Houtong’s Famous Felines 猫咪星据点:猴硐
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2011年12月07日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2014年7月24日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:257
About 45 minutes from Taipei by train is an unusual mountain town. In Chinese, it’s called Houtong, which translates roughly to “monkey cave.” However, the traditional Chinese character for cave is written with a component that means stone, rather than the usual one that means water. That’s because Houtong used to be a coal-mining town. Water in the mines was a serious concern, so superstitious residents changed the character.
Houtong thrived in Japanese colonial period, when there was great demand for coal, both for powering trains and for heating homes. But by the 1970s, coal had been replaced by heating oil in homes, and most of Taiwan’s trains ran on electricity. As a result, the coal mines were gradually abandoned. Their legacy survives in a small museum dedicated to the town’s glory days. Only about 200 people still live here. It’s a familiar story of decline repeated in many of Taiwan’s mountain communities.
So coal mining explains the “cave” part of the town’s name, but what about the “monkey” part? Well, it seems there used to be a lot of monkeys in the area, though there’s hardly any sign of them now. Take the train to Houtong today, and as soon as you arrive at the station, you are greeted by colorful pictures of a very different animal. And when you leave the station, you’ll see something quite unexpected.
roughly [ˋrʌflɪ] adv. 粗略地;大约
component [kəmˋponənt] n. 零件;成分
concern [kənˋsɝn] n. 担心,关心的事
superstitious [͵supɚˋstɪʃəs] adj. 迷信的
resident [ˋrɛzədənt] n. 居民
thrive [θraɪv] v. 兴旺,繁荣
abandon [əˋbændən] v. 丢弃;抛弃,遗弃
dedicate [ˋdɛdə͵ket] to 奉献给
glory [ˋglorɪ] n. 繁荣;昌盛
decline [dɪˋklaɪn] n. 衰退,衰落
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feline [ˋfilaɪn] n. 猫科动物
Chinese character 中文字
coal-mining 煤矿开采
colonial [kəˋlonjəl] adj. 殖民地的
As soon as you enter Houtong, the first thing you notice is cats. There are more than a hundred of them, in every color and pattern imaginable: black, white, gray, orange, tabby, and calico. You see them wherever you look: playing in the street, walking along the walls, lying on rooftops, and hiding in corners or under cars.
Unlike street cats elsewhere, the cats of Houtong appear healthy, clean, and well fed. But where did they all come from? Years ago, one retired lady started feeding stray cats and taking care of newborn kittens. As their numbers grew, a group of volunteers began collecting food and raising money to pay for medicine and visits to the vet. Soon the whole community was helping out. Today the townspeople are fond, and protective, of their feline friends. Outsiders aren’t allowed to abandon pets here, but nonetheless, the number of cats in Houtong is increasing steadily.
The number of visitors to the town is growing, too. A few years ago, someone passing through noticed the cats, took some photos, and posted them on her blog. They were a big hit, since people on the Internet are crazy about cute pictures of cats, and soon Houtong was known unofficially as “Cat Village”. Now people come from all over to see the cats, play with them, feed them, and, of course, take pictures of their own. They also buy snacks, and lots of cat-related souvenirs, like T-shirts, purses, and cell phone decorations. So it’s no wonder that the locals love their cats: they helped bring this little town back to life.
-by Dmitri Detwyler
retired [rɪˋtaɪrd] adj. 退休的
stray [stre] adj. 流浪的; 迷路的,走失的
protective [prəˋtɛktɪv] adj. 保护的
be fond of someone or something 喜欢, 爱好 liking someone or something
steadily [ˋstɛdəlɪ] adv. 稳定地
pass through 通过, 穿过
souvenir [ˋsuvə͵nɪr] n. 纪念品,纪念物
decoration [͵dɛkəˋreʃən] n. 装饰物,装饰品
bring something back to life 使复活,给…以活力 to restore vitality to something, such as a performance, a story, etc
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tabby [ˋtæbɪ] adj. 有斑纹的; 虎斑纹的
calico [ˋkælə͵ko] adj. 有斑点的
kitten [ˋkɪtn] n. 小猫
vet [vɛt] n. 兽医
help out 帮助, 帮忙 to assist or aid (someone), esp by sharing the burden
townspeople [ˋtaʊnz͵pip!] n. 镇民;城里人
outsider [ˋaʊtˋsaɪdɚ] n. 局外人; 外人
nonetheless [͵nʌnðəˋlɛs] adv.【正式】然而; 尽管如此; 虽然如此; however
hit [hɪt] n. 成功而风行一时的事物
unofficially [͵ʌnəˋfɪʃəlɪ] adv. 非正式地
snack [snæk] n. 小吃,点心
purse [pɝs] n. 钱包;(女用)手提包
Reading Questions
1. Why did the residents of Houtong write the town’s name with special characters?
(A) The new ones were considered luckier by miners.
(B) All the monkeys that used to live there disappeared.
(C) The town’s main industry had become less important.
(D) They wanted to be different from other towns.
2. Why did coal mining become less popular in Taiwan?
(A) Cheaper coal became available in other areas.
(B) Coal was replaced by electricity for powering trains.
(C) The Japanese were taking all the coal for themselves.
(D) Nobody wanted to work in the mines anymore.
3. How are cats in Houtong different from stray cats in other places?
(A) They appear to be in worse physical condition.
(B) They are less friendly than cats elsewhere.
(C) They are sometimes taken to an animal doctor.
(D) They come in many more unusual colors.
4. How did the town first become famous for its cats?
(A) Someone wrote an article about them for a travel magazine.
(B) A visitor posted some pictures and wrote about them on the Internet.
(C) The townspeople promoted their village with a series of products.
(D) It was known as a good place to leave your cat if you couldn’t keep it.
侯硐小镇-猫 (Cats in Taiwan Houtong)
1. ( A ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( C ) |
4. ( B ) |