No Laughing Matter 这可不是开玩笑!

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What do bees do when they don’t feel like driving? They go to the “buzz stop!” ___1___ However, believe it or not, under different circumstances, that corny one-liner might have your sides splitting.



It is believed that humans originally inherited the ability to laugh from primates. ___2___ Yet despite the simplicity of it all, developing a philosophy of humor has been no laughing matter. For over 2,000 years, the riddle of why we laugh has perplexed intellectual giants such as Plato, Kant and Freud. ___3___



Professor Robert Riving conducted a street survey and found out there was nothing funny going on. ___4___ In a similar study at Florida State University, people in low-ranking positions would laugh at jokes they didn’t find funny when they were put in a position of authority.



These studies suggest that laughter might be more of an instinctive survival tool for social animals than the recognition of humor. ___5___ So maybe the next time someone tells a bad joke, it might not be your sense of humor, but your social status that makes you laugh!



by Jamie Blackler


A.    Over 80% of the time, laughter was elicited by common phrases such as “I know” or “see ya later.”

B.    In group settings, the main role of laughter is to help us bond with others and determine our role and status within the group.

C.    Our “ha-ha” closely resembles the panting noise that chimpanzees make while playing around.

D.    Now, unless you are five years old, chances are that dimwitted joke didn’t make you laugh.

E.    But modern researchers now suggest our laughter has little to do with humor.





inherit [ɪnˋhɛrɪt] v. 继承

simplicity [sɪmˋplɪsətɪ] n. 单纯; 简单

perplex [pɚˋplɛks] v. 使困惑;使费解

conduct [kənˋdʌkt] v.〔尤指为获取信息或证实某事时〕进行(调查/实验/调查研究等)

instinctive [ɪnˋstɪŋktɪv] adj.(出于)本能的;(出于)天性的


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no laughing matter 不是闹着玩的,非同小可,不是儿戏 a serious issue or problem

circumstance [ˋsɝkəm͵stæns] n. 情况,环境;情势

corny [ˋkɔrnɪ] adj.【非正式】陈旧的; 平凡的; 乏味的; 老套的

one-liner [ˋwʌnˋlaɪnɚ] n.【美】【口】小笑话;隽语;俏皮话

have one’s sides splitting also see “split one's sides” 笑破肚皮, 笑折腰 to laugh so hard that one's sides almost split

primate [ˋpraɪmɪt] n. 灵长类动物

Plato [ˋpleto] n. 柏拉图(古希腊哲学家)

Kant [kænt] 康德(1724-1804,德国哲学家)

Freud [frɔɪd] 佛洛伊德(1856-1939,奥国心理分析学家及精神病学家)

elicit [ɪˋlɪsɪt] v. 引出

panting [ˋpæntɪŋ] adj. 喘气的

chimpanzee [͵tʃɪmpænˋzi] n.【动】黑猩猩

dimwitted [ˋdɪm͵wɪtɪd] adj. 愚蠢的






1. ( D )

2. ( C )

3. ( E )

4. ( A )

5. ( B )