If you’re not sheepish about unusual sporting competitions, check out a Shearing Sports show and watch the world’s top wool handlers compete to see who can shear a sheep in the fastest, most efficient manner. Over sixty competitions are held each year, beginning in September and culminating with the Royal Easter Show in Auckland in late April.
overshadow [͵ovɚˋʃædo] v. 使...相形见拙
landmass [ˋlænd͵mæs] n. 大陆
paddle [ˋpæd!] v. 用桨划(船)
canoe [kəˋnu] n. 独木舟
descent [dɪˋsɛnt] n. 世系,血统
affectionately [əˋfɛkʃənɪtlɪ] adv. 亲切地
tattoo [tæˋtu] n. 纹身花纹,刺花
mastery [ˋmæstərɪ] n. 熟练;精通;掌握
weaponry [ˋwɛpənrɪ] n.(总称)武器
twirl [twɝl] v. 使快速转动;使快速旋转
glowing [ˋgloɪŋ] adj. 白热的, 灼热的, 通红的
sheepish [ˋʃipɪʃ] adj. 局促不安的; 腼腆的; 困窘的 embarrassed, as by consciousness of a fault
shear [ʃɪr] v. 剪(羊毛等)
handler [ˋhændlɚ] n. 操作者
culminate [ˋkʌlmə͵net] v. 达到高潮;告终
If you’re traveling to New Zealand, it’s important to recognize the contrast between the two main landmasses that comprise the country. The North Island is known for interesting volcanic activities and its marvelous hot springs, while the South Island is famous for glaciers, lakes, and small towns that appeal to tourists.
One town with plenty to offer is Queenstown – some people even refer to it as the adventure capital of the world. Thrill seekers can enjoy adrenaline-pumping activities like skydiving, bungee jumping, or white water rafting. Or, if you prefer to take in the scenery, try a helicopter ride. Some of the breathtaking mountain and forest views may look familiar, as they were used as the backdrop for The Lord of the Rings film trilogy.
If catching a glimpse of the majestic mountains isn’t enough for you, there is always the option of climbing Mount Cook. At 3,754 meters high, it’s the largest mountain in the country. In 1948, the famed climber Sir Edmund Hilary used Mount Cook as a training ground before he became the first person to reach the summit of Mt. Everest.
For some rest and relaxation, head to Rotorua, a hotbed of geothermal activity. It was nicknamed “Sulfur City” due to the heavy deposits of sulfur located there. Tourists can soak their feet in hot pools or explore geysers, bubbling mud-pools, or Te Wairoa, a village that was buried in 1886 by a volcanic eruption.
Whether you’re searching for adventure, cultural splendor, or unparalleled natural beauty, New Zealand is certain to have something to offer.
-by Jamie Blackler
comprise [kəmˋpraɪz] v. 由……组成; 构成
recognize [ˋrɛkəg͵naɪz] v. 识别;认识
marvelous [ˋmɑrvələs] adj. 令人惊叹的;非凡的
refer to 提到; 谈论 to relate to, concern, or apply to
adrenaline [ædˋrɛn!in] n.肾上腺素
white water 湍流;激流;溅起白色浪花的水面 turbulent or frothy water, as in rapids or surf
rafting [ˋræftɪŋ] n. 泛舟(运动)
take in 参观, 参加, 观赏 to look at thoroughly; view
backdrop [ˋbæk͵drɑp] n.【戏】背景幕
famed [femd] adj. 有名的;著名的
hotbed [ˋhɑt͵bɛd] n. 温床
geothermal [͵dʒioˋθɝm!] adj. 地热的
sulfur [ˋsʌlfɚ] n. 硫(磺)
deposit [dɪˋpɑzɪt] n. 沉淀物
geyser [ˋgaɪzɚ] n. 喷泉;间歇泉
splendor [ˋsplɛndɚ] n. 壮丽;壮观
unparalleled [ʌnˋpærə͵lɛld] adj. 无比的;无双的
Reading Questions
1. What or who might you call “a Kiwi”?
(A) An elderly Australian who is visiting New Zealand.
(B) A British shearer who has won a shearing championship in New Zealand.
(C) An eighteen-year-old New Zealander who lives in Queenstown.
(D) Any person who is interested in New Zealand’s history and culture.
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a popular activity for someone who is visiting New Zealand?
(A) Watching the three Lord of the Rings movies.
(B) Watching a sheep shearing contest.
(C) Watching Maori women dancing.
(D) Climbing New Zealand’s highest peak.
3. What do you know about “Sulfur City”?
(A) Only active, adventurous, thrill-seekers should go there.
(B) It was wiped out by a volcanic explosion.
(C) There are very small traces of sulfur in the area.
(D) Its correct name is Rotorua.
4. What is the main point of the article?
(A) To describe how the Maori first arrived in New Zealand.
(B) To present some of New Zealand’s cultural attractions and tourist activities.
(C) To explain the differences between New Zealand’s North Island and South Island.
(D) To debate whether tourism helps or hinders New Zealand and its economy.
wipe out 彻底消灭或摧毁某事物 to destroy or be destroyed completely
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1. ( C ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( B ) |