Pandora’s Box 打开潘多拉的盒子

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According to Greek myth, a Titan named Prometheus brought fire to mankind, an act that brought man much power. Zeus, the king of the gods, decided to hit back. He wanted to ___1___ men into accepting a gift, a menacing present that would bring them misery. Fearful of his rage, men would accept ___2___ from him, however, so Zeus devisedsubtle plan.


(A) granted

(B) fool

(C) not

(D) reverse

(E) sorrowful

(F) ultimately

(G) shortly

(H) nothing

(I) unfortunate

(J) hope


Zeus created the first woman, Pandora, and ___3___ her many unique characteristics. He also gave her a special box, but warned her ___4___ to open it. Pandora hid the box ___5___ after her marriage to Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus. But one of her ___6___ characteristics was curiosity. She tried to resist temptation, but when she ___7___ gave in and opened the box, she realized too late that she had made a terrible mistake. For inside, Zeus had placed all that made men ___8___. Zeus didn’t want men to live all their lives in despair, however, so he added ___9___ to the box. Then, no matter how difficult their lives became, men would remain hopeful.


(A) granted

(B) fool

(C) not

(D) reverse

(E) sorrowful

(F) ultimately

(G) shortly

(H) nothing

(I) unfortunate

(J) hope


Today, to say that you’ve “opened a Pandora’s box” means that you’ve begun a process that will have a bad outcome. And once it is done, you cannot ___10__ the effects, just as mankind was unable to put all the evil back into Pandora’s box.


(A) granted

(B) fool

(C) not

(D) reverse

(E) sorrowful

(F) ultimately

(G) shortly

(H) nothing

(I) unfortunate

(J) hope


by Seraphim Davidson





rage [redʒ] n.(一阵)狂怒,盛怒

devise [dɪˋvaɪz] v. 设计;发明

temptation [tɛmpˋteʃən] n. 诱惑

despair [dɪˋspɛr] n. 绝望

outcome [ˋaʊt͵kʌm] n. 结果;结局


More Information



Titan [ˋtaɪtn] n.【希神】泰坦

Prometheus [prəˋmiθjəs] n.【希神】普罗米修斯

Zeus [zjus] n.【希神】宙斯(希腊神话中的主神)

menacing [ˋmɛnɪsɪŋ] adj. 险恶的

subtle [ˋsʌt!] adj. 狡猾的;精明的

Pandora [pænˋdorə] n.【希神】潘多拉(第一个来到人间的女人)

Epimetheus [͵ɛpə'miθiəs] n. 泰坦巨神厄庇米修斯

give in 投降, 屈服 abandon, surrender

grant [grænt] v. 给予,授予

sorrowful [ˋsɑrəfəl] adj. 悲伤的,伤心的



Myth of Pandora's Box






1. ( B )

2. ( H )

3. ( A )

4. ( C )

5. ( G )

6. ( I )

7. ( F )

8. ( E )

9. ( J )

10. ( D )