Meditate Your Way to Compassion 慈悲的冥想之道
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2008年9月01日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年2月11日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:375
Sitting in a small room, a group of Tibetan monks suddenly become silent. Their eyes close, their breathing softens and their minds turn inward. They first focus on a feeling of loving kindness for their loved ones. Then they extend this emotion towards complete strangers, and finally towards their enemies. This practice is known as Mettā meditation, with the word “Mettā” meaning loving kindness. A new study reveals that this type of meditation can help people learn compassion.
The study involved 16 veteran meditators and 16 others with little meditation experience. Researchers measured the subjects’ brain activity when they did or did not meditate on compassionate feelings. In each state, the participants heard the sound of a woman screaming or a baby laughing.
The experienced meditators had stronger reactions to the sounds than novices. When they meditated, the area of their brains that deals with emotion reacted strongly to the woman’s screams. Moreover, the part of their brains that helps them rationally understand others’ emotions responded more actively to the screams and the baby’s laughter.
The experiment suggests that Mettā meditation can help people train themselves to be more compassionate. The monks’ ancient wisdom may help us all become better people.
−by Darren Lowrie
meditate [ˋmɛdə͵tet] v. 冥想
compassion [kəmˋpæʃən] n. 同情
involve [ɪnˋvɑlv] v. 包含
rationally [ˋræʃən!ɪ] adv. 理性地
respond [rɪˋspɑnd] v. 作出灵敏反应[(+to)]
More Information
Tibetan [tɪˋbɛtən] adj. 西藏的
inward [ˋɪnwɚd] n. 向内
kindness [ˋkaɪndnɪs] n. 仁慈;和蔼
practice [ˋpræktɪs] n. 实践
Mettā meditation 慈悲禅
veteran [ˋvɛtərən] n. 富有经验的人
scream [skrim] v. 尖叫
novice [ˋnɑvɪs] n. 新手,初学者
Reading Questions
1. What is the main function of Mettā meditation?
A. To help you relieve the daily stress that comes from busy city life.
B. To make it easier for meditation students to learn how to meditate.
C. To allow researchers to study the brain patterns of those who meditate.
D. To teach its followers to be more compassionate toward other people.
2. Which of the following is NOT true about the experiment described in the article?
A. Half of the subjects were experienced meditators while the other half were not.
B. The subjects’ brains were only scanned when they were deep in meditation.
C. The inexperienced meditators had a weaker reaction to both of the sounds.
D. While meditating, the subjects heard the sound of a woman screaming or a baby laughing.
3. Who would benefit most from practicing Mettā meditation?
A. A person with a lot of meditation experience.
B. A person who is skilled at understanding others’ emotions.
C. A person who does not treat others nicely.
D. A person who often hears women screaming or babies laughing.
1. ( D ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( C ) |