Robbed of Their Senses – Stockholm Syndrome 心被抢走了──爱在斯德哥尔摩?
In the summer of 1973, an attempted bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden resulted in four hostages being taken captive. When these hostages were finally freed after their six-day ordeal, however, they were ___1___ grateful to their rescuers. Incredibly, they instead took the side of their captors, and actively ___2___ rescue. In the incident’s aftermath, one female hostage even became engaged to one of the robbers, while ___3___ set up a fund to help pay for the criminals’ court fees.
1. |
(A) more than |
(B) better off |
(C) far from |
(D) by all means |
2. |
(A) assisted |
(B) resisted |
(C) insisted |
(D) persisted |
3. |
(A) another |
(B) other |
(C) the other |
(D) rest |
This bizarre turn of events subsequently gave rise to the psychological condition known ___4___ “Stockholm syndrome,” in which hostages end up emotionally bonding with their captor. Four conditions have been identified that ___5___ this seemingly crazy behavior, typically within only three to four days. Firstly, the hostages must perceive a genuine threat to their survival. Then, with no means of escape available, they will come to see their life as depending on their captors. ___6___ isolated from the outside world, their captors’ perspective becomes the only one available to them. Lastly, in response to a perceived act of kindness from the captors, feelings of sympathy and gratitude emerge.
4. |
(A) to |
(B) for |
(C) with |
(D) as |
5. |
(A) devote to |
(B) qualify for |
(C) contribute to |
(D) dwell on |
6. |
(A) Randomly |
(B) Occasionally |
(C) Increasingly |
(D) Occasionally |
Since 1973, there have been enough similar instances of Stockholm syndrome to suggest that the theory is much more than ___7___ speculation. It seems that such extreme situations have the potential to trigger the most irrational behavior in us all.
7. |
(A) negative |
(B) beneficial |
(C) futile |
(D) idle |
−by David Vickers
captive [ˋkæptɪv] adj. 被俘的;受监禁的;受控制的
grateful [ˋgretfəl] adj. 感谢的,感激的
perceive [pɚˋsiv] v. 察觉;意识到
isolate [ˋaɪs!͵et] v. 孤立;隔离
sympathy [ˋsɪmpəθɪ] n. 同情,同情心
More Information
Stockholm syndrome 斯德哥尔摩症候群症(被劫持人质对劫持者产生好感并同情、宽容他)
take captive 活捉, 俘虏
Sweden [ˋswidn] n. 瑞典
result in 导致, 引起
hostage [ˋhɑstɪdʒ] n. 人质
ordeal [ɔrˋdiəl] n. 苦难,折磨
rescuer [ˋrɛskjʊɚ] n. 救助者;援救者
captor [ˋkæptɚ] n. 捉拿者; 捕捉者
aftermath [ˋæftɚ͵mæθ] n. 余波; 事件结束后的一段时期
engage [ɪnˋgedʒ] v. 使订婚
bizarre [bɪˋzɑr] adj. 古怪的; 奇异的
give rise to 引起 to cause something to exist
end up 最终成为
bond [bɑnd] v. 结合;团结在一起
gratitude [ˋgrætə͵tjud] n. 感激之情,感恩,感谢
speculation [͵spɛkjəˋleʃən] n. 推测
trigger [ˋtrɪgɚ] v. 触发,引起
contribute [kənˋtrɪbjut] to 促成
futile [ˋfjut!] adj. 无益的,无效的
idle [ˋaɪd!] adj. 无根据的;无理由的
1. ( C ) |
2. ( B ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( D ) |
5. ( C ) |
6. ( C ) |
7. ( D ) |