Salar de Uyuni: Out of this World 人间仙境──玻利维亚盐沼
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年7月06日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2013年9月20日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:338
It’s the closest you can get to walking on an alien world without actually traveling into space. Bolivia’s Salar de Uyuni, the largest and highest salt flat on Earth, is a positively otherworldly place. Irregularly shaped tiles of salt, left behind by an ancient sea, shine bright white in the sunlight and stretch on as far as the eye can see.
Salar de Uyuni is located in southwest Bolivia, overlooked by the slopes of the Andes. Rainfall, coupled with a lack of drainage outlets, keeps the salt flat almost perfectly level. The elevation across the never-ending plain doesn’t vary by more than a meter on average, which makes it a perfect place to calibrate satellites.
Forty thousand years ago, this area was part of Lake Minchin, a huge prehistoric body of water. Over time, the lake dried out, leaving behind two different lakes, Poopo and Uru Uru, and two large salt flats. It is estimated that Salar de Uyuni contains about 10 billion tons of salt, and only 25,000 tons of that is gathered to be sold on an annual basis. The lakes, colored shades of red by bacteria, green by arsenic, and white by minerals, have become a breeding ground for pink flamingos each November. In the center of the Salar sit a few islands, which are actually the remnants of the tops of ancient volcanoes once submerged beneath the waves of Lake Minchin.
四万年以前,盐沼这个地区是巨大的史前水体──Minchin湖的一部分。随着时间的推移,湖泊渐渐干涸,留下了两座不同的湖泊,Poopo和Uru Uru,以及两大片盐沼。据估计,乌尤尼盐沼蕴含约100亿吨的盐,而每年只有25,000吨的盐被采集作为贩卖用。因细菌而呈现红色,因砷呈现绿色,因矿物质而呈现白色,进而构成色彩多层的湖区,已成为粉红火鹤每年11月的繁殖地。在乌尤尼盐沼的中心坐落着几座小岛,实际上,这些岛屿是曾经被淹没在Minchin湖下的古火山顶遗迹。
Salar de Uyuni 乌尤尼盐沼(位于玻利维亚西南部)
alien [ˋelɪən] adj. 截然不同的; 非常怪异的
salt flat 盐沼 a flat expanse of salt left by the total evaporation of a body of water
positively [ˋpɑzətɪvlɪ] adv. 无疑
otherworldly [ˋʌðɚˋwɝldlɪ] adj. 超脱尘俗的
tile [taɪl] n. 瓦;瓷砖
overlook [͵ovɚˋlʊk] v. 眺望;俯瞰 to look over or at from a higher place
drainage [ˋdrenɪdʒ] outlet [ˋaʊt͵lɛt] 排水口
elevation [͵ɛləˋveʃən] n. 高度;海拔
calibrate [ˋkælə͵bret] v. 校准
breeding [ˋbridɪŋ] n. 生殖;繁殖
flamingo [fləˋmɪŋgo] n. 红鹤
remnant [ˋrɛmnənt] n. 遗迹
Salar de Uyuni is also rich in something besides salt – something that most everyone uses on a daily basis, perhaps without even realizing it. The substance is lithium, an indispensable component in batteries. The Salar, which means “salt flat,” is thought to hold about half of the world’s lithium reserves. The lithium is concentrated in a brine lake that sits beneath the thick layer of salt, and is pumped out and refined. The salt plains also house large deposits of sodium, potassium, and magnesium, which have their own vital applications.
Not only is the Salar of the utmost economic importance to the people who live around it, but it is also a commonly used thoroughfare. Locals use it as a means to travel between towns, and tourists venture onto its vast expanse to marvel at its natural beauty. If you do find yourself driving across its brilliant white plain, be sure to stop by the Tayka Salt Hotel, a lodging made entirely by pure salt extracted from the surrounding landscapes. Also, take notice of the mounds of salt seen throughout the plain. These are not natural formations, mind you, as they are collections of salt crystals scraped up from the surface of the ancient lake bed and left to dry in the sun by local salt miners.
If you are planning a trip to Salar de Uyuni, be sure to go between November and March, as it can get quite cold there during the winter months. This will be one experience you won’t have to take with a grain of salt.
-by Joe Henley
lithium [ˋlɪθɪəm] n. 锂
indispensable [͵ɪndɪsˋpɛnsəb!] adj. 必不可少的
reserve [rɪˋzɝv] n. 储备(物)
brine [braɪn] n. 浓盐水
utmost [ˋʌt͵most] adj. 最大的
thoroughfare [ˋθɝo͵fɛr] n. 大道
venture [ˋvɛntʃɚ] n. 冒险
brilliant [ˋbrɪljənt] adj. 光辉的;明亮的
lodging [ˋlɑdʒɪŋ] n. 寄宿; 住所
pump out 用泵抽出 to remove something from someone or something by force or suction
marvel at 对…惊叹不已, 惊叹… to express wonder or surprise at someone or something
stop by 顺便走访 to visit some place, usually briefly
take notice of 注意到 to notice the presence or existence of someone or something
mind you 请注意 a phrase introducing something that should be taken into consideration
scrape up sth. 积攒; 凑齐, 勉强凑足
take it (or sth.) with a grain of salt 对某事采取保留的态度 to consider something to be not completely true or right
Reading Questions
1. Which of the following statements about Salar de Uyuni is NOT true?
(A) It has a few different lakes.
(B) It contains billions of tons of salt.
(C) Its elevation does not very much.
(D) It is completely devoid of life.
2. If you had visited the area of Salar de Uyuni 40,000 years ago, what would you have seen?
(A) A very large lake.
(B) A really tall mountain.
(C) A thriving civilization.
(D) A barren wasteland.
3. How much of the world’s lithium can be found at Salar de Uyuni?
(A) Very little.
(B) Almost all of it
(C) Around 50 percent.
(D) About a quarter.
4. What is NOT mentioned as something you’ll find on the salt flat?
(A) Large cities.
(B) Hotels.
(C) Tourists.
(D) Minerals.
devoid [dɪˋvɔɪd] adj. 缺乏的;沒有的[F][(+of)]
Uyuni Salt Lake
1. ( D ) |
2. ( A ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( A ) |