Taking Criticism in Stride 面对批评是成长的开始
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2008年11月05日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年2月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:392
You’ve finished a big project for school. In your eyes, it is brilliant, ingenious, and even perfect. Then, after you hand it in, your teacher comes along and tells you that it needs improvement. Naturally, your first response is to become defensive, but hold on a minute. There is a right way and a wrong way to receive criticism.
For most people, it’s normal to want to defend any work they have done. However, we have to remember that we can learn from our mistakes, and sometimes it takes an extra pair of eyes to point those mistakes out. No matter how well-crafted our counter-argument may be, it does not eliminate the fact that all criticism likely has some value.
For most people, the first step in taking criticism is the most difficult. While every bone in your body may be telling you to fight back, what you should do instead is take a deep breath, sit back, and listen. Don’t try to defend yourself or clarify your position right away. Just listen, nod your head, and smile if you can. Let the person who is offering the criticism know that his or her opinion is being received in a calm manner.
take something in stride [straɪd] 轻易做某事; 从容面对某事
ingenious [ɪnˋdʒinjəs] adj. 制作精巧的;巧妙的
defensive [dɪˋfɛnsɪv] adj. 防御的,自卫的
criticism [ˋkrɪtə͵sɪzəm] n. 批评
eliminate [ɪˋlɪmə͵net] v. 排除,消除,消灭
clarify [ˋklærə͵faɪ] v. 澄清
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well-crafted 精心设计的
counter-argument 反驳;抗辩
every bone in one's body 全身 It's figurative! Let a bone represent each of your traits, or qualities.
Now that you’ve gotten past that difficult first step, ask your critics questions. This will be especially useful if your critic tends to ramble. Asking specific questions can help both of you get to the heart of the matter. To really go the extra mile, paraphrase what your critic said. This tactic, known as “mirroring,” really shows the other person that he or she has been heard.
Next, remember that the criticism being offered is not a challenge. Fight that inevitable urge to interrupt with your own thoughts. It’s only advice, after all. In the end, the decision to follow it or not lies with you. Then, no matter how you may feel on the inside, say, “thank you” as a show of goodwill. Whether you are in the classroom or society, maintaining positive working relationships is a key to success.
When all is said and done, it is time to decide whether or not your critic has a valid point. Be sure to talk with other people around you to get as much input as possible. A third or fourth opinion never hurts. As the old show business saying goes, “Everyone’s a critic.”
−by Webster Chang & Joe Henley
tactic [ˋtæktɪk] n. 战术;策略
inevitable [ɪnˋɛvətəb!] adj. 不可避免的
urge [ɝdʒ] n. 强烈的欲望;冲动
valid [ˋvælɪd] adj. 有根据的;令人信服的
input [ˋɪn͵pʊt] n. 投入(物)〔指向工作﹑会议等提供的意见﹑建议﹑资金﹑努力等〕
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ramble [ˋræmb!] v. 漫谈,聊天(of speech, writing, etc.) to lack organization
heart [hɑrt] n. 中心;要点
go the extra mile 做比期望的多得多的努力 to do more and make a greater effort
paraphrase [ˋpærə͵frez] v. 释义,意译,改述
lie [laɪ] v.(事情)在于
goodwill [ˋgʊdˋwɪl] n. 善意,好心
when all is said and done 该做的都做了,该说的都说了; 说到底, 归根到底 when everything is finished and settled; when everything is considered
saying [ˋseɪŋ] n. 格言,警句,谚语
Reading Questions
1. According to the article, what is usually the first reaction to criticism?
A. To want to learn as much as possible from a mistake.
B. To silently accept it without further complaint.
C. To defend yourself by insulting those who are doing the criticizing.
D. To stand up for the good qualities of your own work.
2. Which of the following is NOT given as advice on how to respond to criticism?
A. Try to keep an open mind.
B. Listen to your heart.
C. Present a relaxed attitude to your critic.
D. Avoid immediately answering back.
3. Why should you ask your critic specific questions?
A. Because it helps to make peace with critic.
B. Because it helps you clearly understand the matter.
C. Because it helps to bring a smile to your critic’s face.
D. Because it helps you hear what people around you are saying.
4. What can be inferred from the article?
A. You will only be successful if you learn to criticize effectively.
B. People who criticize should mind their own business.
C. Learning to accept criticism well is an important social skill.
D. Being criticized often will help you to be a better critic.
1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( B ) |
4. ( C ) |