Singing the Monday Blues 蓝色星期一,蓝色忧郁
- 详细资料
- 创建于 2010年1月18日
- 最后更新于 2024年5月25日
- 发布于 2012年8月02日
- 作者:Mike Lee
- 点击数:363
The weekend was tremendous. So, why can’t you drag yourself out of bed this Monday morning? ___1___
It could be the Monday blues. We feel “blue” when we’re sad or down in the dumps and, of course, we all feel blue at times – that’s human nature. In the West, psychologists claim to have pinpointed the most melancholy day of the year, the Monday in the last complete week of January. Blue Monday, as it’s called, results from a culmination of factors. ___2___ Bad weather, mounting debts, low motivation, and returning to a monotonous routine are some of the reasons why this day is the worst of the year. Unfortunately, it’s not just this particular Monday that people struggle through. ___3___
Why do we grumble and groan at the prospect of Monday morning? For many, it’s just readjusting to working life or the school routine – rising early, rush hour crowds, long commutes – after two days of freedom. Some may brush off the theory as nonsense. ___4___ In America, some companies try to combat Monday absenteeism and unhappy workers by offering counseling or a four-day week. Some national holidays are even moved forward to a Monday.
In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain writes, “Monday morning found Tom Sawyer miserable. Monday mornings always found him so.” ___5___ At least the opposite is true at the end of the week; most people love that Friday feeling!
−by Alice Davis
(A) Statistics indicate that the number of people taking time off on Monday is larger than that on other weekdays.
(B) Yet, sometimes, if a person is unsatisfied with work or having problems at school, Mondays can cause real anxiety.
(C) Many of these are caused by the low period following Christmas vacation.
(D) We might feel gloomy, grumpy, and irritable on a Monday, all around the world and all year round.
(E) It’s not a new sentiment, and it won’t vanish anytime soon.
(F) You should feel refreshed but, to tell the truth, you would give anything to stay home.
blues [bluz] n. 忧郁
pinpoint [ˋpɪn͵pɔɪnt] v. 准确地确定(位置,范围,性质,程度等)
melancholy [ˋmɛlən͵kɑlɪ] adj. 忧郁的,郁闷的
monotonous [məˋnɑtənəs] adj.(声音)单调的
routine [ruˋtin] n. 例行公事;日常工作;惯例
grumble [ˋgrʌmb!] v. 抱怨,发牢骚
brush off 置之不理 to reject; to dismiss
combat [kəmˋbæt] v. 防止;减轻
miserable [ˋmɪzərəb!] adj. 凄惨的; 极不愉快的; 痛苦的
anxiety [æŋˋzaɪətɪ] n. 焦虑; 不安; 担心
gloomy [ˋglumɪ] adj. 沮丧的; 忧郁的
irritable [ˋɪrətəb!] adj. 易怒的; 急躁的;烦躁的
sentiment [ˋsɛntəmənt] n. 情绪
vanish [ˋvænɪʃ] v. 消逝;绝迹
refreshed [rɪˋfrɛʃt] adj. 恢复精神的
More Information
down in the dumps【口】沮丧的; 抑郁的
culmination [͵kʌlməˋneʃən] n. 顶点, 极点
mounting [ˋmaʊntɪŋ] adj. 上升的,增长的
groan [gron] v.【口】抱怨; 呻吟
at the prospect of 一想到...
prospect [ˋprɑspɛkt] n. 预期;盼望的事物
commute [kəˋmjut] n.【口】通勤
absenteeism [͵æbsnˋtiɪzm] n. 旷课;旷工
counseling [ˋkaʊns!ɪŋ] n. 咨询服务
time off 请假,休假 a period of time that is free from employment
grumpy [ˋgrʌmpɪ] adj. 性情乖戾的, 脾气暴躁的
1. ( F ) |
2. ( C ) |
3. ( D ) |
4. ( B ) |
5. ( E ) |