Don’t Shop Till You Drop! 血拼停不了:解读购物强迫症
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2009年9月02日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年7月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:427
Is your closet overflowing with garments that have yet to be worn, or your CD collection full of albums that have yet to be played? If your answer to ___1___ of these questions is “yes,” then you could be a shopaholic.
(A) where |
(B) laughing |
(C) either |
(D) afford |
(E) resulting |
(F) the same |
(G) purse |
(H) as |
(I) known |
(J) substitute |
Shopaholics suffer from a condition ___2___ as “compulsive shopping,” although some psychologists comment that it’s more of an impulse control disorder than an actual compulsion. Compulsive shopping has been called the “smiled-upon addiction,” ___3___ it’s generally treated less seriously than other addictions such as alcoholism, it is often the butt of jokes. For those who suffer from this disorder, however, it’s certainly no ___4___ matter. Indeed, if let to get out of control, it can be just as destructive as alcohol or drug addiction. Shopaholics’ habit of buying what they don’t need or can’t ___5___ often leads to massive debts, which can ruin their lives and bring distress to those around them.
(A) where |
(B) laughing |
(C) either |
(D) afford |
(E) resulting |
(F) the same |
(G) purse |
(H) as |
(I) known |
(J) substitute |
In many cases, compulsive shopping begins at an early age and stems from parental neglect or lack of self-esteem. Without adequate emotional support, shopaholics turn to shopping as a ___6___ source of happiness, although the emotional boost it gives is almost always temporary. They are drawn into a vicious circle with shopping sprees ___7___ in feelings of guilt and depression, which are dealt with by going shopping again.
(A) where |
(B) laughing |
(C) either |
(D) afford |
(E) resulting |
(F) the same |
(G) purse |
(H) as |
(I) known |
(J) substitute |
In this consumer society, ___8___ we’re bombarded with hundreds of advertisements every day, it’s no wonder that compulsive shopping is becoming an increasingly widespread problem. But as it grows in seriousness, it is starting to be treated along ___9___ lines as other addictions with support groups available. So, if you think you might be a shopaholic, don’t despair. Help is at hand to stop your closet from bursting before your ___10__ completely empties!
(A) where |
(B) laughing |
(C) either |
(D) afford |
(E) resulting |
(F) the same |
(G) purse |
(H) as |
(I) known |
(J) substitute |
−by David Vickers
overflow [͵ovɚˋflo] v. 泛滥;满(或多)得溢出
compulsive [kəmˋpʌlsɪv] adj. 强迫的; 难以抑制的〔难以抑制的行为往往是精神病的一种症候〕
impulse [ˋɪmpʌls] n. 冲动
addiction [əˋdɪkʃən] n. 成瘾;上瘾
destructive [dɪˋstrʌktɪv] adj. 破坏的;毁灭性的
massive [ˋmæsɪv] adj. 巨大的,大量的,大规模的
ruin [ˋrʊɪn] v. 使毁灭;毁坏
distress [dɪˋstrɛs] n. 悲痛,苦恼
stem from 起源于; 由...造成 to result from something
neglect [nɪgˋlɛkt] v. 忽视,忽略
self-esteem [͵sɛlfəsˋtim] n. 自尊; 自信
temporary [ˋtɛmpə͵rɛrɪ] adj. 临时的;暂时的
vicious circle 恶性循环 a situation in which the apparent solution of one problem in a chain of circumstances creates a new problem and increases the difficulty of solving the original problem. Also called vicious cycle.
depression [dɪˋprɛʃən] n. 沮丧,意气消沉
bombard [bɑmˋbɑrd] v. 不断攻击, 猛炸, 轰击;向……连续提出问题[(+with)]
More Information
garment [ˋgɑrmənt] n. (一件)衣服; 服装,衣着
shopaholic [͵ʃɑpəˋhɔlɪk] n.【口】购物成癖的人
psychologist [saɪˋkɑlədʒɪst] n. 心理学家
disorder [dɪsˋɔrdɚ] n. 失调
compulsion [kəmˋpʌlʃən] n. 强迫作用
alcoholism [ˋælkəhɔl͵ɪzəm] n. 酗酒
the butt of a joke 笑柄 the reason for or aim of a joke, especially when it is a person
no laughing matter 不是闹着玩的, 非同小可, 不是儿戏
debt [dɛt] n. 负债
boost [bust] n. 激励; 鼓舞; 增加
spree [spri] n. 无节制的狂热行为; 狂饮作乐
despair [dɪˋspɛr] v. 绝望,丧失信心
at hand 在手边; 眼前;在附近 happening or present at this time
Confessions of a Shopaholic Trailer HD 2009
1. ( C ) |
2. ( I ) |
3. ( H ) |
4. ( B ) |
5. ( D ) |
6. ( J ) |
7. ( E ) |
8. ( A ) |
9. ( F ) |
10. ( G )