One Person, Multiple Minds 24个比利:浅谈多重人格分裂症
In October 1977, a man named Billy Milligan was arrested and charged with abducting and raping three women on the Ohio State University campus in the U.S. However, when police started to question him about the crimes, it soon became apparent that Billy was no ordinary criminal. His voice, facial expressions, and mannerisms kept changing, much to the puzzlement of his questioners. And when a psychologist addressed him as “Billy,” his reply was alarming: “Billy’s asleep. I’m David.”
It turned out that Billy Milligan suffered from an extreme case of a psychiatric condition known as multiple personality disorder (MPD). This diagnosis led to him being found not guilty of his crimes, on the grounds of insanity, and instead of being locked in prison, he was sent to a mental institution. The case of Billy Milligan received worldwide press attention at the time, bringing the mysterious disorder that afflicted him into the public spotlight.
Eventually, a staggering total of 24 distinct identities were found to exist in Billy’s crowded mind, varying in mental age and IQ level as well as in character. Apart from David, a timid nine-year-old boy, there were also Ragen, 23, a violent Yugoslavian with a taste for robbery, and Adelena, a 19-year-old lesbian who admitted to being behind the rapes. It took many years of treatment before Billy learned to effectively take control of his multiple personalities, but he was finally released in 1988. Nowadays, he lives a secluded life in California, where, mercifully, his other identities pay only the occasional visit.
charge [tʃɑrdʒ] v. 控告,指控[(+with)]
campus [ˋkæmpəs] n. 校园,校区
criminal [ˋkrɪmən!] n. 罪犯
puzzlement [ˋpʌz!mənt] n. 迷惑;费解
psychologist [saɪˋkɑlədʒɪst] n. 心理学家
alarming [əˋlɑrmɪŋ] adj. 惊人的;令人担忧的
disorder [dɪsˋɔrdɚ] n. (机能)失调
diagnosis [͵daɪəgˋnosɪs] n. 诊断
on the grounds of 以……为理由
institution [͵ɪnstəˋtjuʃən] n. 机构
spotlight [ˋspɑt͵laɪt] n. 公众注意的中心
distinct [dɪˋstɪŋkt] adj. 明显的,清楚的
vary [ˋvɛrɪ] v. 使不同
timid [ˋtɪmɪd] adj. 易受惊的;羞怯的
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arrest [əˋrɛst] v. 逮捕
abduct [æbˋdʌkt] v. 绑架;劫持
rape [rep] v. 强奸
mannerism [ˋmænərɪzm] n.〔某人所特有的说话或动作的〕习性; 习气
questioner [ˋkwɛstʃənɚ] n. 发问者;质问者
address [əˋdrɛs] v. 称呼
psychiatric [͵saɪkɪˋætrɪk] adj. 精神病学的
insanity [ɪnˋsænətɪ] n.(被认为行为者可免负法律责任的)精神失常
mental [ˋmɛnt!] adj. 精神的,心理的
mental institution 精神病院 a hospital for mentally incompetent or unbalanced person
afflict [əˋflɪkt] v. 【正式】使受痛苦; 折磨
staggering [ˋstægərɪŋ] adj. 令人吃惊[震惊]的; 令人难以置信的
Yugoslavian [jugoˋslɑvɪən] n. 南斯拉夫人
taste [test] n. 爱好,兴趣
lesbian [ˋlɛzbɪən] n. 女同性恋者
secluded [sɪˋkludɪd] adj. 与世隔绝的
mercifully [ˋmɝsɪfəlɪ] adv. 幸运地; 幸而; 幸亏〔指情况本来可能更糟〕
pay (somebody/something) a visit 访问, 拜访 to go to see someone or something
Since the time of Billy Milligan, multiple personality disorder has been reclassified as dissociative identity disorder (DID). In order for someone to be diagnosed as suffering from DID, at least two alternative identities, or “alter egos,” must present themselves frequently. These personalities are capable of taking control of the individual’s behavior, a process that often results in serious memory loss.
Up until the 19th century, people who exhibited symptoms of DID were believed to be victims of spiritual or demonic possession. Even today, though, with rational psychological theory having largely replaced such superstitions, the exact causes of the disorder are unclear. One common assumption is that it is linked to episodes of overwhelming stress and trauma, such as child abuse. This was certainly true in the case of Billy Milligan, who is said to have been repeatedly abused by his stepfather as a child. When treating DID, the aim is to fuse the multiple identities into a single functional one through therapy and medication.
In recent years, there has been some controversy regarding the validity of DID, with some psychiatrists claiming that it is not a genuine disorder. Diagnoses are still largely confined to North America, and even Billy himself has reportedly expressed concern that many of those identified as DID sufferers may not be genuine. There’s little doubt, however, that Billy’s experiences were very real. For those curious to know more about his compelling story, keep your eyes peeled for the biographical movie The Crowded Room, which is currently in development.
−by David Vickers
alternative [ɔlˋtɝnətɪv] adj. 替代的
spiritual [ˋspɪrɪtʃʊəl] adj. 精神(上)的,心灵的
rational [ˋræʃən!] adj. 合理的
replace [rɪˋples] v. 取代
superstition [͵supɚˋstɪʃən] n. 迷信
assumption [əˋsʌmpʃən] n. 假定,设想
overwhelming [͵ovɚˋhwɛlmɪŋ] adj. 势不可挡的;令人不知所措的
trauma [ˋtrɔmə] n.(感情等方面的)创伤; 痛苦的经历
fuse [fjuz] v. 融合;结合
functional [ˋfʌŋkʃən!] adj. 正常运转的
therapy [ˋθɛrəpɪ] n. 治疗,疗法
regarding [rɪˋgɑrdɪŋ] prep. 关于;就……而论
confine [kənˋfaɪn] v. 使局限[(+to)]
compelling [kəmˋpɛlɪŋ] adj. 令人注目的
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reclassify [riˋklæsə͵faɪ] v. 将……重新分类
dissociative [dɪˋsoʃɪ͵etɪv] adj. 分裂的
alter ego【拉】第二个我; 另一个自我
demonic [diˋmɑnɪk] adj. 恶魔的
possession [pəˋzɛʃən] n. 鬼魂附体;着魔
episode [ˋɛpə͵sod] n. 一段经历
abuse [əˋbjus] n. 虐待
controversy [ˋkɑntrə͵vɝsɪ] n. 争议
validity [vəˋlɪdətɪ] n.【律】有效性;效力;合法性
psychiatrist [saɪˋkaɪətrɪst] n. 精神病医师
genuine [ˋdʒɛnjʊɪn] adj. 真的;非伪造的;名副其实的
keep one's eyes peeled 仔细观察 to watch very carefully for something
peeled [pild] adj. 剥去皮的
biographical [͵baɪəˋgræfɪk!] adj. 传记的
Reading Questions
1. What do we know about Billy Milligan from the article?
A. He was set free in 1988.
B. He murdered some people.
C. He was sent to prison in 1977.
D. He was a student at Ohio State University.
2. Which of the following is NOT a suitable description of Billy’s behavior?
A. He spoke with different voices.
B. He appeared to be very unstable.
C. He tended to dress up as a woman.
D. His identities ranged from shy to aggressive.
3. What is true about DID?
A. It was originally known as MPD.
B. It was first discovered in the 19th century.
C. Most sufferers possess two separate identities.
D. People who suffer from it tend to abuse children.
4. What is the main theme of the second half of the article?
A. How to successfully treat DID.
B. The typical characteristics of DID.
C. Various kinds of personality disorders.
D. The importance of the case of Billy Milligan.
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1. ( A ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( A ) |
4. ( B ) |